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Lv 7
D asked in Home & GardenOther - Home & Garden · 9 years ago

A filter to turn soft water into drinking water?

I recently moved to an apartment after living on tap well water all my life. This house has soft water from all faucets. Right now I am drinking bottled water, but don't like the plastic taste (and going through 3-4 gallons a week).

Is there any sort of filter out there to remove the salt from soft water?

I don't think the Brita filters do that- no mention on their website. I tried googling it, but all that comes up is how to get rid of hard water- I want the opposite.

Thanks in advance!


Because this is an apartment, I need a stand-alone system, not one you install under the sink

Update 2:

Nope- words are correct- The well water I had previously was brought into a individual tap, just for drinking water. Same water that came out of the hose in the yard. Soft water was used for the other taps in the house

The apartment also has a well, but they have soft water going to all faucets. I am looking for something to remove the salt from the soft water. Chlorine is no big deal- I can drink city water too.

Update 3:

Nope- words are correct- The well water I had previously was brought into a individual tap, just for drinking water. Same water that came out of the hose in the yard. Soft water was used for the other taps in the house

The apartment also has a well, but they have soft water going to all faucets. I am looking for something to remove the salt from the soft water. Chlorine is no big deal- I can drink city water too.

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you have your terms a little mixed up. If you were drinking well water before, then it would be going through a water softener (hard water wreaks havoc on plumbing), which would actually give the water a saltier than "normal" taste because of the salt used in the process.

    The main thing with city water is the chlorine taste. You can leave a pitcher of water out or in the fridge for about 6 hours, which will allow the chlorine to evaporate out. You can combine this with a filter pitcher to clear out any other contaminants.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Considering the fact that the toilet will get flushed so typically your cat can smell the freshness and can inform it is cooler. Cats don't love bowls on account that of their wild nature (standing water is stagnant water). Those fountains are highly-priced, but first-rate to get the cat to drink. My cat constantly drinks the water after I get out of the shower or in the sink if the water is jogging. He drinks out of his bowl, however he has quandary. He was a runt and his depth perception is waaaay off.

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