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? asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 9 years ago

Why is my hair falling out alot ?

The other day mum said that my hair is getting really thin and then i started to notice when i brush it more seems to come out then normal. Does anyone know why ? and how to stop it or fix it


my hair is always up but in like a loose messy bun hardly even in a tight pony tail

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When women suffer from hair loss, their hair follicle is normal but the growth cycle is abnormal. There are also disorders where the hair follicle is damaged. Androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss in women. This is caused by various hormonal imbalances triggered by conditions such as pregnancy and menopause. Another type of hair loss is alopecia areata, which may affect both men and women. This is also known as patch baldness and at its worse can cause all the hair in the head to fall. Telogen effluvium, cicatricial alopecia and traumatic alopecia are the other forms of baldness in women caused by factors such as stress and hair styling practices.

    You are what you eat – and that’s true for your hair as well. A diet containing mostly whole foods, especially the skin of plants such as cucumbers, potatoes, peppers, and even bean sprouts are rich in the mineral silica and contribute to hair strength. Foods like lean meats are high in iron and are essential to the protein-based, building blocks of hair growth.

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  • 9 years ago

    Your best bet is to go to a doctor. If your stressed or if you tie your hair in tight pony tails a lot, that will make your hair fall out

    Source(s): I'm a hairdresser
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    you probably lack nutrition, but i would go see a doc anyway

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