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When can i change my nose piercing?

I keep acidently pull my nose studd out when I take my make up off it's really annoying so I was wondering if I could put a hoop in I've had it pierced 5 weeks

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, wait at least 2 months to change to an alternative stud and 4 months to change to a ring. Rings are not very good for healing, so that's why you have to wait longer. It'll be better in the long run if you allow it to heal fully with a stud, trust me. :P

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You should always allow up to 14 days for healing, although nose piercings can be tricky, because it's also cartilage. If you want a hoop this early on, I would go back to the shop you had it pierced at, and get a professional to change it. If that's not an option, give it a few more weeks to heal.

    Source(s): Apprenticed body piercer.
  • 9 years ago

    If you can take out your piercing without it hurting/swelling I would say its healed enough to change it out.

    Source(s): Pierced nose
  • 9 years ago

    You definately can! When i got mine pierced (1 week ago) my piercer said i can change it after 2weeks, ive already changed it twice tho and its completely fine. Just do it, itl be fine.:)

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