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Cody asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 9 years ago

Questions for Writers?

I've always found these types of "quizzes" very fun, so hopefully any of you writers out there enjoy this! Feel free to ramble on as much as you want!

1. When reading a book, is it a particularly intriguing storyline that you prefer, or relatable, very strong and believable characters? Hypothetically, pretend you can only have one of these, so which one would you want more than the other? And why?

2. Have you ever read a book that awed you in almost every way, so much that it was difficult to read anything else afterward or even to write anything else? What book or books did this to you?

3. Who are your top 5 favorite authors, and why?

4. What types of stories intrigue you the most for reading? What about for writing?

5. When working on a book or story, how often do you write, and when do you do the most/best writing? Do you set aside a schedule, or write whenever? Explain, if you want:

6. Is writing simply a fun hobby or pass-time for you? Or is it something you want to do as a career? Or is it even your life?

7. As a writer, are there any special traits you feel you have? Even if it's something as simple as being especially observant, nostalgic, reclusive, etc?

8. As a writer, do you find that you are a strongly opinionated person? By that I don't mean stubborn and close-minded, but do you develop and back up the opinions you have on things (politics, religion, music, books, authors, etc) more than it seems like others do?

Hope you have fun with these! Thanks for taking the time to answer in advance, and I'll do my best to pick a best answer, haha!



@BRIAN: Very, very interesting answers! You sound like a very thoughtful, interesting person, and that "writing schedule" and lifestyle of yours sounds very comforting and, at the very least, melancholic yet euphoric. I'm just a teenager, living in a smalltown in America, California actually. And to answer your question, I personally enjoy answering these types of questions on YahooAnswers, so every now and then I'll make my own for others to answer! Plus it's simply interesting to get insight about other writers in contrast to my own mind and interests.

Update 2:

@Soph: Great answers! I think you and I think a lot on a number of things, such as characters in a story, or writing habits, haha! And you're the only person I've ever met who has an interesting, valid reason for liking The Hunger Games! Haha, and a good one too, as I've never actually thought about that as a theme for the stories.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. I have a wide range of interests although not in fantasy, graphic violence or detailed sexual scenes. I like stories that take me to where it is going on so that I can almost feel the wind and rain or the wind and hot sun etc.

    2. Not really although Milo 18 by Leon Uris came close.

    3. I have too many favourites but the top three are Douglas Reeman, Dennis Wheatley and Neville Chute.

    4. I like reading stories about English villages that involve a murder mystery but I also like ghost stories like Midnight Is A Lonley Place. I write all sorts from murder mysteries to ghost stories. I also write stories about my childhood - although not about me - I went to school in London during and after the war. I was brought up with rationing and shortages but it was also fun.

    5. I don't have a schedule although I did try it once. I am now retired and I write when I want to which is quite a lot of the time. I do have spells when I don't write at all.

    6. My career is finished as I have been retired a while now. I write because I want to and enjoy it. If my stories make money that's a bonus for me and the tax man.

    7.Nothing special about me although I do enjoy nostalgia. I look at the old black and white family photos and remember those times vividly. It can be very sad too because many of my close relatives in those photos, especially wedding photos, are dead but I can still hear voices and laughter.

    8. I have always been strongly opinionated on the subjects you have mentioned and a few more too but I have an open mind and can be persuaded - you need a good argument though.

    I wonder why you want to know these things - is it just curiosity or is there another reason such as a project. Whatever the reason I hope you are not too disappointed with the answers. I still live in England although it is a village life for me now rather than the city of London.

    Source(s): Experience.
  • 9 years ago

    Hey :) Here's my answers

    1) Although I obviously love an intriguing story line, I prefer strong characters because they inspire me if I'm feeling particularly down that day. It's really interesting to see a character's reaction to a problem and see how they cope.

    2) Not really, no. I've read some amazing books but they never put me off "less-amazing" ones.

    3) JK Rowling - I thought Harry Potter was just incredible :)

    Enid Blyton - I'm fourteen now but I adored all of Blyton's books as a kid and I still have the entire Malory Towers series on my shelf!

    Suzanne Collins - the Hunger Games made a huge impression on me and opened my eyes to the cruelty in the world

    Derek Landy - I found his series (Skulduggery Pleasant) a while ago and it's one of the few that can make me laugh :)

    Robert Muchamore - I thought his writing was quite funny and realistic

    4) Ones with characters I can relate to, for reading. I love to write stories with many powerful scenes and conflicting emotions.

    5) I write almost everyday, if I'm working on a story. I'm at my peak when I'm writing a dramatic scene. I am hopeless at following schedules because my "writing moods" are so irregular.

    6) I'm fourteen so it's not a career, although I'd like it to be in the future. At the moment it's just a hobby, something that I like and I'm good at it (so I am told) so why not?

    7) I'm observant and I can predict people's behaviour creepily well.

    8) Yes, I obsess quite easily over books, artists and authors. I like politics although I'm not extremely opinionated on them.

    They were fun to answer :) Thanks for posting!

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