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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureCultures & GroupsSenior Citizens · 9 years ago

Why doesn't America install a "fat tax"?

The country can use the money to help offset the deficit and obesity is "taxing" our health care system.

There are now over 43 million Americans w/o health insurance and this figure rises everyday. Hospitals pass the cost to treat the uninsured (that can't afford to pay) on to taxpayers.

So, why doesn't gov attempt to alleviate the problem by discouraging obesity w/ a fat tax?


Folks- Gov has already crossed the line w/ discriminatory taxation (alcohol/tobacco). A fat tax is merely an extention.

Update 2:

adeline- This is the first time I asked the question. My inquisitive nature doesn't revolve around the amount of times you've seen something posted. No one is twisting your arm to answer. No need to sound so disgusted.

I've already posted how gov enforces discriminatory taxes.

Update 3:

99%- Thank you for the submission that verifies my concern. Now that the measure is installed, why doesn't gov step up the ways to discourage obesity through more taxation? I quit smoking because the taxes increased beyond what I thought the value of the product was worth. Why should obese people be sheltered f/ the same discriminatory approach that taxed me away f/ what is unhealthy but was once considered my pleasure?

Update 4:

jonds- That's REALLY stepping it up and it's an interesting assertion. Identify "overweight" and tax them according to how much overweight they are. I'm not saying I agree w/ that but it illustrates how far the taxation code can get.

Folks, it's not discrimination when viewed that all of us would be subject to the same taxation laws.

Update 5:

Folks- Here's an item that I submit has relevance. Maybe if the reps weren't so far removed f/ the necessity of affordable health care, the fat tax would be less positioned to be considered.

Update 6:

Obama used the cooperation he had in Congress to forge ahead w/ a plan to address affordable health care ... a plan the reps staunchly oppose but submit no viable option. GWB ignored the problem for 8 yrs.

Update 7:

Is it just me or does any one else suspect the amount of objection to this suggestion is directly proportionate to the amount they are overweight?

Update 8:

It sure didn't matter to the non smokers when gov was jacking up the prices w/ taxes on the smokers. In fact, I detected a hue of exhilaration f/ them as the smokers were banned f/ common company and resigned to indulge in isolation.

Smoking tobacco is an appetite suppressant. No wonder obesity is on the accelerated rise. In some cases, we just exchanged one hospital ward for another as it relates to the type of illness.

If you try to diminish the seriousness of America's obesity, then I submit you contribute to the problem.

If you're too fat, you're a detriment to not only your self, but society.

Update 9:

I understand there are exceptions ... doctors orders/no exercise. But most fat people are too lazy. They should be targeted.

Update 10:

*obese people are too lazy w/ poor eating habits

Update 11:

janey- The deficit is so far out of control I submit it will take a concerted effort that will be inclusive of raising existing taxes, creating new ones and reducing gov spending.

Update 12:

Somebody messaged me to report the last time their local gov raised tobacco tax it lost money because the sales declined substantially. That's evidence how taxation abates a problem f/ unhealthy, indulging Americans. The obesity problem is escalating ... it's not going away by ignoring it. Americans have had many yrs. to willingly make the necessary adjustments. Apparently they won't understand until it hits them in the pocket.

Update 13:

The program I watched that discussed this problem said obesity is costing taxpayers billions and it's getting worse because Americans are getting fatter while fewer have health insurance. Not only does gov have the power to levy taxes as a means to address the burden on the taxpayers, it has a duty to do so.

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think a FAT TAX is a great idea. The overweight and obese are a drag on our health care system and even our infrastructure. I do notice the vehemence of the objection to such a tax is probably directly proportional to the individuals waist size.High cigarette taxes seem to have stopped the growth of cigarette use. If we could get it to stop now, it would be better. ?More tax? Perhaps tobacco should be a "controlled substance". It's addictive, and harmful both in the short and long term, not only to the users but to those around them and the environment, too. I can't see anything wrong with institutionalizing the obese. A FAT TAX could pay for their treatment.

  • 9 years ago

    I understand what you are saying completely but instilling a fat tax is ridiculous. And yes I know we have other dumb tax laws that are completely pointless but that is besides the fact. I am an overweight person and guess what? I don't go to the doctor to get help because I know how I got this way and know what I need to do to reverse it. (before anyone assumes am an over eating lazy ***, I was in a car accident from a drunk driver and bed ridden for over 6 months, and I was an athlete and in shape). Sometimes just because someone is obese doesn't mean they make bad life choices, life just happens to them in a different way and obesity is a "side effect" You also bring up a point to the people who are hypochondriacs and will go to the doctor if they get a small cut thinking that their fingers are going to fall off, that is a waste of money. Also, I read a statistic somewhere (I really don't remember where) that american doctors are paid more than any other doctor in the world...So wouldn't it be better to ask the docs not to charge a 500$ "visit" fee and maybe health care costs would go down. (That is how much I paid every time I got wheeled into my doctors office to have my shattered leg checked, and I'd go 3 times a month for a year and a half).

    Source(s): Personal experience.
  • 9 years ago

    "uninsured" and "fat" are not the same.

    What you're basically saying is you want to find a way to pay less and fat tax is a nice way to go.

    What about the rest?

    Careful what you aim for because someone may be aiming at something that concerns you... to target one type is to ask for a return of that happening on much more.

    When the line is crossed, it doesn't mean we should keep going. Extensions bring more extensions. Just like you're suggesting. What "extension" would you find wrong?

    A lot of judging going on... fat arses... uh, right. Just because some people can shovel in a lot of crap and not gain weight, doesn't make them "better".

    It IS discrimination... I am thinking YOU don't have an overweight problem and some will never have to worry about weight gain... they are sticks no matter how much or what they eat.

    People gain weight for different reasons. Anyone who honestly cared to know that, WOULD know that.

    You are targeting one type of person. THAT is discrimination.

    @ S... luxury taxes were a part of life, at one time. Problem was, it didn't matter if someone GAVE you a nice table, piano or even a bed or if you even got the items a lot cheaper through a sale... you got taxed on how nice it looked! Many would hide anything that looked nice and leave the crappy looking things because they couldn't afford the taxes.

    Okay... you think they should be targeted. Now, let's see what is something you do that is not healthy... take pills, eat sugar or even man made junk to replace sugar, eat some of the government's genetically altered "food", fast food,

    Just because you're not fat, doesn't mean you are healthy! Maybe you are too skinny... let's start a tax for those who may be too skinny and not healthy. From one ridiculous way to the other.

    And... if you use a cell phone... I want to know where exactly you carry it since some places are more harmful than others and you may be eligible to be taxed on that.

    If you're not obese, you're not lazy? Wow!! You really have a lot to learn!!

    I will also add that this narrow minded thinking is why so many get surgeries to try to lose that extra "fat" and end up with even worse problems. So, tax away and drive them all into having staples, tummy tucks or whatever and pay the cost for it AND for all that goes wrong with it.

    Good luck with that.

    Is it just me or are you saying that anyone who didn't agree with you is overweight? Well, doesn't that beat all?! I have to be overweight to realize your tax stinks! It couldn't possibly be for any other reason, could it?

    I'm gonna go puke now. I'm not fat or obese and I'm not quite as judgmental as some here.

    I think I'd rather tax those with their noses up in the air and their "better than others" attitudes.

  • 9 years ago

    I think you make a good point. After all if we as a society are comfortable taxing those that consume alcohol and smoke cigarettes, we sure should tax those that seem to be addicted to food. Just like drunks and smokers, fat people have negative effects of the rest of us. Indeed negative effects on the whole of American society. Hopefully one of these days we will get beyond the politically correct nonsense and do something about it, just like we did with smoking and alcohol abuse. It has simply become a national epidemic. Sad.

    Sad to see that some of you folks have still not heard the news. Americans are fat. Disgustingly fat. This has grown to be a great health problem greater than both smoking and drinking. Yes, something has to be done.

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  • janey
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Why do some people believe the way to offset the deficit and most other problems is through taxation? The government has you brainwashed into believing more taxes is the only way to go. THINK ! Do you really believe taxation will offset obesity and the deficit? Taxation has not had an effect on cigarette smoking or drinking alcohol. Government doesn't want to address real problems. They want everyone to believe they are working hard for our best interests, when in reality they are destroying our country and wasting our money. They look out for themselves and no one else. We don't need more government and more taxes.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I just recently had a conversation about this with a fellow smoker.

    The 'sin tax' on cigarettes keeps rising. But what about cell phones--think of all the brain cancer we're going to have in 20 years.

    And more to the point, tanning salons. Why aren't people being taxed to the hilt when they use tanning salons. There is NO positive physical or mental health reasons for using tanning salons & they are contributing to the skin cancer problem.

    What about stuff like soda pop & ice cream. Not only does this stuff make us fat & contributes to other problems like diabetes & impotence, but it rots our teeth out. Why is there no super-tax on candy bars? Tax the heck out of bon-bons.

    And breast implants & face-lifts, etc. A lot of these procedures & operations cause harm (esp. considering the licensing of the docs who perform these procedures is almost nonexistent, all they have to do is take a short course on it) & there is NO reason for getting them other than vanity.


    Stella, Here in the States, there IS a very heavy tax on cigarettes & there is a tax on alcohol. I don't think the tax on alcohol is as severe as the tax on cigarettes. You pay the tax when you purchase these items.

    Here is the site that tells you how much each state taxes per pack of cigs as of January 1 of this year.

  • 9 years ago

    haha, initially I thought you were asking about a "flat" tax.

    How do you know that obesity is taxing our health care system, I've never seen any figures on that.

    Sure there are millions who have no health insurance and I don't think them having a job is going to cure that but I can tell you that I saw a tv program that showed lots of people in the emergency room who were there for simple colds and minor things they could have taken care of by themselves so I'm not so sure if they show up there for a simple need for (ego) personal attention or if they are simply uninformed about basic first aid or if they can't afford to buy the neosporine themselves or what. I can tell you from experience that a trip to the emergency room used to cost about $1500 in my area and it's up to $3,000 and it's because you're treated from what the nurses and doctor feel you should be treated for and not always what you're there to be treated for, and I'm thinking that it's this high so that the hospital can pay for the expensive equipment they've purchased as well as to pay the wages and not necessarily for the service they provide. So I don't think it's the "treating" that's the expense that's passed on to the taxpayers. It's also like doctors continue to set appointments for you to come in and see them when there is no rime or reason for your being there. And they insist on you taking a full battery of tests when they aren't necessary. It's just like doctors giving prescriptions to everyone who walks in the door and then upsells the other products and the pharmacies they are familiar with get the business. It's all "business" and has nothing to do with "fat" people.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm all for an obesity tax as long as it's next door to raising the liquor and cigarette taxes. As long as we're working to fight the fatties,why not fight the smokers and the alcoholics? We could end up with a good smelling,safe and attractive country in a few years if the tax was high enough.

  • sinic
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Well ........GREAT ! ......more regulation.....more bureaucracy....more

    government control......more socialism.......and besides that the PC crowd

    will not like it because it "profiles" fat folks and may hurt their feelings......

    Rather than imposing another TAX on us all....why not limit what can be purchased

    with a "food stamp card" ......there by "helping" the disenfranchised to be responsible

    without costing any more while moving toward the some degree ...although...

    I can hear..."discrimination and civil rights screams" already .......

    Why not ...expect and encourage obese people to be responsible for themselves....

    and not tax me for a bag of chips because some fat slob can't control himself......

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    No! We are losing more and more freedom through the guise of 'health'. I am sick of the hidden agendas which are rapidly taking away freedoms. I am not overweight and I certainly see things falling in line to accommodate something as stupid as this. Airline seating, no junk food in machines at school, No sodas in machines at school, menus have to be approved in schools now and Mrs. Obama suggesting foods in which the children should eat...they can't afford what she suggests, in some cases, but hey, it's just a suggestion!

    Heck no there should be no taxes on the people who are overweight! Enough of this forced lifestyle! Freedoms are flying out the door quickly and the government is trying to put into place what our lives should be like.

    I pay enough taxes for the sake of thinking for myself. I am insured in case of medical and you think we should have another tax for the sake of our freedom? NO, NO, No!

    Source(s): Tax the crap out of those in Congress and stop with retirement plans too. They make millions of dollars in many cases and yet, they are taking free rides off of our taxes!
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