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? asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 9 years ago

Can not loose weight?

I've tried exercise eating less, eating different foods, calorie counting and my weight isn't moving. What should u I do?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    what you need to do is eat small meals 5-8 times a day or every two hours, this will speed up your metabolism. eating less and calorie counting is a common misconception on how to lose weight. It really isnt that important what your eating exactly. When you eat less, or when you eat with large time spans in between meals, it slows your metabolism. Your body goes into a preservation mode because it knows it wont be getting much food. Eating small and often kicks your metabolism into overdrive and you are never starving. These meals should consist of salad, pieces of fruit, or a handful of nuts. These meals are not large by any means, just make sure your getting at least 2000 calories with this 5-8 small meals a day.

  • 9 years ago

    Maybe you are not eating the right food, or maybe not doing the right should eat about 6 times a day..breakfast is very important..cut all the bad carbs out of your diet..also avoid soda..also it depends how much weight do you want to cant expect a miracle..takes a lot of hard work..I would suggest you search on youtube ..exercises that you can do and foods that are good/bad for you..DONT GIVE UP!

  • 9 years ago

    A high protein, low fat, low carb, balanced calorie diet, spread over about 5 - 6 meals. Eating smaller portions spread over 5 - 6 meals a day, with 2.5 - 3 hour gaps in between helps to speed up your metabolism, which aids fat burning. Combine this eating plan with 3 - 4 sessions of cardio a week. This is what worked for me, but always best to get advice from a dietician and professional trainer. Best of luck.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You cant expect to loose weight right away. Cardio is the fastest way to loose weight. Dont eat less, eat healthy. Eat about 5 small healthy meals a day and run for an hour or more. you will loose weight.

    Source(s): Went from 280 to 160 in 4 months
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