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Was Jesus a bad Christian?

I mean this to be more of a thought provoking question on how Christians define "a good Christian", not making fun of Jesus at all.

Matthew 21/Mark11 He overturned tables inside the temple and kicked people out of the building.

He frequently told church leaders what they were doing wrong. (woe to you scribes and pharisees...etc)

This whole "Jesus meek and mild" girly man ideal that people throw out there is just ridiculous. Where do people get the idea that Jesus was a wuss?


Ok first off, yes I know Jesus was Jewish & wasn't a Christian. This question is more of a discussion on modern Christianity and how many churches seem to want to turn men into girly men. If you look at how the stereotypical good christian guy is protrayed (quiet, humble, never wanting to offend, super sweet, blah blah blah) then look at Jesus, that is NOT what you see. Sure, he had his moments (let the litttle children come to me) but he had his tough, 'let me tell you what's wrong' moments. He wasn't always nice about it.

20 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    People hear "turn the other cheek" and read about Jesus submitting to crucifixion and think he was a pacifist. Not so. Sometimes, violence is necessary. Jesus didn't preach against violence; he preached against needless violence, and especially against revenge, which accomplishes nothing. But I think most of us would agree that violence used to protect self, country, and fellow man is a good thing, whatever religion we might be.

  • 9 years ago

    Jesus was Jewish not a Christian - but you have an interesting point. Jesus is said to have been

    without Sin and yet he denied his mother when she turned up to see him once (Honour thy father and mother) and did not always keep the Sabbath (though he had his own excuses for that) as well as overturning the tables and saying "woe to you pharisees" etc... He also said he didn't come to bring peace to the Earth but Division and to turn people in the same household against each other.

    So you are right, this girly man, perfect, never does anything wrong ever wussy image is totally wrong. When Jesus does anything "wrong" he always has clever words and can twist things around to cover up anything he did. He was cool.

  • Tiger
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Righteous anger is Ok. The same is righteous judgment. Jesus did it all the time. We are called to do the same. The problem is that we are easily proud and have self-righteousness. Then our anger and judgment is colored by this. It is not pure, like Jesus, from a man without sin Him self.

    Still, we can not stop cleaning "temples" and judge what is sin. Keep close to Jesus and our words and actions will be from Him. If our hearth is in Jesus the result will be blessed, even if not perfect.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Early in his ministry Jesus said: “I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth.” (Luke 4:43) Jesus even taught his followers to pray for God’s Kingdom to come. (Matthew 6:9, 10) The journal Christianity and Crisis says that “the Kingdom was the dominant theme of [Jesus’] teaching,” adding: “No other subject was so much on his mind or so central to his message. It is mentioned over a hundred times in the Gospel narratives.”

    He did not let anything distract him from that focus and if people did turn the truth of gods kingdom into a mockery then yes justice needed to be made

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  • 9 years ago

    Jesus was not a wuss, you are right...but he wasn't a bad Christian either. He was a carpenter's son! He wasn't even white. He was probably relatively buff and tan with long, dark brown hair. But the reason he overturned tables inside of the temple was because they were trying to sell and buy dishonestly in side of a place of worship and God. And the reason that He kept telling the pharsees that they were wrong was because they were trying to trick him, lying to him, spread rumors about him, trying to out smart him and being all around dishonest and showy. They were being jerks. They didn't care about what He was saying they were just trying to stay in their position of power.

  • Robert
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Some corrections. Jesus did not rebel against Church leaders, but against Jewish religious leaders. You can follow Jesus by speaking against the Church leaders by showing to the world that the Church leaders have completely expunged the teaching Jesus from the Church.

    Jesus was not a girly man at all. He was born in a Jewish family. He lived in the Jewish society. For Jews, obeying the law of Moses was very important. Violators (sinners) would be punished. The Jews are expected to observe Sabbath (Friday evening to Saturday evening) as holy. They were not expected to do any work. But Jesus broke the law of Moses by breaking the Sabbath. The punishment prescribed in the law of Moses is death for breaking Sabbath. Jesus earned the death sentence by breaking the Sabbath.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    You are right. Jesus was no Christian, he was a dualistic gnostic, later followed particularly by Mani.

    The meek image the Church gave him is not the worst part of his misrepresentation. The fact hat he or his Father even allegedly sacrificed him as the son of God in order to save the thieves, murderers and other louts is much worse. Because this opened the doors to evil, it killed conscience in humans, and genuine love for God, while the Church presented to the World Money as a new God.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Jesus wasn't a Christian. Jesus was Jewish. Jesus created Christianity. Yes he did get angry. It's not a sin to get angry, it's how you use your anger that makes it sinful. He overturned tables because people were cheating people out of their money in a Holy Temple! I would probably do the same thing. Jesus is God, frankly, he can tell people are wrong whenever he wants. And they were wrong. They were evil people, the planned his death! Jesus was pure and sinless. He technically is God after all. I don't know where they get that. There are people who decide to be rude and don't respect what other people believe, ignore them. God bless!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Yeah, cause Jesus didn't believe in Jesus, He was a Jew that observed the Torah.

    Was he a bad Jew? Some say yes, for overturning tables in the temple, not washing before eating bread, breaking the sabbath, not showing respect to gentiles, not saying the Shema before he dies. Nonetheless, in those days, he would be considered a Jew with special needs.

    @Emma: According to Halacha, Jewish law, it IS a sin to get angry. When you get angry, you've basically lost your trust in G-d (obviously you can fix it by doing Teshuvah).

    "Consider one who tears his clothing or breaks his vessels or scatters his money in his anger as an idolator." (Shabbos 105b).

  • 9 years ago

    There is very little evidence that Jesus was trying to start a new religion. He was trying to get the Jews to think in term of changing their lives rather than just following a list of rules. If it took a bit of kick-butt He was fully ready to do that.

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