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? asked in HealthDental · 9 years ago

Home made teeth whittening ?

What are some of the best ways you know of to make your own teeth whitener at home an does it really work??

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sometimes I use lemon juice the acid bleaches your teeth, but it's not a good idea to do it often because it will ruin your enamel, just brush your teeth with it, it's good. In a magazine they. said to mix making soda and lemon juice but it tastes nasty. I know that tooth pastes that claim to whiten your teeth don't work, but pearl drops is really good! Its not that expensive. Hope this helps.

    Good god, please don't listen to cassandra, using hydrogen peroxide is the worst idea I've heard, its poisonous if ingested!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Hello there :)

    I'm a student that has just finished university. While I was there I developed a brand new type of teeth whitener using only proven and FDA approved ingredients.

    It doesn't just work by bleaching stains that are causing teeth to be yellow like most other products out there. Instead, it removes the cause of the yellow - the stains, and also prevents them from coming back.

    For you this means that you will have an attractive, confident smile :)

    If you are interested please message me and I'll tell you some more about it. We are a small UK company that is fully registered with companies house so you can be sure we're genuine!

    I hope to hear from you soon!

    All the best


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Try brushing with baking soda mixed with your toothpaste, or rinsing with hydrogen peroxide. It make take a while to see results though. Or brush 3 times a day with a super whitening toothpaste.

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