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Why do people have children if all they do is abuse them?

Okay I don't have it as bad as some bit why would my mother have me if she says she always wishes I was dead, that she should have killed me when she had the chance, I should walk off a bridge and my dad hits me,drags me by my clothes, throws me against door/walls, breaks the doors I hide behind my mum also hits me to but not as scary as my dad. They're never proud of me no matter what I do. My mum constantly gives me dirty looks, always disgraced by me never wants me to go out with her Nan always hit me with a fly swat and now i have a a phobia of them Why is this? I'm 18 and this has been happening as long as I came remember

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's probably best to find somewhere else to stay if you havn't already. This behavior is definitely not acceptable. Perhaps go seek some advice frOm someone like a free counsellor or something.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i dont exaclty know your whole life story or what happens on day to day (like what u do as well). so yer, but i have always been in the same boat as you but im 16 so yer. but since u are 18 you have the rights to get out of there. and if i had the chance i would so i would possibly be thinking abut that. or maybe you could try and sit down one on one with ur parents and just discuss how u are feeling about everything that has been happening. it may not work depends on what ur parents ae like because i know i cant do that with mine

    im here if u would like to talk

    Source(s): personal
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