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CHRISTIANS Please! How powerful or weak was/ is your Messiah?

This is what common between Islam & Christianity:

Jesus was a Messiah,

He is raised up alive to the heavens


Now my question is:


Facts, historical & otherwise:

- John the Baptist had to pave way for him to preach!

- He could not save himself from the Roman king?

- He could not handle Jewish conspiracy against him?

- He could not fulfil what Moses brought?

- He left you in the middle of nowhere & took it to the heavens?


Is it me who is judging it incorrectly or is it you ? Oh! Please tell me.

Christian replies about John the Baptist;_ylt=Aq...

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He was powerful enough to create the heavens and the earth and everything on it. He was powerful enough and humble enough to lower Himself as a man to save His beloved by conquering death for mankind. Can your God do that? Is your God powerful enough to deliberately make himself human to demonstrate his love?

  • babbie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is you who are displaying your complete ignorance of someone else's religion and using that in a sophomoric attempt to be clever.

    Jesus Christ is part of the triune God, and when He allowed himself to be crucified it was God hanging on that cross. This is a gift God gave to mankind out of love. John the Baptist didn't have to pave the way for Him. John the Baptist paved the way for people's acceptance of God's grace; he prophesized the coming of the Lord. I don't know what you think Moses "brought", but if you bother to read the Bible you will see that yes, Jesus fulfilled prophesies. Not hard, since being God He made the prophesies in the first place! He did not leave us in the middle of nowhere, He sent a comforter in the form of the Holy Ghost Who is with us right now. And the Romans didn't have a king, they had an emporer, who was never involved in any of the events surrounding Christ. It seems you are not only woefully ignorant of Christianity, but of simple history, as well. I would suggest that you ask yourself the same questions about Muhammed; we at least base our beliefs on a book thousands of years old and eye witness reports, not on the word of a single man without one ounce of evidence of any encounter with an angel or scroll. God bless you, you're going to need it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nice try but none of your facts are facts.

    Jesus did not "need" John to do anything. John fulfilled a prophecy so that we could have faith not because of any need that Jesus had.

    The Scriptures say that He gave His life for us. Thus He allowed Himself to be sacrificed. Thus taking care of your accusations that he couldn't save Himself from either the Romans of the Jews.

    What exactly did Moses "brought"?

    Do you consider the earth that was made for us to be "in the middle of nowhere?" Besides God is everywhere I can't go anywhere that He isn't. He has not left me or any other Christian alone.

    Maybe you should actually learn about Christian doctrine and the Scriptures before you try this again.

  • 1 decade ago

    1- You did not get the true meaning of what John the Baptist was doing did you? He came to preach repentance and to show the people that there was a man coming after him that was far better- then most amazing verse in the whole life of John the Baptist is- "less of me, and more of Him'

    2- It is not a matter of Christ being saved from the roman king, it was His choice- because He knew He came to die for us

    3- He did not come to abolish the law, He came to fulfill it

    4- When a conspiracy broke out, He said not a word- because He was being submissive to the Father's will. Believe you me, He had 1,000's upon 1,000's of angels that would have come to his bidding. And also the nails are not what kept Him on the cross, love was.

    5- He did not leave me in the middle of nowhere- He saved me and sent His comforter, the Holy Spirit to dwell within me. And He will return for me one day.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you had read the Bible thoroughly you would realise that Jesus could have summoned angels to help him but it was his voluntary sacrifice of dying on the cross that destroyed the power of sin and death for believers.

    The LORD God had instituted set sacrifices for the sins of the Hebrew people. The idea being that if you sinned you caused the death of an animal. What is more you had to put your hand on the head of the animal

    like a sheep so that you felt it die for you.

    But mankind is hard-hearted and they just went on sinning and trying to justify themselves. The LORD God had planned from the beginning that he would send His son, as yet unborn.

    Anyone who can know God's word and willingly carry it out as he did is totally worthy of our grateful and heartfelt thanks.

    After all Jesus never sinned, though through Mary he was a man, so his death was undeserved.

    The LORD God sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus, to prepare people's minds, But people prefer evil to good and Herod's wife had been told off for her bad ways by John so she took vengence on him.

    I don't understand your Moses comment.

    When Jesus went into heaven the angels said to his Apostles 'Why stand ye looking up into heaven? This Jesus who you saw go into heaven shall so come as you have seen him go.'

    Jesus spoke of his second coming in the power of his Father and told us to WATCH!

    For we do not know the day or the hour.

    Jesus submitted to his Father's will and so must we.

  • 1 decade ago

    He was not weak he was loving and self sacrificing. He gave up His life to save us. It was Gods will that he be a perfect sacrifice and to die for our sins. He was able to handle all that the Jewish men had to ask him and never once sinned. John the Baptist paved the way for him. That was an honor not a job. I do not understand what you mean by what Moses brought? He gave us everything we need to be able to meet Him in Heaven when we die.

  • Loosid
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    All I know about Jesus and Islam is that it is taught that Jesus ran away from the Romans out a window in the house He was hiding in.

    The Christian Jesus was no wuss. He sat in front of His accusers and loved them; takes FAR more strength in that than to try to escape.

    Just my thoughts on it

  • Joshua
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    -He resurrected Lazarus

    -He walked on water

    -He healed many, many people

    -He cast out demons

    -He fulfilled prophecies from the Old Testament (written HUNDREDS of years before!)

    and then, He died in our behalf: (talking about his life:)"No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father." John 10:18


  • 1 decade ago

    Why don't you get yourself a New Spirit Filled Life Bible (NKJV) with condordance. Cross reference all these questions and read it for yourself. People generally take the word out of context read it within the context then you will find the true facts.

  • 1 decade ago

    He was not weak at all, He layed down His life to redeem us to God, He willingly submitted to the Fathers will, like a sheep to the slaughter. Willing submision To God.

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