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Spring tap water making me feel sick?

I currently have the flu and haven't eaten since Tuesday and it's now Saturday so I've been drinking alot of water but yesterday it started making me feel really sick, it is spring water from our property and it isn't making my parents or neighbours feel sick. So why is it affecting me?


I'm obviously not eating by choice the look/smell of food makes me feel sick and when I have coughing fits it all comes back up and it wouldn't be to much water cause I drink about 8-10ltrs of water a day. I don't go to doctors as I live in country Australia and my doctor is very bad took 4 trips 3 different lots of antibiotics and a rash to figure out I had an illness

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, this is the wrong section.

    Second, you should ask a doctor not strangers online lol.

    Third, you are probably ill because...

    1. You really need to eat!

    2. You are over drinking and need to replenish your body with food.

    3. You need medicine for your illness.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If in case you have kidney stones, you would know it. They hurt worse than having a little one. When you are not able to drink tap water, by using all way drink most effective bottled water. Or you would get a filter in your tap. That could work.

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