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AsSalaam, (Peace & Prosperity) This is Habib from Pakistan. Purpose of my joining Yahoo! Answers community is to exchange information on various subjects of my interest and to enlighten myself where I lack knowledge & information. Majority of time I am busy in Religion & Spirituality section of Yahoo! Answers. It is a bit disappointing to notice that people in R&S are more bent on refuting others viewpoint & venturing into rebuttals instead of having an attitude of understanding other's point of views. Religion & Politics are definitely sensitive topics to discuss, however. I seldom visit sections pertaining Business, Marketing & Polls. Spending some time daily on Yahoo! Answers makes me feel contributing to the people & society. I like being around here. Habib

  • Muslims, will it be your Righteousness or shall it be Jihad that will take you to a Goodly Abode?

    There are many perverted clerics that never give enough emphasis on staying RIGHTEOUS in all the situations in our lifetime.

    They incorrectly keep showing us "Jihad" as a 'passport' to Paradise. They mislead us to die for their political and sectarian causes which are in fact political but they depict them as religious! They even use out of context verses to prove their viewpoint. So they lie to us and forge against God to achieve worldly matters.

    Hereunder is the Verse 23 of Chapter-2, The Cow in support of my above statement and opinion:

    Give thou good tidings to those who believe

    and do DEEDS of RIGHTEOUSNESS, that for them

    await gardens underneath which rivers flow;

    whensoever they are provided with fruits therefrom

    they shall say, 'This is that wherewith

    we were provided before'; that they shall be

    given in perfect semblance; and there

    for them shall be spouses purified; therein

    they shall dwell forever.

    (Verse-23, Chapter-2, The Cow/ Baqarah)

    I hope every Muslim understand what Righteous is. However those who don't, here's what being righteous is:

    It's being truthful, honest, trustworthy, supporting justice, choosing goodness over evil, keeping God's Commandments forth and fore most even against our personal desires and whims.

    So what's you take on Righteousness?

    So, WOULD YOU AGREE that its being RIGHTEOUS that leads you to paradise/ GOODLY ABODE?

    4 AnswersRamadan8 years ago
  • Muslims, do we really not make compeers to God Almighty?

    Many of the Muslims still believe in the intermediaries to find mercy of God Almighty, many of them believe that they are not good enough on their own to approach God. They have different reasons to justify by saying that all they seek is guidance whereas none guides us better than Koran. Do you agree?

    In my support I would like to mention verse 20 of chapter 2, The Cow (Sura Al-Baqarah) that reads....

    O you men, serve your Lord Who created you,

    and those that were before you; haply so you will be God fearing;

    who assigned to you the earth for a couch,

    and heaven for an edifice, wherewith He brought forth

    fruits for your provision; so SET NOT UP

    COMPEERS TO GOD wittingly.

    So, do you agree that Koran is sufficient for guidance and none else?

    4 AnswersRamadan8 years ago
  • Muslims, how would you like to interpret this verse of Sura Baqarah?

    When it is said to them, 'Do not corruption in the land',

    they say, 'We are only ones that put things right.'

    Truly, they are the workers of corruption but they are not aware.


    Won't you agree that this is very true in case of Taliban ?

    They have chosen a way that is very clearly prohibited by Koran...

    - suicide,

    - mass killing of the innocent,

    - fighting (which they call Jihad),

    - bullying people to practise their interpretation of the Holy Book, Koran.

    What do you think as suicide is not permitted in any case, killing of innocent is condemned even in war situations, a Muslim is only commanded to fight in self-defence only, and there is no compulsion in religion in any way?

    8 AnswersRamadan8 years ago
  • Muslims, how many of you are upon guidance and prosperity?

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

    Alif Lam Mim

    That is the Book, wherein is no doubt, a guidance to the God fearing

    who believe in the Unseen, and perform the prayer, and expend of that We have provided them;

    who believe in what has been sent down to thee and what has been sent down before thee,

    and have faith in the Hereafter;

    those are upon guidance from their Lord, those are the ones who prosper.

    So, how many of you are performing these first five verse of chapter - 2 of Koran?


    Do you expend money without fear of being spent?


    Other than Koran do you truly believe in Torah, Psalms, and Gospel; so do you respect them with all their faults?

    Will apprecaite serious respons - and kindly no preaching becasue I'm a Muslim myself.

    2 AnswersRamadan8 years ago
  • Guide us in the straight path - The Opening?

    "Guide us in the Straight path, the path of those whom Thou has blessed."

    But the question is what could be the 'straight path'?

    Will it be straight when we exclusively follow and perform Koran?

    Or should we give heed to the human interpretation of Koran & Sunnah that has already seggregated Muslims as early as 225 Hijrah?

    7 AnswersRamadan8 years ago
  • Jews, where in Torah has it been mentioned about...?

    I have just finished reading the 5 books of Moses but just could not find any details or Commandments with regards to PRAYERS and FASTING? Where are they mentioned? I thought that God Almighty Commanded Moses to Pray 3 times every day. Probably more on Sabbath and so on.

    So where is it mentioned and the timings when to pray and how to pray to the Lord God of All being?

    I will appreciate that a JEWISH person may respond... and only respond if you know about it through authentic source.

    Otherwise please refrain from making fun of religious things please.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Jews, It's about the Prophet JOB?

    Can some one provide me with the synopsis of dialogues between Job and his three friends, God's interception in between their dialogues.

    I just could not understand even after going through it twice. However, this is what I've been able to understood so far:

    "Job was blessed man and a one of the most righteous person in the eyes of God. Then evil befall on him by the leave of God Almighty and eventually it befell on his person. But the dialogues (I would say, between his 3 friends and himself and then in the very end God Almighty comes in and promulgating Job as on of His beloved person on earth .... this in fact baffles me."

    I would appreciate if some one with JEWish background may enlighten me on this subject please.

    (Actually these days I'm reading out the so called Old Testament again.... it's King James Version of Christian Bible.)


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • King who found the Book of Law of Moses; where the Book has been for so long?

    Where have been the Book of Moses after King Solomon as it's mentioned in the Kings-II that one of the Kings found it after a long time and got the Commandments and Law of Moses implemented in the Israel.

    I would like to know, was that book and guidance was not among them for a long time and was that the reason that the House of Isrel was digressing from the Words of Lord God and His Commandment and His Laws?

    Jews may please enlighten me on this please.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What is the difference between Israel and Judah?

    Actually, these days I am going thru Old Testament, have covered up to Kings-II which is about King Solomon. Here I have noticed some of the verses mentioning

    ' Israel and Judah'

    are they different?

    Can a Jewish person shed some light on this, please?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is there any relevance in-between Matthew 27:45 & Mark 15:33 with Psalm-22?

    Could Psalm-22 be used as reference & might be considered a prophesy with regards to Jesus Christ?

    I have this question because some have referred to Psalm-22 being a prophesy of Prophet Jesus crucifixion. (Link found below)

    Whereas, reading out Psalm-22 from Gideon Bible, I found no future reference in fact this prayer of (prophet) King David explicitly refers to the God Almighty's mercy on his forefathers.. ... that is his ancestor prophets; Moses, Joseph, Jacob, Isaac, and of course the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon them all).


    Please Note:

    - Shall appreciate if some Christian cleric might respond !

    - Shall appreciate if Jews may also clarify on this for they are custodians of Original Testament, anyway :)


    Reference link:

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do Pakistanis have the right to live a better life?

    The recent floods & torrential rains have submerged over one-fifth or 20% of Pakistan.

    It has destroyed standing crops, swept away food reserves, eradicated orchids, swept away factories. Bridges have collapsed, roads have been swept away too, and the rest of the infrastructure has broken down. These are only some of the devastation that fall under Economic scenario.

    Socially, over 30 Million people have been displaced, Millions of houses rooted out and many towns and cities have eradicated in a way as if they never ever existed.

    The worst part is that the dilemma hasn't over yet as the flooding somehow hasn't stopped is distruction yet. There are many other problems that are emerging aftermath.

    NOTHING MUCH CAN BE SEEN when it comes to handling the situation, encountering this emergency or coordinating the matters. The present Government & Administration is highly ineffective.

    I know that the scale of devastation is much greater & odds are much more when compared to the last emergency (earthquake) that broke out in 2005.

    THE THEN GOVERNMENT, a so called Dictatorship, was highly effective in handling that emergcney, coordinating with international boddies that were willing to provide supporting activieties in Pakistan.

    The General Public of Pakistan HAD much higher confidence level in the then Non-elected & Dictator President of Pakistan by generously donating to the then President Relief Fund for earthquake effectees.

    THIS TIME AROUND, an Elected & a Democratic Predsident of Pakistan relief fund only attracted PKR 4 Million (USD 500,000 roughly) until late August 2010. Of course the majorly of donations in the early days came from the local residents of Pakistan. WHEREAS, the dictatorial rule of Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf attracted close to a Billion, during the early days of earthquake emergency.

    THE PRESENT DEMOCRATIC Government could do nothing even thought they received a quick support from Canada, UK, China, and Japan. Nothing evident so far can be witnessed even when a lot has been mobilized by the rest of the internatioal communicty as well.

    Allow me to please REMIND you all that...

    - During the tenure of General Ayub Khan, a dictator Predident of Pakistan, Pakistan's economy progressed by leaps and bounds during sixties.

    - Then we only had one Democratically elected Prime Minister in Seventie under whose rule Pakistan continued its economic progress.

    - Later on, Pakistan only observed economic prosperity during the tenures of General Zia-ul-Haq & General Pervaize Musharraf, both were the so called dictator Presidents of Pakistan.




    Why cannot the world community let Pakistan progress the way it can?

    Especially when the entire politicians of Pakistan have proved over and over that they are lithargs, scummbed by laxity, never serious to developing their country and who give a damn to the general proosperity of their natives?


    Why is it that we are forced upon a Political Structure that which is in fact aline & incompatible with our culture & our school of thought?


    Don't we have the right and liberty, as a free and a sovergin nation, to develop a Political Structure that favours us the most????

    (A bereaved Paksitani)

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Dear CHRISITANS! So was not JESUS dependent on God?

    Most of you say:

    1- Jesus was a begotten of God (Your God-head)

    2- God bring him back to life (resurrected him)

    3- Taken him up, alive, upon into the heavens

    Then, wasn't Jesus highly dependent on God...

    If God had not begotten him, he would not have existed,

    If God would not have raised him up again (resurrected) he would have been dead

    and, If God would not have taken him up into the Heavens then he would have be still among us!

    So, again, isn't Jesus as dependent on God as the rest of the creation of God definitely is!

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Dear CHRISTIANS! Was the BIRTH of Jesus, a Miracle?


    Do you think JESUS brith was a miracle of it's kind, one & only?

    Or are there any more examples in the known history of mankind?

    HINT: If you say, 'No' then donot forget to look under your nose, there are some more provided you can see & recognize the TRUTH!

    Now, who can tell me?

    36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Dear CHRISTIANS! It is ISLAM that better represents JESUS… what do you say?


    Muslims believe Jesus, son of Mary, of Nazareth

    was a Prophet & Messiah and

    when God All-mighty came to his rescue, He picked him up alive before he could have been placed on the Cross!

    It makes sense for God is All-powerful & is the Best of the Devisors!

    Whereas Christians are depicting God & Jesus helpless against the mankind--- mankind is one of God’s creations.

    Have you ever thought it this way? Give it a thought, for you own soul’s good!

    How can God or even son of a god could be Helpless??????


    ORIGINAL SIN theory need not to be reminded please. Let's talk on the DIRECT SUBJECT, and prove it with Rationality & Logic instead of using allegations please! Or refuting Koran, Muhammad or Me!

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • CHRISTIANS Please! MORMONS there’s something of your interest in KORAN when it comes to JOHN the BAPTIST…?

    Koran reads:

    ‘O John, take the Book forcefully’;

    and We gave him judgement, yet a little child,

    and a tenderness from Us, and purity;

    and he was god fearing, and cherishing his parents, not arrogant, rebellious.

    ‘Peace be upon him, the day he was BORN, and the day he DIES, and the day HE IS RAISED UP ALIVE!’

    (Chap-XIX, Mary, Al Koran)

    So, Mormons are not wrong about JOHN the BAPTIST when they claim he was RESURRECTED & Additionally, by Koran, was also TAKEN UP ALIVE INTO THE HEAVENS, just like Jesus Christ!

    I AM LOOKING for COMMENTS in particular by MORMONS!

    My previous Question Links pertaining John the Baptist:;_ylt=Aq...;_ylt=Am...

    A wikipedia link about John the Baptist:

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • CHRISTIANS Please! Is JOHN the Baptist STILL ALIVE…?

    ... Yes,


    HOW MANY OF YOU AGREE? Please do not forget to state your denominations/ sects with your replies please.

    Before you answer ‘No’ you must have a look at the link below:

    You see, it was interesting to find out from a Christian denomination that JOHN the Baptist was given back life after his death, similar as the Christ!


    Thanks for all the time & your participation in my previous questions about Christian friends.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • CHRISTIANS PLEASE! Do you know John was given back life after his death?


    So, how many of you know that he was again given back his life after his death?


    Earlier replies about John the Baptist;_ylt=Aq...

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • CHRISTIANS Please! How powerful or weak was/ is your Messiah?

    This is what common between Islam & Christianity:

    Jesus was a Messiah,

    He is raised up alive to the heavens


    Now my question is:


    Facts, historical & otherwise:

    - John the Baptist had to pave way for him to preach!

    - He could not save himself from the Roman king?

    - He could not handle Jewish conspiracy against him?

    - He could not fulfil what Moses brought?

    - He left you in the middle of nowhere & took it to the heavens?


    Is it me who is judging it incorrectly or is it you ? Oh! Please tell me.

    Christian replies about John the Baptist;_ylt=Aq...

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • CHRISTIANS PLEASE! What is the story of JOHN the Baptist?


    I would like to know about the John the Baptist please.

    Especially about...

    who was he?

    What was he know for?

    How did he die?

    Anything peculiar about him as a person or

    something supernatural about him?

    Something Brief but Important please.


    35 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • CHRISTIANS PLEASE! Who was Zachariah and what was the name of his son?


    A simple question, a straight answer expected.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago