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Why is my Yahoo webmail account sending out spam?

Firstly, my JOB is IT security, so I KNOW I have secured everything. When I changed my Yahoo password to another strong alpha/numeric/upper-lower case random long string (in the extremely unlikely event my account had been hacked) I got a flood of new spam sent from 'me'!

I have secured the devices I use with commercial grade security and have no other problems apart from Yahoo mail being compromised.

I can only think Yahoo mail itself has been compromised and is insecure?

PS. As mentioned I have been an IT security person for years and know that malware can infest address books, but these ARE rather pointless spam mails from my Yahoo account that I'm receiving in other accounts. I'm also receiving non-delivery notices for all the spam 'I am sending'.

I have a secure system (I spend a lot of time cleaning up infected systems!). I have a complex alpha numeric p/w for Yahoo and changed it recently after getting these notices.


I don't have an alternative email on my Yahoo account.

I recently changed my Yahoo password for a similar long alpha/numeric/case sensitive string and received an additional slew of spam from 'me'.

I only use Yahoo mail for occasional webmail - no details stored in a mail client. The sender IP info appears to be from Yahoo SMTP mailservers.

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Have you checked your account info for tampering with your alternate email contact address? If a spammer has planted an address there the security of a hypercomplicated password is moot, because the spammer can always request and receive a copy.

  • 9 years ago


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