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Should i be getting a managers wage?

I am doing a managers job at a restaraunt/food place and i am only on a assistant mangers wage there reason is because the manager is on work cover compensation for a back injury but she is okay to go to a music festival called BDO in a different state , i asked them and they said she is still claiming compensation for the "injury" and they cant not pay her it.Is there anything i can do to get the full pay i should be recieving ??

Btw i live in Victoria, Australia and im 18


The person who use to be manager has taken another job at headoffice and is just claiming compensasion with no intent to come back to the store.

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No you should not be getting a managers wage. You are not the manager. You have not been hired to replace her. You are simply filling in while she is out due to her injury.

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