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What is the difference between Israel and Judah?

Actually, these days I am going thru Old Testament, have covered up to Kings-II which is about King Solomon. Here I have noticed some of the verses mentioning

' Israel and Judah'

are they different?

Can a Jewish person shed some light on this, please?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a little complex.

    Simple explanation: Israel was one nation until Solomon's death, at which time the kingdom divided. The northern kingdom retained the name of Israel and the capital was in Samaria; the southern kingdom took the name of Judah and the capital was in Jerusalem.

    Fuller explanation:

    - King Saul - rules all Israel, the territory of 12 tribes (the 13th tribe, Levites, did not have their own territory)

    - Saul dies

    - King David - at first only rules the tribal territory of Judah while a relative of King Saul rules the remainder of Israel; eventually David defeats that King of Israel and unites all of Israel under his rule as it was in King Saul's time

    - David dies

    - Solomon - rules the territory of all 12 tribes

    - Solomon dies

    - Rehoboam - Solomon's son, makes a political error and the leaders of 10 of the tribes rebel and choose a descendant of Saul as their king. This becomes the northern kingdom of Israel. Rehoboam retains rule over the territory of only 2 tribes (which becomes the southern kingdom of Judah).

    So: sometimes "Israel" refers to the territory of all 12 tribes and a united kingdom and united people while "Judah" refers to the territory of the tribe of Judah only; at other times, "Israel" refers to the northern kingdom or people and "Judah" refers to the southern kingdom or people.

    - Jim,

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Judah - the southern kingdom consists of Judah and Benjamin

    Israel - the other ten tribes aka the Northern Kingdom

    Israel, Kingdom of - (B.C. 975-B.C. 722). Soon after the death of Solomon, Ahijah's prophecy (1 Kings 11:31-35) was fulfilled, and the kingdom was rent in twain. Rehoboam, the son and successor of Solomon, was scarcely seated on his throne when the old jealousies between Judah and the other tribes broke out anew, and Jeroboam was sent for from Egypt by the malcontents (12:2,3). Rehoboam insolently refused to lighten the burdensome taxation and services which his father had imposed on his subjects (12:4), and the rebellion became complete. Ephraim and all Israel raised the old cry, "Every man to his tents, O Israel" (2 Sam. 20:1). Rehoboam fled to Jerusalem (1 Kings 12:1-18; 2 Chr. 10), and Jeroboam was proclaimed king over all Israel at Shechem, Judah and Benjamin remaining faithful to Solomon's son. War, with varying success, was carried on between the two kingdoms for about sixty years, till Jehoshaphat entered into an alliance with the house of Ahab.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Judah used to be, as I take into account, certainly a number of tribes. Certainly the tribe of Judah, but additionally Benjamin and Levite. I don't feel there's one single position to get the entire story, however here are a number of the significant bits: 1 Kings eleven:26 - 40, I Kings 12:1 - 24.

  • 9 years ago

    The kingdom split and southern Israel became known as Judah, also known as Judea.

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  • 9 years ago

    When the kingdom of Israel was split, it became two "countries"--Judah and Israel.

  • 9 years ago

    Judah is one of the twelves tribes (groups of people) of Israel.

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