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RHH: what type of music critic would you consider yourself?

Are you pretty fair? Not easily impressed ? Harsh? Etc..

Bq -

What's your opinion of Freddie Gibbs ?


which decade would you say you listen to the most?

80s. 90s or 00s?

20 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If somebody asked me to rate an album on here, I'd probably be a little too positive if anything. I tent to rate albums based on how much I personally enjoyed them, so I could enjoy an album alot while it mightn't be deserving of such a high score from a purely objective standpoint. If if I was doing an official review for Banjo's blog, then I try to be more objectively based and look for any flaws so overall I'd say pretty fair.

    BQ: He's one of my favourite newish rappers. I can't wait for the Madlib collab to drop.

    BQ2: I can actually give you a very exact answer since I have them organized into playlists on my iPod... I got 3634 songs from the 00's, 1176 from the 90's, and only 82 from the 80's (lol). So as you can see there's far more from the 00's.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I am probably a bit of all those.

    I'm not easily impressed yet I wont judge most of the **** I dislike cause I don't like training my thoughts with garbage. (Maybe I'm a little harsh too.. !=o ) I usually critique music if I feel like the music is worth a listen and has something worth judging. So I guess my giving my opinion at all means I must like it in some way or another.(Pretty fair?)

    Freddie Gibbs is really legit. Although I think some of the wrong ears listen to it and he doesn't get the credit he deserves from real rap fans because they overlook it and throw it into the mix with stuff he might come off to sound like.

    I definitely listen to new music the most, I'm always trying to find new songs by fresh artists to add to my collection. If I'm not trying to learn or find something new to keep up with stuff, I'm listening to some 90's. I probably have Hov on 30% of the time lol

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I think i'm pretty harsh as a critic and i rip a lot of rappers, but i do recognize how mucheffort and skill it takes to do what they do.

    BQ: Haven't heard a lot of him, but he's just not my style. A couple people in this section talked about him, so i thought i'd give him a listen, but there was nothing real special.

    BQ2: Definitely 90s, but i'm starting to listen to a lot more from the 00s. I also listen to a bit of late 80s, so my taste stretches over a couple of decades.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't think I'm very fair at all. Most of my ratings are biased, for reasons like if

    the album doesn't get very many stamps of approval from regs on here, the

    artist, stuff like that. I gave Strange Clouds an 8/10 even though B.O.B

    can do better than that if he loses the swag-rap tracks and ditches all the

    vocal features. My expectations were so low.

    BQ: I love his style. Very up front, unapologetic. Great flow as well.

    BQ2: '00s, partially because no one recs a lot of 90s albums on here. It's

    all '00s stuff.

  • 9 years ago

    I feel that I'm pretty fair in my judging, but I am definitely not easily impressed,

    BQ - He's got a great flow, and he's popular enough to fund his music but not so much to where he's sold out and commercialized. Overall pretty good.

    BQ2 - 90's, but I'll listen to some late 80's early 00's from time to time. Early 80's is too raw for me, but late 00's and on are too commercialized.

    Source(s): Avid hip-hop enthusiast.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I'm not a harsh critic, I don't go around bashing or anything only because I feel I don't have the right to, if It doesn't sound right then I just ignore it.

    BQ: 90s & 00s

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    1. How many MP3's do you have on your iTunes, Windows Media Player and are you a discography person etc? b) 5000-10000 - I've got a few full discographies, but I don't really listen to them. More for completion.. 2. Do you own any pieces of memorabilia? a) A Few things here and there... 3. How do you like to listen to your music? a) I'm straight with headphones/my car stereo 4. Do you dress in the hip hop style? b) Doesn't appeal to me apart from the odd t-shirt 5. Do you have any serious interest in the elements beside Rapping? b) I actively scratch, break or tag.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I try and be as open-minded and as objective as possible. And usually when I'm not, I'll say why I have a bias against a certain artist/genre/area of hip hop

    BQ: Amazing flow, sometimes I don't care for his subject matter or it can get repetitive, usually not for the most part

    BQ2: 00's

  • 9 years ago


    BQ: Not a fan but at least he has talent

    BQ2: 90s for sure

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Pretty fair....i rate things for what they are...i don't rate a Nelly album the same way i would do a Immortal technique album because they are trying to do two different things...I also try to be as non-bias as i can...

    BQ: He's dope but he's really a douchebag....Not sure where he is trying to go musically yet....sounds like a sell out in the making to be honest.

    BQ2: 2000's least nowadays....

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