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Heres a question for you atheist How would you answer this one?

Before i get to my question or questions. Some of u atheist if not all of you, seem to know more about the bible, then christians do. And you say the bible was wrote by men.

And that the bible is not the word of God. And that it is filled with fairy tales. And that God does not really exist.

And you always say the burden of proof is on the shoulders of those who believe. So then if also falls on you as well. YOU believe there is no God. So u must prove also. If the burden is on the shoulders of those who believe or not. If you believe there is no God, then prove that there is no God. Anyway here's my questions.

1; Do any of you even know what the word of God is?

2 Do you know who the christian God is?

3 If you don't believe the bible is the word of God. Can you prove that it is not?

4 If God does not exist, Then how can you say all the wars were fought for God?

5 If there is no God, then how can you blame God, for all the suffering in the world?

6 If there is no God, then who's to blame?

7Why do you call God a killer of children, If there is no God to blame?

8 How can one blame a God, if there is no God to blame,If its true, Then who does the blame fall upon, Man Or God?

Remember what atheist keep saying and you believe.(God does not exist) So then who is left to blame, If not GOD?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    > "you say the bible was wrote by men" <

    No, I say the Bible was written by men. Even the Bible states who most of the authors are.

    > "you always say the burden of proof is on the shoulders of those who believe" <

    No, I say that the burden of proof falls on those that make the positive or initial claims.

    ...for the rest...

    1) yes

    2) yes

    3) nope, look at burden of proof

    4) I don't. I say that God & the Bible was used as the reason or excuse.

    5) I don't blame non-existent deities for anything.

    6) the rabid fundie followers & believers of whatever god.

    7) I don't. I don't call non-existent deities any names. Besides, the Bible is the one that says that God killed children, and ordered children to be killed.

    8) refer to #5 & #6

  • 9 years ago

    1 If God doesn't exist then how can he speak?

    2 Christianity isn't a mystery religion, they are quite open about they believe.

    3 see 1

    4 People believe they are fighting for their god, that doesn't make it exist outside what people believe.

    5 I don't any more than I blame Sponge Bob

    6 No one's to blame for everyone's suffering.

    7 You can call a fictional character what you want

    8 see 6

  • 9 years ago

    The burden of proof IS on you. The thing (inb this case god) must first be proven before it is accepted and able to be disputed. Without proof of its existence, that in itself is proof of its non existence sine there is a lack of existence proof. I was once religious so I do know what the supposed word of God is. The Christian god is actually the jewish god and his son (doesn't that mean you worship more than one god? Also, if he had the powers of god and was able to be killed, wouldn't that have made him a demigod by default?) The Christian religion was an excuse to abuse powers back in the day and kill, loot, plunder, and rape in the name of god (tell me how THAT makes sense when it goes against all of his laws). The suffering in the world is due to each persons choice to do what they believe is best, even if it is wrong it is their choice and no one else's (unless they were brainwashed and such as in some cases). Man created god in ignorant times where everything was new to people so to be able to cope with it they made up gods as a means of explaining the unexplained. But much has changed and while many more things are able to be explained, that deep rooted ignorance still remains and thus religion is still around even though with the changing of times and the uprising of things such as logic and science. It is in fact due to ignorance that religion is still around.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    1; Do any of you even know what the word of God is? Answer: it makes no difference what you think the word of god is if you cannot demonstrate that your god exists.

    2 Do you know who the christian God is? Answer: No because nobody has shown me that he exists.

    3 If you don't believe the bible is the word of God. Can you prove that it is not? Answer: No, that is why I say I do not believe it is the word of god. If you could prove otherwise I would be interested to hear.

    4 If God does not exist, Then how can you say all the wars were fought for God? Answer: I have never said that all wars were fought for god. Straw man argument on your part.

    5 If there is no God, then how can you blame God, for all the suffering in the world? Answer: I don't. As there is clearly no god the suffering is due to Man in particular and life in general.

    6 If there is no God, then who's to blame? Answer: See previous question.

    7Why do you call God a killer of children, If there is no God to blame? Answer: I don't. I am always careful to say "A god as depicted in the OT....."

    8 How can one blame a God, if there is no God to blame,If its true, Then who does the blame fall upon, Man Or God? Answer: You already asked this under Q.6.

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  • 9 years ago

    "If you believe there is no God,"

    But that's not what I believe. I simply say that in the absence of objective evidence for any god it's not rational to believe in one.

    1. "Word of God" is what Christians call the Bible. They variously claim that he inspired it, authored it, possessed the authors to write his exact words, or filled them with his spirit so they wrote what he wanted them to write.

    2. Yes, I was raised Christian and spent my teen years as a born-again Jesus freak.

    3. Yes, it's too full of contradictions, historical anomalies, obviously self-serving stories and things that are just plain wrong for it to be the word of any perfect god. If you took your blinders off you could see that too.

    4. Wars have been fought in the names of many different gods. Are they all real?

    5. We do not blame any god for suffering in the world; we merely point out that no benevolent god is doing one damn thing about it. To an intelligent person, that's an indication that there's no god out there.

    6. Humans are quite capable of messing up all by themselves, and natural disasters can happen without a magic man in the sky making them happen.

    7. We're pointing out that according to the Bible, the God described killed quite a few children or ordered them killed. That's another one of the contradictions. We're not actually saying we believe that it really happened.

    8. If man is to blame for evil, how can you possibly use that as evidence that your god exists? Or are you saying that your god causes all the evil in the world? If so, why would anyone worship him?

  • 9 years ago

    There are several problems with this.

    Lack of belief does not require proof.

    If God's atrocities are pointed out, that is not to "blame God." It is to make followers of this alleged God realize that they believe in something evil.

    Atheist is singular, atheists is plural.

    You seem to agree that if your god exists, he is to blame. Think about that.

  • 9 years ago

    Was a christian for the longest time, let me answer this.

    1. You claim the bible is the word of God, because the bible says it is.

    2. I know who the christian God is, and he is not the god of the bible. Depending on the level of conservatism in your family he is anywhere from an all loving god to a god that needs to be feared.

    3. There is no evidence the bible is the word of god in the first place. How do you know the Quran isn't the word of god?

    4. They where fought in the name of an imaginary god, whats your point?

    5. We don't, we just use suffering as an example how if he did exist, he sucks at his job. Luckily, such a malevolent being doesn't exist.

    6. Sometimes other men, sometimes no one. Sh*t happens.

    7. The bible describes God as a killer of children, not us.

    8. God is blameless, because he doesn't exist.

    Your questions prove nothing, with the exception that you need an imaginary "God" to have as a scapegoat. I actually expected these questions to have a point, and I regret wasting my time on them.

  • 9 years ago

    You cant disprove something that has not been proven to exist. If i told you that there is an invisible monster behind you would you believe me? No? Then prove its not there.

  • 9 years ago

    Please do not attempt to make a point without adult supervision. Points are sharp and you could hurt yourself.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    "Heres a question for you atheist How would you answer this one?"

    And then goes on to ask 9 questions. Someone is unclear as to the meaning of "This one"...

    but hey, I'll play along.

    1- christians claim that the bible is the "word of god" however, it's always a human being that writes it, or parrots it. Hmmm...

    2- Yes, he is a petulant, savage, violent monster that no one should ever worship. Luckily, he is imaginary, like ALL gods.

    3-Well, bats are not "unclean birds" as the "perfect" word of god claims. If I can't trust the creator of the universe to know that Bats are mammals, how can I possibly trust him on anything else?

    4-Well, you say that wars were fought for Eastern gods, yet you claim they don't exist. Hmmm...

    5-We don't. Nor would we blame Leprechauns, Pixies or Fairies.

    6-Blame who is culpable. It's usually greed or jingoism at work.

    7-Again, we don't. We leave that kind of nonsense to you.

    8-Haven't you read your own questions?

    9-for wasting my time, YOU are to blame actually...

    "And you always say the burden of proof is on the shoulders of those who believe."

    Wrong again. Burden of proof rests upon those that make the positive claim. You claim that a god exists, fine, YOU provide evidence supporting your claim. If you can't, STFU.

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