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Car suggestions for P player in Victoria?

Okay so going to buy my first car soon. I have a limit of 30k that can include rego and insurance or just be spent on the car. I have a full time job in management and have worked hard to save this money as this will be a car I will have to be driving around in for many years to come I won't one that I like as well as a good car. I was originally looking at a rx8 about a 2007-2009 model.

I also don't want the car to be to old for safety etc. I would rather it be a sporty car or a sedan rather then a hatch back. Little car. I am also fairly tall so needs to be comfortable inside as well.

So if anyone has any ideas on cars and have had any experience with the rx8 please let me know

Thank you

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I own a Mazda RX8 and i love it. The only thing is about the car is you need to maintain it right. Your buying a car with a rotary engine which is totally different from a regular piston engine. Its not hard to maintain it but it needs a little more love and care. You need to make sure you change the oil every 3000 miles with 5w20 conventional oil NOT synthetic. You cant baby it, You need to redline it once a day to burn off the carbon build up and when you drive it regularly you should be shifting around 4500 rpms. You also need to wait for the car to warm up before you shut it off or you will flood your engine, You cant just turn it on then turn it off while its still cold. The gas mileage isn't to good at all you get about 18mpg and you need to use Premium gas. I know this all sounds like too much but believe me its not that bad and its worth it.Good luck i hope this helps you.

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