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Lv 6

Magic or Quantum Mechanics?

Quantum mechanics states that an electron can move from one energy state to another without passing through any intermediary state. This is known as the quantum leap. Kind of like the electron was in this shell, now it is in that one, and it never passed through a point in between.

This sounds an awful lot like magic. Yet physics tells us that it is undoubtedly true. If such things can happen on a sub atomic level, and be accepted as true, or at least possible by atheists who tout science as their religion, then why is something similar recorded on a macro scale judged to be impossible?

The denial of miracles is a common theme with atheists. I've seem more references than I care to about our believing in a "magic sky daddy" or a "magic old man that sees everything". It seems to me that you are more than willing to accept "magic" on a sub atomic level. You just deny it happening where you can see it.

Do you consider that to be logical? If so, please explain to me how you came to that conclusion.


@No Chance Without Satan – Science developed with the assumption that a logical and consistent God would make a logical and consistent world, capable of being understood by his creation. This is why science developed rapidly in the west and did not do so in areas where God is considered capricious or that the universe could not be understood. So without a belief in an understandable creation there would be no science.

@ Acid Zebra – Personal insults aside, I am familiar with several atheist who have stated that “science is my religion” or something substantially similar. Given that they believe in science, as do I, I was looking to find out why they deny that such things are impossible on a macro scale. I question the logical consistency of allowing it to be true to occur on one level, and not on another. As for them being repeatable, can you please forward the reliable, measurable and repeatable observations you have for the Higgs Boson? Or how about the graviton? What about t

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Quantum Mechanics is very interesting, and so is your question....Kudos.

  • 9 years ago

    Most of the outspoken atheists in science tend to be biologists. Physicists tend to be less dogmatic, probably for the very reasons you have referred to.

    And no less an atheist (or perhaps agnostic) than cosmologist Steven Hawking predicted that such behavior CAN be observed on the macro level--when the Quantum Foam produces virtual particles near the event horizon of a black hole. When that happens, the virtual particle pairs, which usually appear only to immediately annihilate each other, are pulled apart by the event horizon of the black hole, so they are forced to become real particles. As a result, black holes should appear to be incredibly hot, because they are pouring out immense amounts of energy in the form of half of these virtual particle pairs. In fact, said Hawking, this should cause black holes eventually to evaporate away. THAT is an observable effect on the macro level.

    Source(s): Preacher's Kid.
  • 9 years ago

    If so, then consider them as same. To get closer to God/s to know magic or science. That burning motivation is the thing that Dawkins (or someone) wants in lab. I often say that almost all magic is placebo+resonance. And some atheists also believe in "magick". Usually they don't call themselves atheists.

    And atheists (and many Christians) use science to explain things, it is not there religion. Lol, some do say that? I guess all generalizations about humans are bound to be wrong :)

    @ Satan: I wonder what would member of Sanātana Dharma say about your claim...

    Edit: Still, there is difference between possibility and probability. It is possible to go though wall, but you know probability... I saw Heisenberg interval as place where God could create miracles (chaos theory, bla bla). Now I don't reserve that for just God :)

    Source(s): LHP or sth???
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Sure. Quantum entanglement has proven that all things are connected in a way that transcends deterministic, Newtonian science. It justifies most mysticisms. Quantum uncertainty justifies luck, chance and karma. If the superficial Newtonian universe truly is random, and that randomness has roots in quantum uncertainty, and we do not know the mechanisms of the quantum universe, then how can we say mystical connections are a farce? Can me slitting a chickens throat affect your fate tomorrow? If mystic means quantum, then why not? There is room in science for faith in non-science, without contradiction. And indeed science has demonstrated much favoring the mystic.

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  • 9 years ago

    Physicist Max Planck discovered that distance and time are not infinitely "cuttable". Otherwise the hare could never pass the tortoise in Zeno's paradox. The constant h-bar describes mathematically how wavelength and quantum leaps, and quantum tunneling for that matter, work. And it is not idle speculation, it is a useful tool for physicists, without which your computer's processor could not have been invented, and the sun would not shine. If you think that part of QM is weird, it's just the tip of a very large iceberg. Be that as it may, if you spot god anywhere in there, please let me know. Or better yet, call Oslo for your claim to the Nobel prize.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It doesn't sound anything like magic.

    "...why is something similar recorded on a macro scale judged to be impossible?"

    Because nothing on a "macro" level has even been recorded. Hence why Quantum physics and general relativity don't mesh.

  • 7 years ago

    but for all of you reality is just a figment of our imagination,quantum effects and state are just way how our universe works.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You said, "quantum physics sounds like magic to me". So... where do you get off saying anything about it after that comment? "The Internet sounds like magic to me", is something someone who does NOT use the Internet would say. Essentially, you are very much a retard.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Quantom physics. Satan incorporates Science and Religion unlike the idiot God.

  • 9 years ago

    Any science advanced enough beyond ours will be indistinguishable from magic.

    (God created universes. Self-created universes. It's all pretty much the same as magic to me.)

    Source(s): Some classic science fiction author, but I forget who.
  • 9 years ago

    "possible by atheists who tout science as their religion"

    And that's where I wrote you off as yet another ignorant jackass not worth the time.

    Source(s): Wake me when you observe it happening on the macro scale. Reliable, measurable, repeatable observation. You know, like the ones we have for quantum scale events. Thanks for demonstrating the "I dunno therefore magic" mindset though.
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