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Hey christians what do you think about this?

In the name of Satan most unholy,

Great Satan, almighty Lucifer!

I hereby command that the spirit of Jehovah

Depart from my mind, my body,

And my soul at once!

Be gone Jehovah, thou foul spirit of

Deception, hypocrisy and ignorance!

By the midnight brilliance of Lucifer the Lord,

I recognize thee for the pitiful vampire thou art,

And I invoke the power of thy Adversary to bind thee

And keep thee from infringing upon the freedom of my soul!

Get thee behind me, Jehovah!

Get thee behind me, ENSLAVER!

Thou art naught but a vengeful ghost

To the ever-jubilant God of this World!

In the name of Satan, I reject thee!

In the name of Satan, I reject thee!

In the name of Lucifer, I reject thee!

Depart, foul Jehovah! Depart from my life and from my soul!

Thou cannot refuse my command, for it is no less

Than a servant and child of the Prince of Darkness Himself

Who commands you!

Be gone you vile spirit, and leave me in peace!

In the name of Satan the Prince,

I cast thee OUT!

Hail Satan,

Hail Lucifer!

I cast out that vile piece of crap because of this.

You can not deny these facts and truthfully still say your god is not the true tyrant and Satan is not.


"Lucifer means light carrier. It is talking about the King of Babylon who thought he was an angel..... man you luciferists really should do some research..."

No such thing as a Luciferist ha ha ha. It is a Luciferian and I am not a Luciferian. I am a Mesebonihst Satanist. According to some people that is who it was referring to but others say it was Lucifer who was behind that king thus it was Lucifer who was being spoken of. I know all about that crap, I also know that Lucifer means light bearer not light carrier. I also know that Lucifer is Latin not greek or hebrew. I also know that no matter what I can still use the name Lucifer because the meaning, symbolism and representation still fit Satan and how I view him. I also know that the word angel does not mean what people think it means. I know more that what you think, so do not be quick to open your mouth like a fool but be silent and listen like a wise man and then speak. I have my own website with "sermons" a

Update 2:

"One thing i find curious is that all satanists that i preached to in the shady parts of downtown seem to hate the name Jehovah, God's name. Well, at least they know something the trinitarians don't."

Actually Jehovah is an english name. Yahweh is the original hebrew. I do not hate them name exactly I hate the god that has that name. Actually I do sorta hate Jehovah such a boring bland name.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think anything about didn't work, "I Am" still here....

    Source(s): SFC
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    One thing i find curious is that all satanists that i preached to in the shady parts of downtown seem to hate the name Jehovah, God's name. Well, at least they know something the trinitarians don't.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Lucifer means light carrier. It is talking about the King of Babylon who thought he was an angel..... man you luciferists really should do some research...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I know I'm a little tired so this might not come out right, but I hope you read it anyway.

    Why is there suffering in this world? I've heard countless people say that it is Gods fault, because He made a faulty creation.

    In the beginning man was perfect, he had never sinned.

    God, wanting his creation to have a choice of whether or not they serve Him put a tree in the midst of the garden that Adam and Eve were not to eat from. When they chose to eat of the tree(freewill) they sinned, which brought death and suffering into the world.

    My point is this, you will blame God nomatter what state you are in. If you are on the earth you will blame God for all of the suffering and death because "if it's bad of course it's Gods fault, He is the one who created us isn't He? He can keep it from happening can't He?".

    Or if you are in heaven you will blame God for taking all your "freewill" and just making you a "zombie".

    You simply do not want to worship a god that makes you uncomfortable. You want a god that will suit your lifestyle and beliefs.

    The fact is, Gods ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

    I would not want to worship a god that I could completely understand.

    I hope you seek truth with all your heart. God promises you will find it. God bless

    Romans 1:21Because that, when they knew God they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

    22 Professing themselves to be wise they became fools.

    24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm looking for few more answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You're rebelling against something, but I don't know what.

    Zvi the Jewish Fiddler

  • Cindi
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    oh you poor soul...... weak satin. That's what I think.

  • 9 years ago

    Not a fan...

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