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Dear CHRISTIANS! Was the BIRTH of Jesus, a Miracle?


Do you think JESUS brith was a miracle of it's kind, one & only?

Or are there any more examples in the known history of mankind?

HINT: If you say, 'No' then donot forget to look under your nose, there are some more provided you can see & recognize the TRUTH!

Now, who can tell me?


Dear All who have so far replied:

After going through your replies of first two days, I have developed a stong opinion that Christians are not giving needed attention & due ponderece over the Old Testament, else they would have been able to reply this question.

Aren't you picking up the part of the Book & neglecting the part of Bible?

No, between Adam & Jesus... there are some examples. Find it in the Bible please!

Update 2:

ANSWER to my Questions:


Although it was not the only miraculus birt in the recorded Bible History.

JOHN THE BAPTIST, son of Zachariah, was also given birth by the Will of God Al-mighty.

You see, Zachariah was old, old man who did not have sex with his wife... instead... he was appointed "sign", it was:

Not to Sepak for 3-days & to mention the name of Lord oft, giving Him glory at evening and dawn.

This gave him baby-John the Baptist!!!

And not to forget the birth of Ishamel & Isaac and many more!

36 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, it is not confirmed that Jesus, as portrayed by the Gospels, ever existed so this begs the question of whether or not his birth was a miracle.

    Second, it is notable that THE most important event in human history, from a Christian point of view, lacks any confirming evidence from any of the civilizations that existed at the time. Seriously, if some wise men noted the "Star of Bethlehem" shouldn't at least one of the many literate civilizations recorded it? Given its importance, I'd expect all civilizations, literate or not to have some sort of recognition of it. Strangely, this is not the case. As far as hard evidence is concerned, Jesus might have been born, lived, and died in relative obscurity except for the Gospels which were written 1.5 generations after he supposedly died.


    Truth is not defined by what you believe, it is defined by irrefutable facts.

  • Hi Habib.

    Every Birth is a miracle, every child is a miracle of Birth, your birth Habib was a miracle, I'm not saying that Jesus Birth wasn't a Miracle, but HIM(God) Ahlla, insteated this miracle in earth for Humanity. Also I wanted to point out to you, that Jesus Birth was one of the kind, from a Virgin mother, reason being is because Jesus perfection and angel like presences, was suited for A virgin like Mother Marry, to have a healthy relationship as no other one ever being, between Mother(and I may add again) VIRGIN!, Mother with a Son as Pure,Wonderful and perfect angel like Human, as Jesus my Lord was as a Baby.

    There are few to many things we take for granted, Habib, about the Lord, God Jesus and the entire Family of the Lord God the Father, and as you ask to tell you, I can only remanded you, to keep your Faith as well as I do, because you,and I, and none knows what the Lord have prepared for does whom believed in HIM(God). may this day be a blessing in your life my friend, whit God help. Amen

    made Love be part of our frienship, your friend always. Word's

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Define miracle.

    From a human stand point, natural birth requires the union of a man and a woman.

    Jesus was conceived by holy spirit.

    The TRUTH then is, yes Jesus birth was a miracle.

  • wesby
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I see. So, you notice God suitable now? Does he communicate with you? what's he say to you? Does he enable you recognize to do subject concerns . . . naughty subject concerns possibly? Like possibly take a verse out of someplace to create a controversy that isn't be there? Lot's of persons observed Jesus, as he become made kinfolk to us as Jesus of Nazareth, for the Jew first, then the Gentile. Are you asserting that Jesus have been given right here to earth and the two had to be invisible or he's not God alongside with being kinfolk? Do you lots situations experience invisible human beings strolling around?

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  • PITX5
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you do not consider a woman, unknown by man in the biblical sense (virgin), giving birth, then I fear I do not know what you might think would qualify. Jesus birth, life, death and resurrection were all miracles, to the glory and power of God. I do not need any hints about that, my faith leaves no room for doubt about any of those facts. God bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, but I dinot know how to do a donot.

    Please tell me how to do a donot so that I donot forget to did not do a donot by mistake.

    While I'm not doing a donot, is here anything I can do instead of a donot because I donot want to do a dunnit by mistake.

    If I do a dunnit instead of a donot, is this a mistake that can be rectified?

    I dinnit want to get my donot's mixed up with my dinnit's or my dunnit's you see, because turning a dinnit into a donot would take a minor miracle if it is nonnat going to be noticed, you see?

    Now what was your question again? I donot remember now!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, the birth of Jesus was a miracle.

  • divina
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel: God with us.

    Prophecied in the Book of Isaiah, over a thousand years before His birth. Isaiah also tells exactly where and exactly when.

    That alone is miraculous.

    All things are possible with God.

  • ;)
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Mary conceived through the Holy Spirit/Ghost - this is miraculous yes.

    If by your hint you mean Adam - he was a created being - created by Almighty God who is Jesus Christ...

    Jesus was not created - He is the Creator....

    blessings : )

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, he was virgin born.

    the bible does speak about gaints in the land and women have children without a known man, which will be in the end times as the days of noah. but mary was truly virgin and knew no other man. these women were known to fallen angels the bible speaks of.

    hopefully this is what your talking about.

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