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Will i ever be able to have kids?

I had an abortion in October 2011 i was 18 weeks(for reason's I don't wish to discuss) it all went good and my two week check up was fine, then in February of this year I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks I didn't knoe I was pregnant as I was still getting my period but went to the doctor with serious abdominal pain and they said I misscarried. Then in may I had un protected sex (mistake on a drunken night ) and it was on the the most fertile day and I didn't end up pregnant which is good, but it made me think does this mean ill never be able to get pregnant again, any ideas ??

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    Infertility is one of the side-effects of "safe, legal abortion." Kinda makes abortion not so safe, right?

    Well, the only thing to do is see your OB/GYN for help. Although if you are single and mistakenly having unprotected sex while drunk, you might have more immediate concerns that you should be dealing with besides your fertility.

  • 9 years ago

    you should prob start learning how to have safe sex!

    get yourself on the pill

    yes you prob will be able to. theres only a 20% chance of falling pregnant when you have unprotected sex

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