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Ideas for a P plater car?

I have a maxium budget of 30k would spend less so i have extra for insurance,tint,rego if needed, number plates etc.

Been looking at BMWs, lexus and audis from about 2005-2008 are ones that i have found that i can afford or holden calais and ford g6/g6e which would be 2009-2011 that i can afford, Any idea on which is better older or newer ? and eurepean or not ?

Any other suggestions on cars would be great :)

2 Answers

  • DrkLce
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    BMW, Lexus, and Audis are good to drive but expensive to maintain and repair since their is not much aftermarket for parts for them you have to buy from dealer which means they can charge whatever they want so keep that in mind. I would go with a Holden Calais or the ford

  • 8 years ago


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