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Lv 6
Habib asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do Pakistanis have the right to live a better life?

The recent floods & torrential rains have submerged over one-fifth or 20% of Pakistan.

It has destroyed standing crops, swept away food reserves, eradicated orchids, swept away factories. Bridges have collapsed, roads have been swept away too, and the rest of the infrastructure has broken down. These are only some of the devastation that fall under Economic scenario.

Socially, over 30 Million people have been displaced, Millions of houses rooted out and many towns and cities have eradicated in a way as if they never ever existed.

The worst part is that the dilemma hasn't over yet as the flooding somehow hasn't stopped is distruction yet. There are many other problems that are emerging aftermath.

NOTHING MUCH CAN BE SEEN when it comes to handling the situation, encountering this emergency or coordinating the matters. The present Government & Administration is highly ineffective.

I know that the scale of devastation is much greater & odds are much more when compared to the last emergency (earthquake) that broke out in 2005.

THE THEN GOVERNMENT, a so called Dictatorship, was highly effective in handling that emergcney, coordinating with international boddies that were willing to provide supporting activieties in Pakistan.

The General Public of Pakistan HAD much higher confidence level in the then Non-elected & Dictator President of Pakistan by generously donating to the then President Relief Fund for earthquake effectees.

THIS TIME AROUND, an Elected & a Democratic Predsident of Pakistan relief fund only attracted PKR 4 Million (USD 500,000 roughly) until late August 2010. Of course the majorly of donations in the early days came from the local residents of Pakistan. WHEREAS, the dictatorial rule of Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf attracted close to a Billion, during the early days of earthquake emergency.

THE PRESENT DEMOCRATIC Government could do nothing even thought they received a quick support from Canada, UK, China, and Japan. Nothing evident so far can be witnessed even when a lot has been mobilized by the rest of the internatioal communicty as well.

Allow me to please REMIND you all that...

- During the tenure of General Ayub Khan, a dictator Predident of Pakistan, Pakistan's economy progressed by leaps and bounds during sixties.

- Then we only had one Democratically elected Prime Minister in Seventie under whose rule Pakistan continued its economic progress.

- Later on, Pakistan only observed economic prosperity during the tenures of General Zia-ul-Haq & General Pervaize Musharraf, both were the so called dictator Presidents of Pakistan.




Why cannot the world community let Pakistan progress the way it can?

Especially when the entire politicians of Pakistan have proved over and over that they are lithargs, scummbed by laxity, never serious to developing their country and who give a damn to the general proosperity of their natives?


Why is it that we are forced upon a Political Structure that which is in fact aline & incompatible with our culture & our school of thought?


Don't we have the right and liberty, as a free and a sovergin nation, to develop a Political Structure that favours us the most????

(A bereaved Paksitani)

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The United States has no political business in Pakistan or any other country.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What, or WHO exactly is stopping you from going back to dictatorship.?....If that's what the Pakistani people want then it should show at the ballot box. You have free elections there don't you? or is freedom still un islamic? look at your neighbour INDIA......they have very little problem trading freely and growing strong and competing with other country's. Soon to be one of the strongest country's in the world......While Pakistan is seeped in hate and resentment, unable to stabilise its own people, unable to find a social norm and live in peace and harmony. If you want dictatorship then have it. But don't look to the rest of the world to support you. The rest of the world is not so weak needy and pathetic that it bows to dictatorship.

  • 1 decade ago

    What a waste of time writing all this sh*t ,,I didnt even read it, Simple as 1 2 3,,,,,Every one deserves to live a better life then whats at stake

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    People have the right to try to better there life. Why don't you worry about Americans instead?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if your cricketers , like most of you stopped fiddling , the people of pakistan might get a better life

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because, like any other country that wants to remain independent of global capitalism, they will never get the necessary help from the slaves of global capitalism, ie the West, until they conform.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course they do.

    Sadly we live in a World of ego, their are no rich people without poor people. If poor people get what I have got I am no longer rich.

    Thats why the West hangs on to it's money for bigger cars, houses, Blu Ray players and the myriad of irrelevant, synthetic, Chinese garbage and anything else to display their ego, whilst poor people die for the need of clean water.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do basket cases have a right to carry their worldly goods in something else? Say, in a Samsonite? Answers on a postcard please.

  • Gary V
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    Source(s): life isn't fair
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