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Lv 7
blm asked in SportsRugby · 9 years ago

Was the relegation match between Wasps-Newcastle game last weekend moot?

Looking at the RFU Championship semi-finals, London Welsh and Bedford both have significant leads, but neither has a grounds which will meet the requirements for promotion. So unless Bristol pulls off a miracle, Newcastle get to stay in the Premiership anyway?


Edit: Yeah -- I've got to wonder in the relegation model is appropriate to the professional era. But if you "freeze" the Premiership, how do you choose which squads. Bristol and Leeds-Carnegie, and London Welsh (amongst others) all seem cabable of maintaining a team at that level, and you can bet that there would be some serious legal challenges should they be denied chance to join (or rejoin) the Premiership.

@Frazer: There's nothing left to forfeit this season. Wasps are one point ahead of Newcastle and the season is over for both clubs. And if Wasps should go into administration, they would only be penalized points at the beginning of next season -- and then only if they fail to give the RFU adequate notice.

Update 2:

And it now seems that Wasps have found a rescuer and new fiancing through a former player, Ken Moss. See .

3 Answers

  • Mark L
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It seems so. Whether this is a good idea is very much dependent on point of view. As a matter of competitive rugby, I like relegation/promotion schemes. But in an age of professionalisation of the game, it is very hard to implement on an absolute basis without commercially penalizing the teams who manage to stay out of relegation danger.

    So, if we are operating in a professional world, where will the RFU go - to penalize Newcastle or Bedford? It's a conundrum.

    Mark L

  • 9 years ago

    Newcastle will stay up, Bristol need 22 points to be promoted or whatever happens after they win, wasps could also be in danger though as I have heard they could be going into administation and will automatically forfeit.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    IMO relegation is an archaic model. The American system has been shown to be the best financially.

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