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Lloyd J asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 9 years ago

Is Ocean acidification a hoax?

I have heard many times that global warming is causing the ocean to acidify and this is killing the coral reefs. It only took a few minutes of research to find that the ocean is actually alkaline and it is moving very slowly toward neutral. Since neutral would be the optimum environment for sea creatures to grow, how can this be such a bad thing? I realize that many ocean creatures have adapted to the alkaline environment and if they fail to adapt to a more neutral environment, they will die off. But evolution tells us that species will adapt and evolve to the new conditions. If anything a more neutral ocean will allow for a wider variety of ocean animals to flourish. So why do greenies and alarmist try to convince people that the ocean is turning into an acid bath by using this language? It severely damages their credibility to anyone who does a small amount of research into the issue.


Actually several responders who claim to understand evolution better than I have tipped their hand as to their ignorance. Significant evolutionary change only occurs when the environment puts a strong stressor on a species, killing off a large percentage of the genome. So long as the environment is stable, little or no change occurs in the genome. Also, genetic change is a function of the life duration of a species. Small animals can change dramatically in relatively short time periods due to the shortness of their life cycle.

25 Answers

  • Maxx
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Basically... Yes.

    It happens, but it's not a problem.

    Ocean acidification happens all the time — naturally

    Ocean Acidification Hysteria Is Unwarranted

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Ocean Acidification Hoax

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): End Times Prediction
  • 5 years ago

    No. No it s not. Not even a little bit. It only requires a mild understanding chemistry, biology, and geology to to understand how the ENTIRE carbon cycle is diminishing an already exasparated food supply. We here in the usa do not realize the constantly and forever existing food shortage thanks to secretary Butz. Nevertheless it exists. Now. You tell me how an ocean not operating at ideal conditions, coupled to a tremendous amount of energy being released by currently melting permafrost then warming our oceans at an alarming rate trough our warming atmosphere, then energy stored in the ocean is released back into our atmosphere locked in h20 vapor which follows the same ocean currents it has for eternity right to the plains of the usa and Canada. Where most of the worlds food is grown, won t screw up everything. Have you ever seen people? They re morons. Everything I just mentioned IS intimately connected. With population growing exponentially, food must follow. 10 billion armed and hungry humans is a logical product of our current carbon cycle. Ocean acidification is a very small part of that. As far evolution is concerned... Anyone like jellyfish? I Don t want to eat jelly fish. Neither will your grandkids. Too late to fix it now. In other words... We blew it. Solar radiation=>co2 in atm &photosynth=> co2 to our oceans(hazard takes more of a form of heat although acidification is bad as well.) Photosynth removes co2 then dies and over millions of years forms hydrocarbons which are broken by humans drive places forming more co2. Co2 stores heat. You eat food. This is rather simple stuff. Ask anyone who claims hoax to recite the first law of thermo. They can t. Because they probably learned their facts from joe rogans podcast or some yahoo answers bro... Don t take it from me. Do the research yourself. Understand how these processes work and how they are connected. One more common misconception amongst some of my dumber friends is that when you burn something it goes away... It doesn t. My goodness...

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I don't see what is wrong with looking at causes for coral depletion or high Co2 levels in the ocean. If we contribute to it, then I think it's critical to look at the science. Neo-cons are so damn narrow minded. Scientists have already measured the Co2 in the atmosphere and oceans as being way too high. Looking at man as one of the causes is not impractical at all considering the amount that we pump into the atmosphere. I'm all for looking at other natural causes for this phenomenon too. Hell, why even have scientists to show us these things? Don't we want our kids to be able to enjoy the environment?

  • 9 years ago

    You seem to be under the mistaken impression that "neutral" is some sort of ideal state. This is clearly not the case--"neutral" just means "has the pH of pure water", a lot of terrestrial life forms prefer somewhat acidic environments, and current ocean life has largely evolved to deal with somewhat alkaline conditions, there's nothing magic about "neutral". It's a little like the denialists who mindlessly parrot "warmer is better" when many species need, for example, freezing weather to kill off pests or rivals that would otherwise overwhelm them.

    And, generally, species need centuries to adapt and evolve, at a bare minimum. Any sufficiently rapid, sufficiently large change in conditions can cause a mass extinction event. And a mass extinction event in the oceans would have serious consequences for life on land, as well, or at least it would for humans.

    The problem there is that you only did a *very* small amount of research, and read what you wanted to into the words. You saw "ocean acidification", and thought that meant "the ocean is going to turn into a giant vat of acid", not "the ocean is becoming less alkaline, and thus more acidic, than it was before, and that small change will significantly disrupt the biochemistry of organisms that live in the ocean". I'd suggest doing a bit more research before you start saying it's a hoax. Here are a few places to start:

    Source(s): Please check out my open questions
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The evidence is inexorably mounting that the climate alarmists have been taking us all for a ride. It is only be a matter of time before their agenda is exposed as one of the biggest con tricks of all time. Thus they are already scrambling to breathe new life into the CO2 emissions scare. It will become obvious (by the passage of years if nothing else) that increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does not, after all, cause any significant climate change, thus it will be necessary to blame CO2 (and hence man) for some other catastrophic event. So, prepare yourself for the coming “ocean acidification” scam.

  • 5 years ago

    the ocean is more then 10 million times bigger by weight then the extra co2 absorbed,

    so it can have no measurable impact.

    if a flea jumps of an elephant then the elephant will not notice the weight loss.

  • Jeff M
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Who cares if the ocean is alkaline or not? Acidification refers to a decrease in pH which can mean a move from alkaline to neutral or a move form neutral to more acidic. You're playing semantics. How exactly do you figure that a more neutral condition would allow more animals to flourish giving that the animals the exist in the oceans exist in more alkaline waters and are adapted for it? The ones stating that the oceans are turning into an acid bath are not scientists though I am fairly certain you are overstating their arguments. The effects of decreasing pH will affect those creatures that are adapted to higher pH conditions. Scientists did not say that the oceans would turn into an 'acid bath'. Where in the world did you get that from? But yes, recent studies have shown that the oceans vary in pH content, regionally, on a wider scale than was once believed. This does not mean, of course, that decreasing pH won;t have any effect as it will decrease the pH values that come about due to normal variation similar to the way an increase of CO2 increase the temperatures values due to normal variation.

  • 9 years ago

    The issue with acidification is the change will affect a small range of animal at the base of the food chain, such an effect has ramifications right up the food chain, and give the quite high percentage of humans in coastal communities around the world who rely of seafood as a main part of their diet, it would affect us as well.

    That it is changing is not really a debate point anymore the changes are a measured fact, that it will take some time to reach a point where it starts to have serious effects is down to what action we take to curb our addition of Co2 to the atmosphere.

    Your reference to evolution is not really relevant, life doesn't usually respond well to rapid change, evolution works for things that take a long time with slow change, the history of the Earth's shows that rapid change is usually associated with mass extinction, events like the meteor impact that wiped out the dinosaur are extreme examples of such an effect, as are a number of past natural ocean acidification events triggered by very high Co2 levels.

    Having seen your questions before I can guess where this is going, you try to twist this to "greenies and alarmist" when in fact this info is coming from scientists (a classic denier tactic)

    At the present rate of rise we are likely to reach ocean levels were creatures like Krill, corals and Phytoplankton (that use Calcium Carbonate to form shells) will be affected by the end of this century.

    Lab experiments conducted by a number of groups around the world have already shown that at the levels we are likely to see towards the end of this century all three of these groups will be affected and these three make up much of the base of the oceanic food chain.

    Not even going to bother with maxx's nonsense - his cut and paste links speak for themselves - drivel

    Then there P Quill "But Warmon will go ballistic if you use 0.01%" we do! strange I thought we agreed with that figure because we understand that Quill is trying to equate the rise to the volume of the total atmosphere, when anyone should be able to grasp the fact that all greenhouse gases make up just 1% of the total atmosphere, again a pretty standard denier trick, when what is being talked about is the effect not the volume and sadly it's pretty plain who goes "ballistic" when this is attempted to be pointed out to him. Co2 has risen by ~100ppm and that is indeed 0.01% of the total atmosphere by volume but what quill is not so keen to talk about is that before the start of the industrial revolution Co2 was ~0.028% by volume of the atmosphere and that very small volume was responsible for and averaged ~10% of the natural greenhouse effect today that level is 0.039% which is (no matter how you try to spin it a rise in Co2 of almost 40%) this is about the effect not the volume, this has been explained to quill many times but he continues to fixate on the irrelevant comparison of volume, that in spite of his claims, nobody is disputing. What does he offer as evidence usually empty blogs and Youtube links that prove nothing and this one is no different a Science Fiction writer who had a medical degree earned 40 years ago, who worked only briefly in that field before switching to SciFi writing, this is what passes for evidence in the denier camp.

    The other problem with denier theories and conspiracies on this is that the information on acidification is not coming from climate scientists but marine scientists, they are the ones who are the experts on krill and ocean pH levels and how they are changing, but as usual deniers have put very little actual effort into their sad conspiracy theories.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    That's a tricky question.

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