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Lv 5
? asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 9 years ago

A History of Violence ...Vs.....Eastern Promises?

MQ - Sorry to put this to a choice. I love them both too.

BQ: Videodrome...vs....eXistenZ

BQ2: eXistenZ....vs.....Inception

BQ3: Hell Yes or Hell No:.... Eastern Promises Sequel looks to be happening. Vincent Cassel and Viggo Mortenson are both in negotiations to return. And Cronenberg directing.

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is hard! Both are so good, but I'll choose Eastern Promises.

    BQ- Videodrome

    BQ- Inception

    BQ3- Hell yes! I'm excited for this one :)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    That is a tough call- I can't choose. I am a big Ed Harris fan, so it would be hard to go against History- but I love Eastern Promises too- Viggo is great in both films as usual

    BQ- Videodrome

    BQ2- Inception

    BQ3- Yes I am all for it- make that a hell yes

  • Donny
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Eastern Promises.

    A History of Violence has a better concept and story, but the ending just doesn't pay off. Eastern Promises is brilliant from beginning to end. But I guess I like the first half of AHOV more.

    BQ- Videodrome

    BQ2- Inception

    BQ3- Hell yes!

  • Logan
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    A History of Violence

    BQ Videodrome is one of my favorite movies ever!!

    BQ2 Inception

    BQ3 Hell YES

    Hi Gabriel

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  • \Liam\
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Hey Gabriel!

    I love A History of Violence, but Eastern Promises wins it for me

    BQ: Videodrome

    BQ2: Inception

    BQ3: HELL YES X100 I'm really excited now!!


  • Danny
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    History of Violence.

    BQ: Videodrome! Long live the flesh!

    BQ2: Inception

    BQ3: Hell yes.

  • Hey Gabriel!

    Wow this is a really good question, I've been deciding back and forth for a while now. He's been my favourite director for many years now and while “History of Violence” and “Eastern Promises” are good films. I feel, looking at his entire body of work and what he's done they convey little of what made Cronenberg’s approach to cinema so special and idiosyncratic. It’s true that he couldn’t keep making films like “Videodrome” which is very much a product of its time. But his views could certainly survive being applied to other subjects/concepts. On the other side Cronenberg (as any other man) got older and his worldview might have suffered a severe change, leading him to direct films that are more keen to mainstream appeal. Case in point: Robert Zemeckis.

    That said, I'm going to go with A History of Violence. Simply because, his previous works are really matured and "come on their own" if you will. What helped me understand "A History of Violence" is not because of the gory throat slashings, but the way he directs his actors, who can seem cold and distant in their own way but above all have this major magnetic attraction that ultimately drives the narrative.

    In regards to an Eastern Promises 2 it's got my attention for sure and perhaps I'm the only one who thinks this. But I feel he is softening with age? The grotesquerie that was core to his work seems to be eroding away as well. There’s no doubting Cronenberg’s brilliance and uncompromising approach to his content, I mean, the intelligence is still there, but what people knew to be ‘Cronenbergian’ is being diluted either in favor of greater public consumption, or he simply doesn’t care to survey body horror any longer. I dunno, that's just me.

    BA: Videodrome

    BA2: preferred Inception to be completely honest.

    BA3: Hell yes.


  • 5 years ago

    Why did you put up that?Guess if the guys title was Smith you wouldn't have posted.Is there no method that you etc won't droop to on your quest to damage the McCanns?

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