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Why do straight people care about and think that they should get a say about gay marriage?

isn't gay marriage two people born of the gay orientation getting married? if you're against gay marriage what are you saying? do you think gay people should have a STRAIGHT MARRIAGE? is it a matter of hating gay people so much that you don't think that they should the same rights in their relationship that you do in theirs?

they must realize that being gay is not a choice and this issue ONLY affects GAY PEOPLE which is why i don't understand why STRAIGHT PEOPLE (who will have these rights either way) think THEY should get a say in the destiny of OTHER people's LIVES?


Jack: we live in a REPUBLIC not a democracy. if we lived in a pure democracy we'd have mob rule. YOU DO NOT have the right to vote on the rights of OTHERS while YOU get to ENJOY them. that's unconstitutional.

Update 2:

airjarro: that's to bad because here in america EVERYONE is guaranteed that they are a citizen and the government can't make laws that benefit ONLY SOME citizens and NOT OTHERS. if companies have to pay more that's too bad, because they were supposed to be paying ALL ALONG.

that's like telling black people they can't have health insurance because it would cost employers more money.

that's a REDICULOUS argument.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Only affects gay people? You haven't completely thought this through.

    If gay marriage is approved nationwide and companies are expected to cover health insurance for their employee and anybody they're married to, then companies will be forced to pay more for insurance.

    It is then within the realm of possibility that companies will restrict health insurance to just their employees and nobody else, just to save money.

    Who's problem would that be now? EVERYBODY'S.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    @ Paula

    "When it comes to "marriage", gays have the same rights to marriage as straights (and the same limitations).

    You appear to ask for "special" rights, not "equal" rights."

    Blacks could marry blacks but then they dared to marry those outwith their race! How dare they! They wanted special rights!

    And no wonder, because the American public are terrible at protecting the rights of minorities. Thank god your founding fathers had the foresight to install an independent judiciary.

  • I'm a straight male. I know it's not a choice. The American Psychological Association and The American Psychiatric Association both agree. I actually wrote a paper in my Pysch1101 class last semester about how the physiology of the brain affects sexual orientation. I got an A- on it.

    I support marriage equality for both heterosexual and homosexual couples.

    Source(s): Me
  • 9 years ago

    Cause it people like you who think that other people dont have a say so in the law, and just because your gay means that you can cancel out other people's comments. no im not saying go get with a girl people are just saying your techincally not supposed to get married, or so sais there bogus **** of a book called "the holy bible" LOL

    Source(s): BTW do you talk like jar jar binks? hahahhaa
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  • LAN
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Why are you making up terms? Gay marriage is an oxymoron. It's like saying dog marriage. I'm not saying that they don't love each other, but their relationship isn't the same as a real marriage.

  • 9 years ago

    Calm down. I'm a straight white male. I don't care if you get married or not.

    I voted in favor of your right to get married.

    I'm getting pretty sick of being lumped in with every other person in any group I belong to by no choice of my own. I hear much more of this straight bashing and I'm turning against you.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "They must realize that being gay is not a choice .........."

    YOU must realize that if the US Supreme Court does legalize gay marriage and declare that the Equal Protection Clause guarantees equal rights to gay people in that way or any other way, the Court's ruling has nothing at all to do with demonstrating that the Justices think being gay is not a choice.;_ylt=ArqYJ...;_ylt=AiCZH...

  • Paula
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    When it comes to "marriage", gays have the same rights to marriage as straights (and the same limitations).

    You appear to ask for "special" rights, not "equal" rights.

  • 9 years ago

    Because they're voters. It's called "democracy". Everyone gets a vote!

  • 9 years ago

    i agree. to each their own, thats SUPPOSE to be the "american" way. The way i see it, this is country has been going in reverse for decades and ppl are just now catchin on. its sad really. Worst case, let the states decide.

    Source(s): common sense
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