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jigokusabre asked in SportsBaseball · 9 years ago

All-Star voting results. Name one player....?

Name one player who should not be in the lead for his position.

Name one player who should be higher in the polling for their position than they are.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    One player that should not be in the lead for his position is Prince Fielder. Now, he's having a good year, but I think Konerko should be leading in votes. He's having a great year. He is the most underrated player in MLB. He's a great hitter, but doesn't get recognized for that.He's batting .366 with a .445 OBP and 11 home runs and 33 rbi.

    One player that that should be higher is Giancarlo Stanton.He's not even listed there. He's having a great year so far, and it's better than a lot of outfielders.If Stanton doesn't get in, he will be one of the biggest-if not the biggest- all star snubs. Seriously. Just look at his numbers.I don't get how Cargo is way at the bottom either. But, Stanton isn't even in the top voting, so he definitely needs to be ranked higher.

  • Lee
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Hmmm, well. Adam Jones is the 2nd best AL OF this season, How the hell is Mike Napoli #1 for catchers in the AL? Where is Adam Dunn on this list?

    Personally I absolutely hate how the All Star game gets voted, really, it's the team with the most fans (Yankees and Rangers) Get voted on there even if they do absolutely NOTHING, look at Brett Gardner. 28 AB's and is 2 spots behind a guy (Adam Jones) Who has 16 HR's and 33 RBI's? Exactly. In this allstar game, I think that the HoF voters should vote on all stars along with the fans, only the HoF voters votes count for 70% of the votes, and fans only 30%. That would fix things up a bit.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago


    Paul Konerko should be higher.

    Jason Kipnis isn't even on the list. Are you kidding?

    Have you seen Mike Napoli this year? Yeah me neither.

    Adam Jones has been the second best AL OF this year.

    Adam Dunn isn't on this list. He's t-2nd in home runs and 5th in RBI's in the AL.

    How in the world is Carlos Gonzalez below guys like Heyward, Bourn, Holliday, Hart, and Pence? He's arguably been the best NL OF this year.

    Hanley Ramirez is quietly having a great season so far. He's not on the list either.

    Brett Gardner has 28 at bats and he's on the list. SMH.


    I know this is more than ONE player, but this list is pretty crappy IMO.


    But like someone else said, when fans get to vote this is what happens. Its also the all STAR game; not the all STAT game. So if the fans want to see the stars play, I can't really blame em.

  • 9 years ago

    For player who should not be in lead, I choose Nelson Cruz. He is batting .266 with 8 homer runs. If you are going to bat that low you need to hit homers, 8 is not enough. He is ahead of people like Jose Bautista and Adam Jones, both have at least 6 more HR than Cruz.

    For player who should be higher in polling, I chose Paul Konerko. He has been killing the ball and has led the Sox to a first place division lead. I also have to mention he is batting .366 with 33 RBI. He is still fielding very well at his age, he doesn't even have any errors yet. I was surprised to see him not at the top of the first base category.

    Source(s): ESPN-for stats
  • Fungo
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    As long as fans are given the responsibility to vote an infinite number of times for the All Star Game starters, this is what you'll get. The majority of voting is based on players' reputations and popularity - not on what they've done since the start of the regular season.

    Let the 750 MLB player's vote for their peers and the starters will be valid.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Prince Fielder should not be leading. No offense to Prince, he's having another great year, but Paul Konerko is getting robbed.

    I have no idea why Giancarlo Stanton is not in the top 15. He should be at the absolute lowest 7th. The only players I could possibly justify being ahead of him are Braun, Beltran, CarGo, Melky, Ethier, and McCuthen.

  • 9 years ago

    Ay, what's new? Big market teams are leading the way because their fans are absorbed and obsessed with these guys that they don't even care about the All Star game being a joke. Except for Carlos Ruiz, I hope that son of a bi**h doesn't get on the team. But at this rate he won't, because the Phillies are losing a lot, and their fans are selling them out.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    NL Voting for catcher:

    Yadier Molina - .328/.373/.527

    Buster Posey - .295/.362/.462

    Brian McCann - .248/.323/.416

    Carlos Ruiz - .368/.416/.600

    In case you haven't noticed, the best catcher and one of the best overall hitters in the National League right now is in fourth in voting.


  • 9 years ago

    I think it's disgusting that Prince Fielder and Mark Teixeira are leading Paul Konerko. What a joke.

  • 9 years ago

    To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't have Derek Jeter leading the majors.

    I would have Jose Bautista higher up for OF, not necessarily leading but he should be in at least 2nd place.

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