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Why are Americans so fat?

I'm not stereotyping or anything, but when I went to America (Vermont, North Carolina, Colorado and Oregon, so don't say I only saw one part of the country), I was SHOCKED at how FAT people were. There were so many lard asses it made me want to vomit. Disgusting. A third of the people on the street were morbidly obese, and practically EVERYONE was overweight. I'm from Iceland, and fat people are practically non-existent, because people here actually CARE about their looks. What causes this?


I have seen that program before. Travel Channel? That can't be the ENTIRE root of the problem, can it?

Update 2:

I've been to the UK- their teeth are just fine, and their plates were clean at my cousin's house, and they use their dryers. That stereotype wasn't true at all. The "stereotype" that Americans were fat was, and is, a FACT. I DID see FAT people in America. Also, "I ain't nearly overweight" means that you ARE overweight, which just proves my point. OR, Americans can't even speak English, proving they are idiots. Take your pick.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oooo, gaman - má ég leika líka?

    Afhverju hafa Íslendingar svo mikið kynmök án smokkar að roðnaði jafnvel flækingsköttur? Afhverju drekka Íslendingar nóg kaffi til að drekkja hval? Og svo borða hinn hval?

    Hehe, ég er bara að stríða þér... í alvöru, ég elska ísland svo mikið að ég flutt hingað (til Íslands) frá Bandaríkjunum. Bandaríkin er enn verri að búa í. :Þ Þú ert alveg rétt um Bandaríkjamenn að vera feitir og fáfróðir... og tókstu eftir því hve auðvelt er að reiðast Bandaríkjamenn? Farðu varlega, flestir Bandaríkjamenn eiga byssur. :Þ Og flestir Bandaríkjamenn styðja dauðarefsinguna, misþyrmingu, og halda að heimurinn sé bara 6000 ár gamall. En engu að síður halda flestir Bandaríkjamenn að Ameríka sé best land í heiminum - en bara 30% Bandaríkjamanna eiga vegabréf og svo flestir gætu ekki fara á önnur lönd ef þeir vildu! Og áður en það varð nauðsynlegt að vera með vegabréf til að fara á Könudu áttu bara 17% Bandaríkjamanna vegabréf.

    Gerðu svo vel að stríða Bandaríkin ;)

    Source(s): Er nýbúi á Íslandi sem fæddist í Bandaríkjunum
  • 9 years ago

    It seems to me that you are in fact being a bit stereotypical, even a tad rude. There is a difference between caring about your looks and being completely superficial. Fat people are certainly not attractive, but damn. Get over yourself.

    Yes, there are a lot of fat people over here. Probably too many. I blame McDonalds, and the other many fast food chains. Also, excessive technology enables us to sit around and do nothing.

    But keep in mind that we are not all fat. There are quite a few health nuts here, especially on the coastal areas.

    Another thing: We speak AMERICAN ENGLISH. It's quite different than British English. And there are many different dialects throughout the U.S. You'll find that somebody from Boston will speak in a more "proper" manner than someone from, say, Kentucky.

    Source(s): An American. A THIN American, thank you very much.
  • 9 years ago

    Hey!....We're not fat...we're just big boned... :P's not really nice to say that all Americans are fat. Yes there may be some overweight people in America but there might be some all around the world. You say that there practically no larger people in Iceland but there have to some...absolute no offence to Icelandic people!

    And it's not nice to say that we Americans do not care about our looks just because you see some fat dont know their problems or what happens in their lives! Stop being so mean... not everyone can be stick thin....

    No offence do3e....

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "I'm not stereotyping or anything, but I'm going to stereotype", you mean. Why do all people in the UK have bad teeth and don't rinse their dishes? Why do people in the UK all buy clothes dryers, but don't use them and instead drape damp washing over EVERYTHING? Oh wait, I'm not stereotyping or anything,; after all, I LIVED in the UK - I wasn't just a tourist. Have you LIVED in the US or UK? I didn't think so. Plus, everyone knows all Icelanders eat rotten shark that's been buried and singed sheep heads.

    Edit: Oh, they're CLEAN - they WASH their dishes, but they skip the step of rinsing them. Given their extremely low-fibre diets, I guess they need all the diarrhea they can get. Why do people in the UK like their food fried or boiled to death, or have cheap Chinese takeout or "have an Indian"? I think you're just a troll. After all, only trolls say THEY have facts, but when anybody else contradicts them, they say the other people aren't stating facts.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    People care about their looks in America, but we are also subconciously raised by society to expect immediate gratification. This leads people to give up easily when it comes to healthy habits, which take time to truly bring the results people want. After giving up on these habits, people return to their desire for immediate gratification by indulging in the food they want, when they want it, and the lazy activities they wish to take part in. In summary, Americans don't like to think about the long term effects of their choices, only the immediate ones.

    Source(s): I'm an American, so I know a thing or two about America.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Stop generalizing, I'm American and unless you think 124 pounds is fat for a 5'4" teenage girl then the girls in your country must be anorexic sticks. I eat alot of fruits and veggies (I'm vegetarian) , workout, and play alot of tennis. So quit generalizing, I'm nowhere near being 'overweight'

    Source(s): American
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Where in Oregon did you go? I'm from there, and honestly, I feel that we're too skinny.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    i know, its sad, i am ameriacan and dont call me a lard @$$, i aint nearly overweight, i stay active and play basketball 24/7

    plus i play varsity

    its because of all the fast food, everywhere its hurry hurry hurry, and fastfood isfast fast fast

    Source(s): f.y.i. i care about my looks i have to, im 15 i meant by am am far from overweight, i weigh 135, 6'1 you call me a liar and we have a problem so get over your insecurities
  • Unseen
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You are just another rude piece of Euro trash

  • Yet there aren't fat people everywhere. So you are in fact generalizing.

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