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? asked in HealthOther - Health · 9 years ago

Why has my tap water suddenly made me feel sick ?

I currently have the flu and haven't eaten since Tuesday and it's now Saturday so I've been drinking alot of water but yesterday it started making me feel really sick, it is spring water from our property and it isn't making my parents or neighbours feel sick. So why is it affecting me?

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ii believe its your immune System trying to fight because you have the flu im sure your body is not used to having something healthy inside you for quite some time try sipping the water very slowly day by day and go to the toilet regularly to flush out the germ its important to drink plety of liquids. so its nothing to be worried about just try not to over exert youself and get better soon if you could mabye drink warm or luke warm water instead of cold water because sometimes by drinking cold water and your body is so warm it causes you to feel sick so yeah i would try to drink warm water.

  • 4 years ago

    The boffins on the applying agencies let us know that in case you fill a field with faucet water and placed it interior the refrigerator all the impurities and ingredients they put in disappear after some hours. puzzling water is puzzling with the aid of lime content textile and status it for a on an identical time as will sparkling it. something else you could desire to understand - mercury is placed into the water to make it sparkle. something else you could desire to understand - mercury, as quickly as ingested in no way leaves the physique. something else you could desire to understand - mercury motives Alzheimer's. joyful bugger are not I, yet do no longer hardship, we are going to all finally end up doodle-best chum besides. solid success inclusive of your tests.

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