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  • Ideas for a P plater car?

    I have a maxium budget of 30k would spend less so i have extra for insurance,tint,rego if needed, number plates etc.

    Been looking at BMWs, lexus and audis from about 2005-2008 are ones that i have found that i can afford or holden calais and ford g6/g6e which would be 2009-2011 that i can afford, Any idea on which is better older or newer ? and eurepean or not ?

    Any other suggestions on cars would be great :)

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Car suggestions for P player in Victoria?

    Okay so going to buy my first car soon. I have a limit of 30k that can include rego and insurance or just be spent on the car. I have a full time job in management and have worked hard to save this money as this will be a car I will have to be driving around in for many years to come I won't one that I like as well as a good car. I was originally looking at a rx8 about a 2007-2009 model.

    I also don't want the car to be to old for safety etc. I would rather it be a sporty car or a sedan rather then a hatch back. Little car. I am also fairly tall so needs to be comfortable inside as well.

    So if anyone has any ideas on cars and have had any experience with the rx8 please let me know

    Thank you

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Good first car for P plater in Victoria?

    I am looking to buy my first car my budget is about 25k, yes i can afford this as i have a well paying permanent job. I want something that looks good, like a sports car or coupe. I want something different to the typical P plater's car. I also would like it to be not highly consuming on fuel so maybe 11L-100km as i wll drive 420km a week to work. But something with a bit of power as i know what it is like driving a car with no power up hills and it drives me insane and i have a lot of hills in my area.

    So any ideas ??

    Thnakyou in advanced

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Should i be getting a managers wage?

    I am doing a managers job at a restaraunt/food place and i am only on a assistant mangers wage there reason is because the manager is on work cover compensation for a back injury but she is okay to go to a music festival called BDO in a different state , i asked them and they said she is still claiming compensation for the "injury" and they cant not pay her it.Is there anything i can do to get the full pay i should be recieving ??

    Btw i live in Victoria, Australia and im 18

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Why is my hair falling out alot ?

    The other day mum said that my hair is getting really thin and then i started to notice when i brush it more seems to come out then normal. Does anyone know why ? and how to stop it or fix it

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Why do people have children if all they do is abuse them?

    Okay I don't have it as bad as some bit why would my mother have me if she says she always wishes I was dead, that she should have killed me when she had the chance, I should walk off a bridge and my dad hits me,drags me by my clothes, throws me against door/walls, breaks the doors I hide behind my mum also hits me to but not as scary as my dad. They're never proud of me no matter what I do. My mum constantly gives me dirty looks, always disgraced by me never wants me to go out with her Nan always hit me with a fly swat and now i have a a phobia of them Why is this? I'm 18 and this has been happening as long as I came remember

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Spring tap water making me feel sick?

    I currently have the flu and haven't eaten since Tuesday and it's now Saturday so I've been drinking alot of water but yesterday it started making me feel really sick, it is spring water from our property and it isn't making my parents or neighbours feel sick. So why is it affecting me?

    2 AnswersHealth & Safety9 years ago
  • Tap water making me feel sick?

    I currently have the flu and haven't eaten since Tuesday and it's now Saturday so I've been drinking alot of water but yesterday it started making me feel really sick, it is spring water from our property and it isn't making my parents or neighbours feel sick. So why is it affecting me?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Why has my tap water suddenly made me feel sick ?

    I currently have the flu and haven't eaten since Tuesday and it's now Saturday so I've been drinking alot of water but yesterday it started making me feel really sick, it is spring water from our property and it isn't making my parents or neighbours feel sick. So why is it affecting me?

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Will i ever be able to have kids?

    I had an abortion in October 2011 i was 18 weeks(for reason's I don't wish to discuss) it all went good and my two week check up was fine, then in February of this year I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks I didn't knoe I was pregnant as I was still getting my period but went to the doctor with serious abdominal pain and they said I misscarried. Then in may I had un protected sex (mistake on a drunken night ) and it was on the the most fertile day and I didn't end up pregnant which is good, but it made me think does this mean ill never be able to get pregnant again, any ideas ??

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • After abortion question?

    After an abortion question? still have thar milky substance coming out of my breast 7 months after an abortion. Why is this?? I was 18 weeks at time of abortion I thought it was only meant to happen for a couple of months, how long do you think it will last?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • After an abortion question?

    still have thar milky substance coming out of my breast 7 months after an abortion. Why is this?? I was 18 weeks at time of abortion I thought it was only meant to happen for a couple of months, how long do you think it will last?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Nose piercing question please help?

    I can only get my nose piercing in half way and I am going to the piercer tomorrow to get it put back in but that will be about 16 hrs after it came out I've only had it pierced 5 weeks is it better to leave it half in or completely take it out?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Good long lasting eyeliner?

    I need a good long lasting eyeliner for my waterline and eyelids, I live in Australia to so might not be able to get ones that some of you suggest. Also i like it very dark. Any suggestions ?

    9 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Nose piercing came half out ?

    So i acidently pulled my nose piercing out when i was taking my make up off it only came half the way out but it wont go back in and i even did exactly what the piercer said. i left it half in for the moment it fell about about 2 hrs ago and i cant go back to my piercer until tomorrow afternoon so what should i do leave it in or take it out cause i dont want it all to close up and should i be able to get a hoop put in instead of a stuf ? i got it pierced 5 weeks ago. Thanx :)

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Titanium or surgical steel?

    Which piercing jewlery is better for the piercing?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • When can i change my nose piercing?

    I keep acidently pull my nose studd out when I take my make up off it's really annoying so I was wondering if I could put a hoop in I've had it pierced 5 weeks

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Home made lip balm recipes?

    Has anyone ever made their own lip balm?? And if so how and what were some good recipes

    4 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Home made teeth whittening ?

    What are some of the best ways you know of to make your own teeth whitener at home an does it really work??

    3 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • Can not loose weight?

    I've tried exercise eating less, eating different foods, calorie counting and my weight isn't moving. What should u I do?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago