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what do people who are against gay marriage think gay people are to do? and why do they think they get a say?

being gay isn't a choice. are these people expecting gays to marry straight people? why should straight people get to vote on this when the issue or vote doesn't impact them in any way, and many of them believe being gay is a choice.

why do they think SOMEONE ELSE's marriage is ANY of their business?

should i be able to vote on whether or not some minority group gets to vote or attend school?


how would i know: why aren't you equating straight marriage with marry ing a dog? gay marriage and straight marriage are about EQUALLY related to marry a dog.

Also: having sex doensn't make you gay. so how would not having sex with a man change my sexual orientation? not that i'm not going to just because YOU say so.

Update 2:

richard: you don't GET the right to 'vote' in it because it's none of your business.

also, marriage gives GOVERNMENT BENEFITS which makes denying it to us unconstitutional.

either we can ALL get married or NOBODY can.

are my parents not married because they got married in a courtroom and are not christian?

Update 3:

angry candy: are you saying that people with the straight orientation aren't straight until they have sex? are you saying that they're not straight in between the times they have sex?

you must realize i've been gay my whole life, and that includes MANY YEARS before I ever had sex

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In my opinion, the public shouldn't have a say in what two people choose to do.

    I'm a conservative and I think the constitution is an embodyment of the natural human rights.

    The people who choose to go against gay marriage are Social Conservatives and Authoritarians. They believe that morals can be regulated by government even if they don't interfere with anyone's choices. That ideaology should be rejected.

    If a church or any private/religious institution wants to set a criteria for marriage, they should have every right to do so, but the State should have no right to make that choice.


    Wow, a lot of people don't agree with me that gay marriage should be legal.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    @ Angry Candy

    "Gay people don't choose to be gay? Are you saying that your lover is a rapist? Do you want me to believe that all of your sexual experiences are really nothing more than an act of tyranny?"

    You can be gay and not have gay sex. Before you had sex (assuming that is not the reason you are always so mean and angry) were you without a sexual orientation. When you stop defining people soley by the sex they engage in you might learn something.

    It actually doesn't matter at the end of the day if it is a choice or not. Religion is a choice and we don't ban them from marrying or sanction discrimination on that basis nor require them to give up their faith to qualify for state services etc. If society is tolerant and believes in freedom, equality and rights for everyone then it doesn't matter if it is a choice or not.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    In my beliefs, prohibiting gay "marriage" is not discrimination. I agree that everyone is made equal and deserves kindness and respect. However, homosexuality is not genetic and that is a fact. The reason for this is because people can change their sexual orientations multiple times. You cannot change your DNA multiple times. I for one do not believe that it is strictly a choice, though. It is an environmental factor that can be influenced by many things. On the topic of same-sex "marriage," homosexuals do not apply for marriage. Marriage is simply a religious tradition that has been performed for many years. The reason for homosexuals not applying is because it breaks the tradition and people are trying to change history. Sure, they can get some other legal bond (eg. civil union) but they shouldn't be attacking deep religious backgrounds. To clarify how homosexuals do not apply, marriage is strictly between a male and female. It has been that way for two thousand years. A homosexual trying to marry a person of the same gender is the same as a white man applying for a scholarship for black people. Please do not take offense; I am a free thinker just like you.

  • 5 years ago

    I am a lesbian lady who's firmly antagonistic to equal-intercourse marriage. Same-intercourse marriage isn't a 'marriage' in any respect. Marriage is a God-given reward that's intended to hyperlink the 2 sexes, guy and lady, mom and dad. I do consider that equal-intercourse couples, (I.E me and my accomplice) must receive complete authorized rights and advantages. I do consider it's unfair that within the state I are living in (Florida) technically speakme, my accomplice Christine is a stranger to me. But we must NOT be married. I am all in favour of civil unions for equal-intercourse companions, regardless that.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    At one time America was ruled by the majority,as it should be.Homosexuals are about 3% of the population and should not even be considered.The 97% straight people are forced pay for totally useless AZT treatments for the 3% which get AIDs simply because of their deviant behavior.This money is totally wasted on AIDS research.When you get AIDS,you are DEAD;no exceptions.This money should be spent on research of diseases which affect 100% of the population,not 3%. Every serial killer in the US. in the last 50 years has been homo or bi-sexual,with one single exception;Son of Sam.That pops the "we're good people just a little different LIE" balloon

    Source(s): Irrefutable FACTS
  • 9 years ago

    Well, for me, I believe what the Bible says marriage is. It was created by God who used a man and a woman. So I don't mind if gays want to be friends or even live together but it's not possible for them to marry from a Biblical viewpoint. If you've ever read the Bible you'll see that God's very much against gay marriage is pretty much out of the question for gays anytime I have a vote in it.

    I guess you haven't been paying attention to current events but states have allowed people to vote over this and most states have voted against this. Also, marriage is a state right has nothing to do with the consitution and personally I don't think the Fed has the right to give anyone money for any reason (although I understand that they do).

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because, you see if gay people get married then that makes a mockery out of my 30 years old marriage, and of marriage all together. I mean at least that is what people say.

    No, seriously, there is no logical reason to be against gay marriage. I really do not get why, if two consenting adults of the same sex who have been together for years want to get married why they can't.

    If it is a religious reason, then fine no one is saying that a church has to be involved. Just let the gay couple get a legal marriage license, and get married by a judge at City Hall. Before anyone says anything about Civil Unions, they do not give the same benefits as my hubby and I have, and they are not recognized by the Federal Govt or State by State.

  • Jo
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Although I have no problem at all with gays getting married-the constant theme across the board doesn't appear to be the act of being joined as one but in the use of the word marriage to define it.

    Personally, I think that the arguing of semantics on both sides of the spectrum is counterproductive.

    I also do not think that the government should be in any shape way or form involved in the marriage process. It is a religious thing.

    Everyone, married or not should be taxed on their income-none of this filing jointly. No more child tax credit either-it costs a lot of money to raise a child but why should the childless neighbor not only have to pay for the schooling of said child but essentially have to pick up more of the general tab because the neighbor with the kid gets a break?

  • 9 years ago

    Being gay isn't a choice when you have a population that watches an average of six hours of TeeVee per day telling them that being gay isn't a choice and that promotes the homosexual lifestyle with garbage like Glee and American Idol.

    To be honest, no one really cares who gays marry, who they don't want to marry or who they have or don't have sex with, the Sewerstream Media is forcing this ridiculous issue onto the people to divide them and keep them distracted on nonsensical issues.

  • 9 years ago

    Ok, I live in a family that does. Does not in any way support gay rights and people. I, on the other hand, do support it. If you've never experienced what it's like to be gay, it's hard to thik about why they are. I don't think it's a choice, but I don't see how people are born that way.... But we just don't get it. Why is there even a vote on if gay people can get married? People who have red hair, blue hair, no arms, one leg, can get married, but theres nothing wrong with gay people. I really don't like calling them gay either. It's a rude remark. I mean, they don't gay park they're car, they dont gay eat an ice cream cone!

    Source(s): My mind!!! :)
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