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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Why do people think islam is a religion of peace?

To take statistics from the CIA’s World Fact Book (2007):

Depending on the number of Muslims in a country in proportion to non-Muslims, we can see a pattern.

When they comprise 1% of the population, they are regarded as peace-loving minority (Canada, US, China).


At 2% and 3% Muslim populations, Muslims recruit mainly from the jails (Denmark, Germany, UK).


From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population- such as demanding restaurants serve Hallal food and employers provide 5 breaks a day for Muslim employees to pray (France, Switzerland, Sweden).


At 20%, expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, & church and synagogue burnings (Ethiopia).


At 40%, expect widespread massacres, relentless terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare (Lebanon, Chad, Bosnia).


From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Shariah law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels (Albania, Malaysia, Qatar, Sudan).


At 80%, expect State-run ethnic cleansing and genocide (Palestine, Turkey, Egypt, Gaza, Indonesia, Pakistan, UAE, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Bangladesh.)


100% is supposed to usher in the peace of Dar-es-Salaam, the Islamic House of Peace; there should be peace because everyone is Muslim (Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia).

Of course, that’s not the case. To satisfy their bloodlust, Muslims then start killing each other for various reasons.

Now, if Muslims were like other people of the book, these doctrines of murder and domination- among many, many others in the Qur’an- would not be a problem. Christianity and even Judaism have some violent doctrines in their holy scriptures. But do you see Christians running around killing non-Christians? Do you see Jews murdering goyim? No. Christians and Jews, quite thankfully, have integrated into modern society and as a whole rejected the violent and hateful doctrines of their religions.

Muslims have not.

When the Qur’an says to dominate the world in the name of Islam, Muslims take it seriously. When the Qur’an says to murder a non-Muslim for the mere fact that he is a non-Muslim, when it allows for beating one’s wife and forcing women to walk around in bedsheets to hide their “shame”, Muslims take it seriously. All you need to do is look at any Islamic country in the Middle East for evidence.


Atheism ftw.. Or Buddhism, but lets be honest. Christians don't murder over religion anymore. It's archaic. They're peaceful now. Annoying at times, but peaceful.

Update 2:

Darrin you didn't even read what I posted. Xtians savage bible practices aren't practiced anymore. They havent been in a lonnnnnng while. The last people thought to be Xtian terrorists who did the Oklahoma city bombings were actually angry liberals angry at the government.

Update 3:

Doug, I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent. I have a job. :)

Update 4:

Alex, all those atheists you named don't even come CLOSE to the amount of people religious people have killed. Also they didn't kill over religion.

Update 5:

Alex - But did they kill over religion?

Update 6:

Oh, I agree Alex. Anybody can kill over anything, but collective sheep are the most dangerous. That's what I'm saying. And islam is spreading its sheepdom. It's just one more thing to be wary of. A threat.

7 Answers

  • Alex
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lol. Did you just say 'Atheism ftw' in your additional details?

    Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and other communist/atheist regimes have killed the most people in the 20th Century, and quite possibly in the 21st Century, if Kim Jong-un has anything to do with it...

    Islam is peaceful when it is not radical Islam, so as long as they don't smash planes into buildings.

    Hindu's are pretty peaceful too, so are Buddhists and Christians.


    You'd find that the crusades and wars of antiquity were no where near the deaths of Pol Pot, Mao or Stalin. It is estimated that Mao killed 45 million people (when he was killing little girls to bring the female population down) in a span of 4 years, and over his entire rule he committed the genocide of over 75 million people - making him the biggest mass murderer in history.

    Pol Pot, Kim II Sung combined, killed about 10 million people and Stalin killed another 20 million.

    That's well over 100 million deaths. This would be more deaths than all the crusades and revolutions combined, more deaths than all the wars in antiquity involving religion.

    Anyways, my point is - It doesn't matter if they kill over religion or not. My point is, humans regardless of creed or belief can be capable of committing atrocities. I think it's plain stupid to look at someone's religion and classify them as the axis of evil. We need to be able to comprehend that there are soem really bad people out there with some horrible motivations and goals. But by classifying their culture or religion as being violent we incite racial hatred and bring violence upon ourselves. We our one common humanity - not blacks or white, or christian or muslim.

  • 9 years ago

    Christianity is tempered by postmodernism which is really actually heretical for the bible, cause the bible is suppose to be absolute truth.

    Official statistics can be biased like for example if most of the police is just patrolling minority neighborhoods and making arrests there for similar crimes. Surveys can get opinions of people, but they can never be regarded as permanent truth of say the genetic makeup of actual people. To have faith that they are thoroughly mixed with more of your blood for example means that you think surveys have no error, in fact which could be 50% error deviation from the actual truth.

  • 9 years ago

    Y do people consider any religion peaceful? I hate when Christians talk down about how Muslims beleive. If they'd get to know their own bible then they would know that Christianity can be pretty wicke to. Is Islam worse? More radical? Yes but....all of religion sucks. Progress cock blocker and the best war propaganda is all it is.Hahahahahaahaa don't fight war over it? Have you heard of the crusades ? Hahahahahaahaa face it. Religion is a bunch of ****!Wow you sure are ignorant.

  • nobudE
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Witch! She's a witch. I mean a communist, er an immigrant. I mean a jew, i mean a comanche, um a black guy. Crap, i mean a nerd, no a hippie.

    Source(s): Kill him. Or wait no don't. Ugh.
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    If you wanted to seek out the most peaceful religion I do not think you would wind up with the Mulsim/Christian/Jewish god as your first choice.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    One question to you.

    "Did jesus allowed you to make lies about the one fastest growing religion"?.You really worked hard but no one gonna read this whole bullshit of yours.stop propaganda and ask god to guide you too.

  • 9 years ago

    get a real job like the rest of us

    Source(s): $#%
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