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CHRISTIANS Please! MORMONS there’s something of your interest in KORAN when it comes to JOHN the BAPTIST…?

Koran reads:

‘O John, take the Book forcefully’;

and We gave him judgement, yet a little child,

and a tenderness from Us, and purity;

and he was god fearing, and cherishing his parents, not arrogant, rebellious.

‘Peace be upon him, the day he was BORN, and the day he DIES, and the day HE IS RAISED UP ALIVE!’

(Chap-XIX, Mary, Al Koran)

So, Mormons are not wrong about JOHN the BAPTIST when they claim he was RESURRECTED & Additionally, by Koran, was also TAKEN UP ALIVE INTO THE HEAVENS, just like Jesus Christ!

I AM LOOKING for COMMENTS in particular by MORMONS!

My previous Question Links pertaining John the Baptist:;_ylt=Aq...;_ylt=Am...

A wikipedia link about John the Baptist:


Those who are interested in full story, here it is.

Kaf Ha Ya Ain Sad

Then mention of thy Lord’s mercy

unto His servant Zachariah;

when he called upon his Lord


saying, ‘O my Lord, behold

the bones within me are feeble

and my head is all aflame with


And in calling on Thee, my Lord,

I have never been hitherto


And now I fear my kinsfolk

after I am gone; and my wife

is barren. So give me, from Thee,

a kinsman

who shall be my inheritor

and the inheritor of the House

of Jacob; and make him, my Lord,


‘O Zachariah, We give thee

good tidings of a boy, whose name

is John.

No namesake have We given him


He said, ‘O my Lord, how

shall I have a son, seeing

my wife is barren, and I

have attained to the declining

of old age?’

Said He, ‘So it shall be; thy

Lord says, “Easy it is for

Me, seeing that I created

thee aforetime, when thou wast

nothing.” ’

he said, ‘Lord, appoint to me

some sign.’ Said He,

Update 2:

‘’Thy sign

is that thou shalt not speak to

men, though being without fault,

three nights.’

So he came forth unto his

people from the Sanctuary,

then he made signal to them,

‘Give you glory at dawn and


‘O John, take the Book forcefully’;

and We gave him judgement, yet a

little child,

and a tenderness from Us,

and purity; and he was

godfearing, and cherishing

his parents, not arrogant,


‘Peace be upon him, the day

he was born, and the day he

dies, and the day he is raised

up alive!’

Update 3:


Your remarks read with all understanding and respects!

I first asked indirect question about John the Baptist, then only I dared to ask a direct question... you see LDS and Mormons are of opinion when it comes to Resurrection of John.

Plus, Koran says, Jesus was not put on cross but was taken up into the heavens a night before his crucification... "and only a likness of jesus was shown to them."

The Historical fact is: Jesus when fetched by Roman Army for crucification in the morning, he was denying that the person was Jesus!


Moreover, I have not intentions to dismentle your religious beliefs... as they already co-exist with LDS & MORMONS.

So, why blame this poor fellow.

As for Muhammad, you must know that he was a prophet of God!

There are many but none are as great religion as Abrahamic Faiths. Islam has existed for 1400+years but is thriving as a religion.

Update 4:

Hello JAMES:

Thanks for your doubts about error passed on.

I personally use Interpretation by 'Arthur J Arberry' (An authentic translation done in Egypt by a linguistic Scholar of Oxford University in 1955).

I have further checked it up for OUR satisfaction with

M. Pickthal &

Yousuf Ali Translations

they all say the same thing. Moreover, in Arabic 'John' is 'Yahya.'

My brother in faith, even a 10-year old Muslim kid knows it very well that... there is no doubt in Koran for God All-powerful has taken to Himslef to preserve Koran!

And it is just the same for last 1400+ years!


somewhere in mid-eighties in Germany, 54,000 translations of Koran were checked & there was not even One discrepency found among all of them--- they were translations, not the original Arabic Text.

One God, The Book, All His Messengers, His Angels is part of our basic faith by brother.

Update 5:

FOR ANY ONE ANSWERING to refute, please check the link about to Wikipidia about how different sects/denominations of Christianity take John the Baptist!

That will make our discussion more interesting... instead of blind refutals in air!

Update 6:

Dear DancingDog:

Christians has no Authority to show anyone 'the way'... it is for God to show us His Light & Mercy!

Update 7:


Since both the Christians & the Muslims belive that Jesus will be back... therefore, I believe, getting a firsthand reply from Jesus would be the best optional.

Let's wait & see if Jesus returns to us in our lifetime!

7 Answers

  • ra
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    John the Baptist had already lived when the Koran was written. Mohammed already knew about him as he had listened to many of the teachings of Christ. Therefore, it is little wonder that the story is in keeping with biblical scripture. The resurrection of John the Baptist, however is added, was not witnessed by anyone and cannot be found in the bible.

    As there were no witnesses,why should we believe it is true, because of one mans testament, or one angels testament?

    The bible on the other hand had hundreds of eye witness accounts of Jesus' crucifiction, his death AND his resurrected body, before he returned to heaven.

    Many single individual's have come following Jesus' ministry to deny the biblical truth (and continue to do so). They have all tried/try to re-write history and give a different version of what the scriptures say happened. (Usually it is an "angel" who gives the various different accounts, which all contradict the teachings of Christ). Jesus did warn us, that this would happen. He warned us there would be many false prophets, who would deceive.

    It is not enough that two religions or cults have similarities in some of their doctrine. There are hundreds of cults, religions and non religious beliefs to choose from. Some are bound to have things with match with each other. How can we be sure which one is the truth. Why have so many "angels" given different ideas, doctrine and teachings about God to individual men? Does this mean that all angels cannot be trusted? Does it mean that some are false angels of light? All profess to be speaking the truth. All profess to be from God. Ultimately only one belief can be right. None of us want to be deceived. All who truly love God, just want to seek him and know the truth.

    I realise that your beliefs are as passionate as mine. I hope that I have not offended you, as I deeply respect and understand your commitment to Allah. I am just trying to explain why Christians believe what they do.

    Edit: Thank you for your response Habib. It interests me, that the main focus of Christianity, centres on the crucifiction and resurrection of Jesus .That it was a very real event, witnessed by hundreds of people. The importance cannot be stressed enough, why it is so important and is different to any other religion. Since the time of Jesus, many angels have given many different accounts of what happened that day, to different prophets . Each of the angels tell the individual men that only they have the real truth and that other prophets prior to them, have it all wrong. Why would they? Which angel should we believe, as they all say that they are from God, yet they contradict one another? None of the angels completely reject Christian beliefs, however all of them reject his death and resurrection. They will do anything to deny and reject who Jesus said he was, why he came and who he came for. Everything that happened and will happen in the future, with regards to Jesus, is prophecied in the bible. All of the prophecies about Jesus are true and very accurate. There are many thriving religions around the world, which have stood the test of time. All of them think they are right (including Christians). Yet like I said, we can't all be correct. The many eye witness accounts of those who saw the beating, whipping, mocking of Jesus and his crucifiction and death, were in no doubt that it was very real. You can't beat, whip and nail someone to a cross, if you are only a vision. The pain and anguish of all those who watched as Jesus suffered and died was completely heartbreaking, confusing and very real (just like their accounts tell us). The sheer joy, disbelief, elation and praise they gave to God, when they actually saw their risen Christ (Messiah), whom they loved so deeply and thought they had lost, was also real and well documented. So too was the words that Jesus imparted to his friends, before he returned to heaven. Thank you for taking the time to answer me and being kind and gracious in your response. Again I respect that your opinions are different to mine.

    God bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    ...with love to you, my friend, I open the discussion

    here may be something that has been misjudged or mis-passed from the original Korah (that is in heaven) from Mohammed (PBUH):

    for this was first meant from Mohammed (PBUH) to be Jesus, not John, telling of Jesus's death and resurrection:

    ‘Peace be upon him, the day he was BORN, and the day he DIES, and the day HE IS RAISED UP ALIVE

    But our Koran now reads John as mistake or confusion

    I have also seen Jesus quoted in the Koran saying something said actually by John.

    Could this be errors passed on?

  • 1 decade ago

    32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

    33 And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye asanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the bblood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot.

    34 And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to rest in the paradise of God, until my spirit and body shall again reunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet you before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both quick and dead. Amen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you want to believe the rubbish in the Koran that's your problem!

    Christians can only show you the way. If you don't want to know, then that is also your problem!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So what's the question? and who cares about all this religious shite, someone on here said no religion no constrains no problems and how right they are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ...Proverbs, chapter 26 vs. 4 !!!!! (You guy'ze truly amaze me with all this nonsense, but expected).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who gives a ****?

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