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Dear CHRISTIANS! It is ISLAM that better represents JESUS… what do you say?


Muslims believe Jesus, son of Mary, of Nazareth

was a Prophet & Messiah and

when God All-mighty came to his rescue, He picked him up alive before he could have been placed on the Cross!

It makes sense for God is All-powerful & is the Best of the Devisors!

Whereas Christians are depicting God & Jesus helpless against the mankind--- mankind is one of God’s creations.

Have you ever thought it this way? Give it a thought, for you own soul’s good!

How can God or even son of a god could be Helpless??????


ORIGINAL SIN theory need not to be reminded please. Let's talk on the DIRECT SUBJECT, and prove it with Rationality & Logic instead of using allegations please! Or refuting Koran, Muhammad or Me!



Had God desired to take to Him a son,

He would have chosen whatever He willed of that

He has created. Golry be to Him! He is God,

the One, the Omnipotent.

Update 2:

Most of the replies except for a few have attempted with their own piece of mind.

Why cann't you reason it out with our OS theory!

Update 3:

WELL YOU ALL MUST KNOW that Crying lies to Koran or Muhammad will not extingish the LIGHT of GOD!

But you will keep trying they way the earlier ones tried and utterly failed!

Update 4:

Dear PAUL C,

Thanks for giving me smiles. Just a few verses about Jesus in Koran:

That is Jesus, son of Mary, in the word of truth, concenrning which they are doubting.





Update 5:

Koran has spoken about JESUS in Chapter 'The House of Imran' & in 'Mary'.

JESUS is also mentioned else where in Koran.

Why do you speak of that which you know not?

Update 6:

Dear Carlos,

You have the right to have you opinion. It doesn't bother me for I know it very well...

My God is the All-creator &

You god is the first begotten son.

So the difference is clear to me!

Update 7:

Dear iLLiniBabe,

It is informed in Koran, 'A likeness of Jesus was shown to them.'

Hence there's no confusion among Muslims about Jesus being taken up alive in the heavens, the way John the Baptist was!

Moreover, its a Historical fact that the person who was brought out in the morning for crucification was denying that he was Jesus, but none believed him, especially the Jews at then!

Update 8:

Well, STEPH:

‘I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan,

I begin in the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate’

That's how a Muslim begins anything. Please notice the mentioning of Satan.

A well written and very convincing reply of course. However I find it obligatory to correct you on a few things, only if you don’t mind it please.

You have based you Conclusion on a Hypothecation which is absolutely incorrect!

Briefly towards clarification, I would like to inform:

Update 9:

(Cont'd from above)

In Islamic Theology, Satan is not an Angel but a Jinn. Jinn are the creatures brought into existence before Adam. Satan was near stationed to God of the Mighty Throne for his praising & prayers. After when the Adam’s mould was prepared all the angels & the rest of God’s creation was commanded to bow in front of Adam. But Satan, who’s name is also mentioned in Koran as ‘Iblis’ refused on the grounds that this man will ‘bloodshed’ and spread ‘corruption’ in the land and in his opinion ‘he’ was a better creature than Adam/man. God despised him for his disobedience and cursed him, however, Iblis (Satan) asked God’s mercy to be respite until the known time, which was granted by the God. Satan promised God that he will astray Children of Adam, whosoever might took him as a friend.

.............. (Continued below)

Update 10:

Therefore, it is clearly an understanding about Satan that ‘he is an open enemy’ to mankind. And those who follow Satan shall surely see Hellfire & God would not be merciful to those who has taken Satan as friend.

Whatever, you have come up with the best reply, so far.

I agree with your reply except for it’s conclusion for it is based on false hypothecation.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I have thought about your point of view.

    The belief I've been struggling with is that Jesus became man (which makes Him God Incarnate). Man is helpless, not God. With Jesus being fully God and fully man, His divine nature isn't helpless, but His human nature is.

    One question for you: If Jesus was saved by Allah, was there anyone who died on the cross in his place?

    Source(s): P.S. I am a Christian who is looking into Islam. I must admit that Islam does make sense from what I learned about it so far.
  • ra
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think this is a fantastic point you have raised. I agree that Muslim's are very respectful about Jesus and know that Jesus was a prophet. However, these two different opinions are vital. Both the Christian and the Muslim believe their account from their separate holy scripture.

    The Muslim takes their evidence from Mohammed (who was given the information from an angel), with regards to the events surrounding his crucifiction.

    The Christian takes their evidence from the words of Jesus. From the ancient prophecies long before his birth and from the eye witness accounts of the people who saw him. There is also evidence written from non religious historians, who wrote the facts as they actually happened. The Koran (in the eye of the Christian) is wrong, as it completey misses the whole purpose of God's purpose for mankind. The Koran portrays Jesus as a good man and prophet.

    That is also the way Jesus' adversary wants the world to see him too. Satan does not want anyone to know how special Jesus was and who he really was.

    The Muslim thinks that Jesus was just a helpless man, against mankind and God had taken him away before he was crucified (in his mercy), because this is what is told in the Koran. This is an honourable belief, however the reason the Christian sees it as a flawed belief, is that it does not weigh or agree with the prophecies about Jesus, or the actual words which Jesus fortold of his death and his resurrection.

    Instead of being helpless against mankind, the opposite is true. His whole purpose for living was for this very moment. All of his life was a living testament for how we should live and love one another. He lived a blameless and pure life. He was and is perfect. He knew the importance and significance of laying down his life. Though it was unbearably difficult, he did it out of love for us and out of obedience to God. He always pleased the father, by doing his will, whatever the cost. He willingly and in complete sacrifice and love, chose to lay down his life for the sake of mankind. He fulfilled every prophecy about his life, death and resurrection, which was written long before he ever existed. Jesus was not helpless as some people believed or believe. This was reason that he lived. He was and is our Messiah. He has conquered death. Only Jesus could and did do this. He was a living and willing sacrifice. More importantly he did not remain dead, but was resurrected. He was seen and spoke with hundreds of witnesses following his resurrection.

    Ever since, there have been many who have tried to tell a different version of events. Why would this be?

    The answer is that Jesus foretold us that this would happen. His adversary will do anything in his power to prevent as many people as he can to never know the truth, or to twist or deny what happened on the cross. Why would this happen? Because Satan is a plausible and deceitful liar, who will stop at nothing to discredit God, by whatever methods are necessary. Satan is an angel of light. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. I realise that Mohammed says that Satan is not a fallen angel, nor is he against God. Jesus said he is.

    If Jesus warns us that Satan is the father of all lies. If he warns us that he is the enemy of God then who is right? Which prophet should we believe? Mohammed and Jesus are said by Muslims to both be prophets of God, however, they contradict each other on many different issues. We know that God has warned us that many false prophets will come and speak on his behalf, but he tells us that they are not sent by him. He warns us not to listen to them. He tells us that a prophet has to be 100% correct. So who do we believe? Jesus or Mohammed?

    Habib. Thank you for all your questions. I am so grateful that you always ask them in a very respecful manner. Thank you that we can debate without anger or ridicule.

    May God bless you greatly.

  • PITX5
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would send you a smiling picture of Mohammad, but then you and your fellow Muslims might try to blow up a few innocent women and children, so I will pass. You know what they say "It is the thought that counts." Anyway, to get back to the subject, in order to fulfill many of the old testament prophecies Jesus had to do precisely what He did to make a way for all mankind to enter heaven. Unfortunately for you you chose to follow a man (Mohammad) and not God or His blessed Son Jesus Christ.

    It makes me sad to think how many people this evil evil man has lead astray. You seem to like to read, so I recommend you spend a little more time reading the bible, both old and new testaments, and you may learn a valuable lesson. It is my prayer that you will do so. God bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You seem to have got the Biblical account rather mixed up.

    God is all powerful, self existent.

    Jesus is His son by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus died willingly, although it was great suffering, because the spilt blood of sheep and goats had not shocked God's people into not sinning.

    Jesus died for our sins, that is if we believe and try to be obedient to God's wishes. Jesus was sinless therefore the grave could not hold him and he was raised from the dead.

    I challenge you to read the Bible thoroughly and with an open and enquiring mind.

    Sleep well.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If Jesus didn't die on the cross there would have been no resurrection? He would not have overcome death? All Mankind would have rotted in the grave forever? and All of our spirits would have been subject to the devil forever . and besides Jesus isn't even mentioned in the Koran? the happy Mormon

  • Aurum
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If God was going to stop Jesus from going to the cross he would not have sent Jesus to earth. He sent Jesus (and Jesus came willingly) to die to pay for our sins. As well Jesus at any moment could have gotten off the cross, or even stopped them from nailing him to the cross, but he didn't because he loves us so much. It's like a father who loves his children so much that he will let them kill him because he doesn't want to fight back and harm them. Jesus did this to save us, and he came back to life.

    And Jesus was not helpless, the whole dieing on the cross was his idea, not humans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You said, "...when God All-mighty came to his rescue, He picked him up alive before he could have been placed on the Cross!" Thing is, Jesus WAS 'placed' (actually NAILED) on the cross.

    You also said: "Whereas Christians are depicting God & Jesus helpless against the mankind--- mankind is one of God’s creations."

    I've never seen/heard that God is 'helpless against mankind...' God could put an end to mankind in a nanosecond if He so chooses. How can a CREATOR be helpless against that which He CREATED??

    I don't know where you're getting this (deleted to keep you from reporting my adjective), but it's not in the least close to the truth of God's Word (our heavenly Father, not the Moon God that Muslims refer to as Alla'h).

    (Christian since 1964, Bible teacher since 1989)

  • Kash
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I guess it would be a nice interpretation, if it wasn't a lie. If you want to know the truth of the situation, about how He willing gave Himself to be sacrificed and the reasons, just read the Bible.

    By the way, you have given me something to think about, let me give you something to think about:

    The Quran says that Jesus was a great prophet and that he didn't die. But, Jesus predicted his death according to the gospels written about him. Ok... here is the problem.


    a) He did not die, but his prediction of his death was wrong and the Quran is discredited.


    b) Jesus did die and the Quran is discredited.

    Catch 22 maybe? Unless I am supposed to believe a book written 500 years after Jesus' death over 4 books written within 50 years of his death. How's that for rationality and logic?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Its a large tale, not a tale in spite of the undeniable fact that its certainty...i'm a Muslim and that i'm pleased with that...if any physique do not wanna examine, do not forget approximately purely supply a glance to it..may be he/she would be waiting to be blessed by potential of GOD by potential of showing him/her the main appropriate course...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You say, "Or refuting Koran, Muhammad or Me!"

    But you have no problem in attacking the Bible?

    A double standard there, wouldn't you say?

    Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. His enemies speak volumes to His authenticity!

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