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Nose piercing came half out ?

So i acidently pulled my nose piercing out when i was taking my make up off it only came half the way out but it wont go back in and i even did exactly what the piercer said. i left it half in for the moment it fell about about 2 hrs ago and i cant go back to my piercer until tomorrow afternoon so what should i do leave it in or take it out cause i dont want it all to close up and should i be able to get a hoop put in instead of a stuf ? i got it pierced 5 weeks ago. Thanx :)


this happened a week or 2 ago and my piercer put it back in and it hardly hurt like i didnt even noticed she did it and when i got it pierced it was like a prick, but when i try to put it in it hurts really bad and gets very swollen and red. thats why i dont want to do it myself again

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Suck it up and push it in harder. It's only going to get worse if you leave it half out, or fully out and it will hurt way more for your piercer to do it over again.

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