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Lv 5
C B asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

If a white president had sent guns to Mexico which killed hundreds of people would he be a racist?

I should say hundreds maybe thousands of people, all in a plot to build a case against the second amendment. So Mexican lives were purposefully sacrificed to promote an ideology and it's ok with the Liberals because it's the Obama admin?

This case really really bothers me and the MSM is giving this admin a pass. WHY?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No, he would just be a piece of sh*t with no respect for innocent human life.

    The fact Obama continues this god forsaken War on Drugs as is IS NOT COOL.

    Over FIFTY THOUSAND INNOCENT PEOPLE have died in Mexico since 2007.

    Hard drug addicts are beyond simply making a choice. That's what Americans don't understand. Cartels etc. are making BILLIONS exploiting people with physical addictions they can't control.

    Much of the terror happening in Mexico RIGHT NOW is due to competition over WHAT? DRUG PROFITS. And WHY are the drugs so profitable? Because the War on Drugs artificially limits supply and causes the price to skyrocket (no different than Capone, alcohol and prohibition) and the addicts can RARELY control their addictions (meaning they're ALWAYS BUYING).

  • mrcead
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Mexico does not seem too concerned with its people dying daily - US president notwithstanding so I would focus on that little fact before the actions of one president. We are talking candle to sun comparison here.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Presidents Calderon and Obama are 2 beans interior a similar burrito. Neither of them has any theory what they are doing. They both must be thrown out of place of work for his or her incompetence.

  • 9 years ago

    So what? If Mexicans in Mexico want to kill each other, provided it doesn't spill over the border, why care?

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