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Good first car for P plater in Victoria?

I am looking to buy my first car my budget is about 25k, yes i can afford this as i have a well paying permanent job. I want something that looks good, like a sports car or coupe. I want something different to the typical P plater's car. I also would like it to be not highly consuming on fuel so maybe 11L-100km as i wll drive 420km a week to work. But something with a bit of power as i know what it is like driving a car with no power up hills and it drives me insane and i have a lot of hills in my area.

So any ideas ??

Thnakyou in advanced

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    no matter what you buy you will be stuck seeing it everywhere some good fast p plater cars that can be had are type r integras r32 golfs honda s2000 if you could find a nice cheap lotus elise you would be pretty set..

  • wiedyk
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Good P Plate Cars

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