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It's very frustrating that some people think being gay is a choice when there are gay people to ask?

I have a gay aunt and uncle and I"m gay, I have gay friends. NONE of us have ever experienced choosing to be gay. When puberty hit at 12 i was attracted to boys and couldn't understand why my friends liked girls so much, even before puberty when you have platonic non sexual crushes mine were of boys. i was NEVER molested and grew up in a normal family in the midwest.

Since there are FIRST HAND EXPERIENCERS of BEING gay, WHY do some people say 'in my opinion being gay is a choice?' They're proven incorrect by the actual FIRST HAND SOURCES of the experience?!

simply don't get it, usually when something is there that can prove you are incorrect you admit your error and move on. In this day and age, MOST people KNOW a gay person, so everyone has a first hand source to ask to provide proof that being gay isn't chosen. There is absolutely NO excuse to believe this anymore.

Could it be that some people NEED to believe something that's proven to be untrue to KEEP THEIR WORLDVIEW INTACT?

Also, I simply don'[t understand why we are talked to in a way that implies that WE ARE TO BLAME for homosexuality. It's like not liking a trait that someone was born with and having angst or subconscious anger towards that person for having that trait.

If you don't like any trait, why are you blaming the person born with it? It's like being mad at a brown haired person for their hair color... like they had anything to do with it.

I was always taught to seek the truth, NOT what i 'WANTED" to believe. it's what is referred to as intellectual honesty.

I've even heard people say 'well there are ex gays so being gay is a choice'.

FIRSTLY, many people experiment, that does NOT make them gay.

SECONDLY, many people are bisexual, which is different from being gay or straight.

Thirdly, many ex gays, are simply gay but trying to 'pretend to themselves that they aren't' There has never been any scientific proof that someone can CHANGE their sexual orientation.

The fact is the vast majority of gay people did NOT choose to be gay, if ONE person did that DOES NOT MEAN THAT I or my AUNT or FRIENDS DID.


Scott B: how did you come to the conclusion that i was saying that gay people are unable to choose if they have sex or not? why would gay people have any less ability to choose their partners or lack thereof than straight people? Are you only a heterosexual while having sex? if so what sexual orientation are you while you are not having sex?

i here this question a lot from straight people, do all straight people only have a sexual orientation while having sex and if so, how do you have sex if you dont have a sexual orientation until you being the sex act?

Update 2:

Gil: homsexuality isn't a behavior, it's a sexual orientation, that included both ROMANTIC and sexual attraction to people of the same gender that wasn't chosen.

Also, how many straight people NEVER have sex their whole lives or fall romantically in love with someone? half a PERCENT?

how about when the majority of straight people do this then the majority of gay people will too. Otherwise you're just asking gay people to do something that YOU are not willing to do. People are wired with a drive to have sex and to fall in love with someone. those drives are NOT BAD

Update 3:

Mark: i've just explained to you that i was born with my sexual orientation and SO WERE YOU. How about if you try changing yours and if you do then i will do the same.

Also, it's not a scientific question. Science is used for questions that there are no FIRST HAND SOURCES FOR. if a plant could tell us all about it's makeup and evolution we wouldn't need science to study it.

when it comes to gay people, we are able to speak and tell you.

Also,,, where is the straight gene? since there isn't one does that mean that you felt both attractions and chose to be straight?

Update 4:

Cpt Crash. I could care less about strangers acceptance. What i do care about is not having the ABILITY LEGALLY to FULLY live my life because people choose to believe lies that have already been proven incorrect.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    About 19 years ago, a court in Colorado heard a case in which expert witnesses testified about this subject, and after all the testimony, the judge issued his opinion:

    "One of the hot debates among witnesses addressed the question of whether homosexuality is inborn, a product of 'nature,' or a choice based on life experiences, a product of 'nurture.' Plaintiffs strongly argue that homosexuality is inborn. ... Defendants argue that homosexuality or bisexuality is either a choice,or its origin has multiple aspects, or its origin is unknown. The preponderance of credible evidence suggests that there is *a* biological or genetic 'component' of sexual orientation, but even Dr. Hamer, the witness who testified that he is 99.5% sure there is *some* genetic influence in forming sexual orientation, admits that sexual orientation is not completely genetic. The ultimate decision on 'nature' vs. 'nurture' is a decision for another forum, not this court, and the court makes no determination on this issue."

    Ruling by Judge Jeffrey Bayless, a Colorado trial court judge, in the 1993 case of Evans v. Romer.

    Even if the US Supreme Court ends up ruling that gay marriage must be legal because of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, that doesn't "prove" anything either. Because the Sup. Ct. has never limited the meaning of the Equal Protection Clause to only characteristics that people are born with and can never change. The Sup. Ct. applies the Clause to anything at all that they feel like applying it to, with no rhyme or reason as to what criteria they are using.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes I am sure that can be very annoying. You must take this like any other teasing; cutting it out of your mind as an annoyance and causing the person with the annoying point of view to get bored of bringing the subject up for debate.

    Don't get me wrong I am not against you, though I am trying to explain some realities to you. Who ever is of the opinion that it is a choice is probably somebody you won't be able to convince otherwise, therefore it is smarter to (1) not get drawn into such a debate (2) take a stand which causes them to get bored with the topic (3) don't let it bother you. If once or twice you feel that the two of you are in a situation in which this person is being sincere and agreeable, then maybe you could try to bring it up.

    I am not gay therefore I am not annoyed by this, but due to my analysis I urge you to take this as you should any other debate which you know would not be productive or winnable.

    Source(s): share your opinions:
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There is no point trying to convince those that are stubborn in their Bible-worshiping ways. No evidence produced through scientific inquirery (like differences in brain scan images or research of hormone levels in the womb among many others) or finding by Biblical scholars (that actually place the passages in historical context based on the meanings of words from thousands of years ago and not what they mean now). They just like their hating, bigoted ways because it makes them feel better to vilify people. They don't understand that bullying and cruel words have an impact on people. They don't see that what they spread is hate because they hide it in their self-righteousness and "I am right and everyone that doesn't think like me is wrong" mindedness. This is the inherent problem with religions. They breed hatred easier than love.

    But the day will come when all will have equal rights. And then what they say won't matter anymore because their opinion won't have any effect on our lives.

  • 9 years ago

    At the moment, the socially-acceptable "straight" preference is undermining to the homosexuals who play a role in citizenship as does everyone else. It's a disgrace to think that they/we should be treated differently or looked down upon because of something that is uncontrollable.

    Straight people wouldn't understand until someone asked them to stop being straight or stay single for life because it just doesn't look "good" otherwise. No one wants to be lonely for the sake of an "image", no one wants to be someone their not for the sake of an "image", and no one wants to suffer through a relationship they are unhappy in because of an "image".

    So no, it's NOT our choosing to love who we love, it's our choosing to stand aside the majority and fight for what is right. I agree that it's not easy to be this way, nor is it a choice to inflict such gullibility to discrimination upon yourself. But, you must stand tall against those who may stand against you and know that although they may not understand you, well, they certainly won't stand over you.

    Source(s): Gay Pride
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  • 9 years ago

    Are you suggesting you don't have a choice as to who you have sex with and whether or not to have sex. Because I'm heterosexual and I have that choice. If your natural inclination is to have sex with the same gender how can you be sure that's not a physiological dysfunction? Some sexual predator would say they have a predisposed notion towards children, does that mean everyone should accept it? Now I know one is a crime and you are talking about actions between consenting adults, but I find it peculiar as to why you care what I think on the matter?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    When someone tells me that being gay is a choice, I simply ask them if they choose to be straight. And then I tell them "If you made the choice to be straight, guess what? You're probably conflicted".

  • 9 years ago

    You may say you are homosexual, but you can CHOOSE not to participate in that behavior. That is the difference in the racial argument to this. Participating in homosexuality is a behavior. Being black or hispanic is not a behavior. Homosexual behavior does not work because clearly the parts do not fit. And there has never been a child produced from homosexual activity. We should be more concerned about living to please God than living to please ourselves. There are lots of things that I'm tempted to do that I should not participate in and I try to go against my own desires in order to do what's right. I know I'm making way too much sense, but I'm clearly right on this matter. Thanks for reading.

  • 9 years ago

    Doesnt mean that you were born gay either. Many believe Gays were born straight, but thier homosexuallity was "triggered" by an event early in childhood

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    What is frustrating is that you don't just live your life, and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks of you. Low self esteem has you clamoring for everyone's attention and acceptance.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    What issue. I see no issue I don't like you but I woud defend your right to life.

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