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JarJar Binks

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  • It's very frustrating that some people think being gay is a choice when there are gay people to ask?

    I have a gay aunt and uncle and I"m gay, I have gay friends. NONE of us have ever experienced choosing to be gay. When puberty hit at 12 i was attracted to boys and couldn't understand why my friends liked girls so much, even before puberty when you have platonic non sexual crushes mine were of boys. i was NEVER molested and grew up in a normal family in the midwest.

    Since there are FIRST HAND EXPERIENCERS of BEING gay, WHY do some people say 'in my opinion being gay is a choice?' They're proven incorrect by the actual FIRST HAND SOURCES of the experience?!

    simply don't get it, usually when something is there that can prove you are incorrect you admit your error and move on. In this day and age, MOST people KNOW a gay person, so everyone has a first hand source to ask to provide proof that being gay isn't chosen. There is absolutely NO excuse to believe this anymore.

    Could it be that some people NEED to believe something that's proven to be untrue to KEEP THEIR WORLDVIEW INTACT?

    Also, I simply don'[t understand why we are talked to in a way that implies that WE ARE TO BLAME for homosexuality. It's like not liking a trait that someone was born with and having angst or subconscious anger towards that person for having that trait.

    If you don't like any trait, why are you blaming the person born with it? It's like being mad at a brown haired person for their hair color... like they had anything to do with it.

    I was always taught to seek the truth, NOT what i 'WANTED" to believe. it's what is referred to as intellectual honesty.

    I've even heard people say 'well there are ex gays so being gay is a choice'.

    FIRSTLY, many people experiment, that does NOT make them gay.

    SECONDLY, many people are bisexual, which is different from being gay or straight.

    Thirdly, many ex gays, are simply gay but trying to 'pretend to themselves that they aren't' There has never been any scientific proof that someone can CHANGE their sexual orientation.

    The fact is the vast majority of gay people did NOT choose to be gay, if ONE person did that DOES NOT MEAN THAT I or my AUNT or FRIENDS DID.

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • when people believe that gays shouldn't be equal it's not bigotry only when it has to do with racial traits?

    I've heard a lot of people against say marriage saying that they're not bigoted they just don't believe that people born with the homosexual orientation (an interior trait) should be able to have a full family life by being able to get married, adopt etc. and to them that's not considered 'bigotry'... failing to understand how it's not.

    being gay is NOT chosen and this is a fact since i'm an unchosen gay person.

    I understand that people don't want to see themselves that way but OF COURSE they are.

    It's very simply I GET SOMETHING and YOU DON"T.. and the reason why is an unchosen trait... that's called BIGOTRY.

    Also, if i'm against interracial marriage isn't that also just a difference of opinion? How come racism is considered a complete no no but bigotry against gays is 'acceptable' and just a different opinion?

  • what do people mean when they say they don't support homosexuality? since it's not chosen.?

    I'm gay and grew up conservative in a religious home and was the most conservative person religiously in the home. .IN fact there was a time when i was very young that I would have given anything to NOT be gay, so that pretty much proves it wasn't 'chosen' there are these first hand experiencers of the phenomena called GAY PEOPLE that you can ask. I never chose to be gay, so when somebody says that they don't homosexuality then whom are they speaking too? can't be the gay PERSON, because it wasn't chosen. are they saying that they don't support God/ and or nature's decision to create this trait?

    if they say they don't support the 'homosexual lifestyle' then they're talking about something that doesn't exist.

    for something to be a lifestyle it has to be both chosen and a behavior. homosexuality is NEITHER of those things. there are gay virgins. i was one until age 26, unlike my heterosexual friends who are much more sexual and lustful than me. I highly doubt millions of people all have the same lifestyle because they have one trait in common.

    is there a blonde hair lifestyle? a black skin lifestyle? do all people with blonde hair live the same types of lives and have the same personality and values and beliefs?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If a random gay person does something bad am i to blame for it even though i live hundreds of miles away?

    every time a gay person does something bad like murder for example, there are people who comment that they 'bring down' the whole gay community or make us 'look bad'. or else i'm told that i need to tell the gay community to do such and such so that I can be seen in a positive light.

    Why am I responsible for a strangers actions i've never met? am i supposed to dedicate my life to getting to know each and every gay person and make sure they run their life in a certain way? who's going to pay for the TRAVEL costs and the room and board? am i responsible for their actions?

    if a random straight person does something is EVERY STRAIGHT person to BLAME? i could have sworn that each persons actions are THEIR responsibility.

    FYI all gay people do NOT KNOW each other OR HAVE THE SAME LIFESTYLE or HAVE THE SAME LIVES.

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • I have lost 5 pounds in two weeks with the insanity workout.?

    I have lost 5 pounds in two weeks with the insanity workout

    I wasn't really heavy to begin with i'm 6'1"male and i started off at 180 pounds. i'm down to 175 pounds in two weeks! I already have abs after two weeks. my goal is to just lost another five pounds of fat. i also weight train three days a week as well. i didn't follow the diet with it exactly. i'm eating how many calories it says but i'm not eating the exact foods it says, because i can't afford to buy the speciality things.

    Anybody else get good results with this?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I have lost 5 pounds in two weeks with the insanity workout.?

    I wasn't really heavy to begin with i'm 6'1"male and i started off at 180 pounds. i'm down to 175 pounds in two weeks! I already have abs after two weeks. my goal is to just lost another five pounds of fat. i also weight train three days a week as well. i didn't follow the diet with it exactly. i'm eating how many calories it says but i'm not eating the exact foods it says, because i can't afford to buy the speciality things.

    Anybody else get good results with this?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do people believe that women are automatically more gentle than men? i wish that were the case.?

    for some reason, I"m way more gentle and nurturing and caring than my mom. She is very blunt, hates weakness, very unsympathetic and is very critical and harsh with her words.

    Is this normal? Why do people think women are automatically nice and men automatically mean?

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • kissing my boyfriend at the movies?

    I'm gay and I like to put things on here about it because it helps me understand how people react plus to piss off bigotted people.

    I kissed my boyfriend at the movies the other night, not tongue or anything but a kiss. I live in North Dakota and it's pretty conservative here. I've lived here my whole life. Why do some people stare at us throughout the rest of the movie? are they planning on assaulting us in their mind or are they jealous?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How do i get girls to stop asking me out.. i get asked out a lot and they get mad when they find out i'm gay?

    I currently have four girls pursuing me. i am out of the closet but i don't like to just tell people right off the bat. i have three girls at work that are pursuing me, asking me out and i keep making excuses why i can't go, also another girl that still calls me from my past job.

    I guess i'm good looking, i have a swimmers body. I want to date a guy but i'm looking for a guy who likes me because he likes ME, and NOT just my body.

    what is the best thing to say to these girls to not hurt their feelings. I told one girl last year and she was very religious and hated me when i told her i was gay. I like these girls and want to be friends with them, they're all sweet. what's the best way to tell them?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • me and my partner have to move away to get married and my mom is very upset.?

    we live in North Dakota that offers NOTHING for gay couples, not even domestic partnership. i want to get married and REFUSE to NOT be able to while my sister and her husband can. we have a closer relationship than they do and it's JUST AS VALID.

    now we have to move to Iowa to get married, while my sister gets to live here.

    the issue is i'm VERY close to my mother and my sister isn't but i can't live in a state where i can't get married, so are going to move to IOWA.

    my mom is very upset that i'm moving, and if it wasn't for this i'd stay right here in ND. How should i break the news to my mom that i have to move? she's going to be very upset since i'm the one that's closes to her.

    14 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • what do people who are against gay marriage think gay people are to do? and why do they think they get a say?

    being gay isn't a choice. are these people expecting gays to marry straight people? why should straight people get to vote on this when the issue or vote doesn't impact them in any way, and many of them believe being gay is a choice.

    why do they think SOMEONE ELSE's marriage is ANY of their business?

    should i be able to vote on whether or not some minority group gets to vote or attend school?

    15 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why don't more men use oil of olay regenerist?

    It works really well, i've been using it for a year, and people keep asking me why i look so much younger. I'm 35 and most people think i'm 25 this wasn't the case before i started using this daily. I even get carded at bars again.

    Just because it's sold for women doesn't mean men can't use it. and yes i'm gay, but straight guys can use it too.

    1 AnswerMakeup9 years ago
  • should i put a picture of my same sex partner on my desk at work?

    i work with mostly women and a few guys. all of them are either married or have boyfriends and girlfriends and many of them have pictures of their partners on their desks. my company has a non discriminatory policy against gays and even lets them include our unmarried partners on our health insurance since we can't get married. (constitutionally we can but there are laws that violate the constitution and say we can't)

    anyway, most of them know i'm gay. i told a few of them and i think they spread it around.

    I really want to put his picture on my desk.

    what do you think i should do?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • I hate my job so much i'd almost rather be homeless or in jail than be there? what did i do in a past life ?

    I work in a call center, I've never hated a job or a company ever in my whole life. the customers are calling US for service and most of them are aholes. Why are you so MAD if you're calling US?

    i LOATHE talking in the phone, i LOATHE the meaninglessnes and business of it. the management sucks and i work the graveyard shift, which is kind of a blessing because the call volume is at least somewhat lower.

    I recently had a job interview to be a vender for frito lay where i stock chips ON MY OWN for 40 hours a week. I just had the third interview where i ride along for the day, but i was told i'd have to wait until two others had their drive alongs to hear back. i was SO disappointed because i thought i had the job.

    I would almost rather be homeless and destitute then go to my current job for ONE single day, except i have a cat to take care of who i love a lot but i've even considered give her to my parents so i can be homeless or blow my brains out.

    I am not uneducated, i have two bachelors degrees one in history and one in religion.

    What was i so stupid to take a job in a call center? help!!!

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Frito Lay hiring process, does the ride along mean i have the job?

    I had a first interview over the phone and then a second interview in person. then i was called to go on a ride along and I went on a ride along yesterday. i was pretty nervous but i jumped right in and helped stock at the store but i really want this job. when we got done with the ride along the manager said that there were two others that were doing ride alongs after his vacation in a week and that he would call me if i get hired. I was very disappointed because i thought the ride along meant that i had the job and that they were just doing it to make sure i knew what the job was about. Does his response mean that i didn't get hired because i did something wrong on the ride along?


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Frito Lay hiring process, does the ride along mean i have the job?

    I had a first interview over the phone and then a second interview in person. I went on a ride along yesterday. i was pretty nervous but i jumped right in and helped stock at the store but i really want this job. when we got done with the ride along the manager said that there were two others that were doing ride alongs after his vacation in a week and that he would call me if i get hired. I was very disappointed because i thought the ride along meant that i had the job and that they were just doing it to make sure i knew what the job was about. Does his response mean that i didn't get hired because i did something wrong on the ride along?

    Food Service9 years ago
  • Why do straight people care about and think that they should get a say about gay marriage?

    isn't gay marriage two people born of the gay orientation getting married? if you're against gay marriage what are you saying? do you think gay people should have a STRAIGHT MARRIAGE? is it a matter of hating gay people so much that you don't think that they should the same rights in their relationship that you do in theirs?

    they must realize that being gay is not a choice and this issue ONLY affects GAY PEOPLE which is why i don't understand why STRAIGHT PEOPLE (who will have these rights either way) think THEY should get a say in the destiny of OTHER people's LIVES?

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • is it normal to fantasize about being captured and turned into a sex slave and embarassed by a group of guys?

    i have had a fantasy for a long time about getting captured by a group of guys. some around my age, maybe some younger around 18 and being stripped naked with a shock collar on me. some of the guys would taunt me and slap my face and head and stuff and i would be told to kiss their asses and feet or else get shocked by the collar. also they'd take pictures of me and stuff for blackmail purposes.

    they would make me suck their c-ck and they would take turns nailing me all the while laughing at me and making me do and say humiliating things. after it was over they would have enough pictures of me so that i would be forced their slaves both individually and as a group whenever they want forever.

    Is this a normal fantasy?

  • my dad calls subs, submarine sandwhiches?

    my dad still says calls subs from subway submarine sandwhiches. it's embarassing. he says this in front of others when he is ordering a sub. he talks about what kind of submarine sandwhich you want. one time the guy at the register didn't know what a submarine sandwhich was when he ordered.

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Am i afraid of sex, is it wrong to care about sexual morality to a certain extent?

    I'm 35 and i've only been with one other person and that was like five years ago. i'm gay. I've always been very into religion and spirituality. the gay scene is definitely NOT full of people who are. I don't know if it's me that's in the wrong. what makes it worse is that since i am in great shape lots of guys want to be with me. which is good and bad. I am a christian in a united church of christ church. i even have a degree in religion from college. I've always lived my life in a way that i believe it's best to treat others as i want to be treated. I'm not 'against' sex, but i move at such a slow pace when it comes to relationships and i haven't found any other gay men to be like this. Is there something wrong with me? everybody thinks i'm weird

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago