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Reagan Sneezed and Created 70,000 Jobs a Month, What's Wrong with Obamanomics?

Reaganomics created 400,000 to 700,000 jobs a month, with far fewer employers and population. Why is the exact opposite of this economic marvel, Obamanomics, such a miserable failure at creating jobs and new business?

Is it Obama's abject and overt hostility toward small business and employers, his radical fiscal irresponsibility and debt, his entire domestic agenda, his strangulatory regulations, credit starvation, and litigation of business...or maybe it's a combination of it all.

7 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Wake me up when we attain Bush's type of 5% unemployment fee. How did Carter create more effective jobs than Reagan? Reagan managed about 15.6 million jobs vs Carter's 10.3. As for Obama.. no longer positive the position your 775k created variety is the front. he's fairly sitting at -3.3 million in the present day because the starting up of his presidency.. so 3.3 million lost. i wager which capacity he in elementary words needs to create 3.3 million new jobs by utilizing the end of 2012 as a thanks to be on par with Bush Jr's first time period of 0.0 new jobs. Clinton's interest documents is valueless for comparisons. the gigantic tech strengthen develop right into a once in an finished life adventure and Clinton's rules had no longer something to do with it. That makes it no longer accessible to inform what number roles were fairly from his rules vs the rising tech marketplace. Then look at how lots of those jobs were lost going into 2001. The marketplace develop into heavily saturated with same businesses so some were guaranteed to lose out. they in basic terms occurred to very last lengthy sufficient so as that the cuts did not ensue till suitable on the starting up of Bush's first time period. And on good of all of that, the said interest features documents do not think about self-employed human beings. So someone who quits a interest as a thanks to commence their very own residence corporation will count number as a lost interest. Oh and FYI - once you're going to communicate about information, do not link to a blog.

  • 9 years ago

    Reagan had a cold war to inspire xenophobia and increase US investments.

    Now you have private equity that invest in communism and islam, more than it does on US soil.

    If you create jobs for a communist nation, you should not call yourself a capitalist, you should be called a sell out, and if you invest over seas profiting by make the US less competitive, you are not a capitalist either.

    US private equity is hostile towards small business America, and republicans want to give them tax breaks for it.

    You want to stimulate growth in the US, you have to incentive growth in the US.

    Not just reward profit makers because they happen to enjoy the security living on US soil provides.

    That security is not sustainable if we do not require those that benefit from it to participate in maintaining it.

    Source(s): Common sense, not communism.
  • 9 years ago

    Obama has preached gloom and doom since his first days in office, and that is exactly what he's presided over. - his fault, no one else's.

    Not only is he a lousy policy maker, he is a lousy politician whereas, Reagan had the houses eating out of his hand.

    Even if Obama presented good, sound legislation, he couldn't get it passed bc he's contemptuous on even his best days, always has his back up and has yet to learn not to bring that ever present chip on his shoulder to negotiations.

    As is, not only has he failed the public, he's failed himself.

  • Ken
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I lived through Reagan. Go get the facts. He left with an unemployment rate about half a percent less than when he started after it ballooned to over 10% in the middle of his terms. And that took 8 years to accomplish jack other than putting us @ss deep in debt. By the way, what has Obama got past the Tea party led conservatives? Not a hell of a lot. You can't blame him for crap he never got to try.

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  • Wow your numbers are way way off. Reagan did not even have as much Job growth as Jimmy Carter. His average annual increase in jobs firt term was only 1.43% second term 2.69%. His unemployment rate 2nd and third year in were pretty much the same as Obamas.

    Source(s): Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You are full of ****, I was there in those days and I remember how it was. let me refresh your memory a little, We were in recession then too,Not as bad as now, true, but recession just the same. The jobs started coming back when the Clinton administration took over. And remember also, the Reagan administration presided over what was at that time the biggest tax increase in history.

    @smilin jim, A hostile congress? Excuse me? Now who is full of ****?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
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