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When will the time come when "WE THE PEOPLE" DEMAND TERM LIMITS on the Federal Politicians ?

These CAREER do nothings name one?? name ANYONE OF THEM who have been their in Washington or even STATE GOVT for ten years!!! Their worthless !! Most of them have used their offices to become wealthy, and have got more 'perks' and benefits than most all Americans !!! Don't anyone realize this ???

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Should have already happened. The people need to put a stop to our legislators being put in office for purposes other the betterment of our Nation. They are now the best that money can buy.

  • 9 years ago

    Actually, there is one gentleman who is a 12-Term Senator from Texas - & has demonstrated a 30-year history of doing what he says he'll do ... his name is Ron Paul. He's the only Senator to vote against The Patriot Act, against taxes, against the NDAA Senate Bill 1867, against War and against invading

    Vietnam & Iraq. He aligns with the principles of The Constitution & The Bill of Rights; the documents that this country is supposed to be run by. In answer to your question, the time came years ago; you're a little late. Ron Paul is the "Champion of The Constitution", precisely what you desire. "Land of the Free" Candidates don't come along every day, and since so few people take a real interest in politics these days, we're about to let the only one who could've saved us; slip away. How ironic: you are clueless to the existence of what you claim to want.

  • Darren
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    There was a reason our forefathers decided to not have term limits for congressman. Without them states with the most population or money could easily dominate the rest of the country.

    Take Bob Dole for example. Dole was from Kansas. Kansas does not have as big a population as Texas or as much money as New York. But the people of his state could still be well represented by continually re-electing Dole, a highly respected and effective legislator. This gives an otherwise powerless state some sort of equality.

    As the others wrote, if you don't like your Congressmen don't vote for them. You don't have to like Congressmen of other states. It's all part of the "Balance" part of Checks and Balances.

  • 9 years ago

    If Ron Paul served 12 terms in the US Senate he would have been in the Senate for 72 years. I think your figures are just a little off and may need to be rechecked? Being you can't get elected to the Senate until your 35 that would make Senator Paul 107 years old at a minimum.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's not likely to happen since most of the people who give low ratings to Congress as an institution give much higher ratings to their individual members and are happy to keep them is office.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    there are pretty much term limits already, except for supreme court judges who are appointed for life.

    if politicians are staying in office, it's because people keep voting for them to be re elected. if the majority of people didn't want them in office, they wouldn't be re elected.

  • 9 years ago

    Its called voting.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    What's this WE bravo sierra, pork chop?

  • Tony
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    that is why you vote

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