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austics/aspies do you find ..............................?

that many people know or understand autism/aspergers?

or do you find that tho people say they have heard of it and 'know' what it is, they still dont really seem to adapt well to your needs?

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Everyone has different personalities. Many years ago people were just different, without the 'label'. You accepted them as they were - or not. I know very little about this illness. I know no one who has it, knowingly.. When I meet anyone - if given the opportunity, I take the time to know and understand their needs, and help them as best as I can, regardless.

    I think it's sad that society and the medical field has further stereotyped people with all these different physical and mental handicaps. I do not perceive this a a positive. People today are way too judgmental and unkind and this just gives them another point of action, to alleviate their aggression.

    Peace and Blessings always...

    (((My Sweet Frou)))

  • 9 years ago

    I think it is because, as a non-autistic person, even if the person is at the high end, communicating can be difficult with someone with such a radically different slant on the world.. The son of a friend is high functioning and had terrible trouble because nobody could figure out why he could be so intransigent on certain things. Then a friend of a friend who worked with Asperger's kids suggested he could have it, and after that, things between him and his parents improved radically once they learnt how his approach to the world was different. It was a shame it came so late, because school would have been so much easier for him.

    Also there is that thing about not appreciating there are huge differences in how individuals are affected, so that you can't go by the son of a friend who has it.

    Although I'd be one of those people who say they have heard of it and 'know' what it is in the loosest sense of the word, I'd have to learn how to adapt to the other person. It does take practice, just as it takes practice for you guys to negotiate our non autisitc/Asperger world. Yes, we should try harder.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Autism is a social anxiety disorder that effects a individuals chemicals in the brain which are for communicating with other people. Aspergers is a form of Autism. I would know because I am a high functioning Autistic. People think it is a learning disablity but it really isn't it has to do with social anxiety so to speak.

  • 9 years ago

    i find that most people buy into the misconceptions promoted by groups like 'autism speaks' and have no clue nor any desire to be respectful of my needs. and if i tell anybody i'm autistic, they come back with something about the kid of a friend who's severely autistic and comment on how i don't seem anything like that kid. in other words, they're saying 'you're not really autistic', which i resent enough that i don't bother to bring the subject up.

    all the BS about finding a cure [you can't cure autism any more than you can cure left-handedness] is doing nothing but complicating life for those of us who are trying to function in a hostile environment.

  • 9 years ago

    I have found my environment is too IGNORant to be self aware, so why should i depend on them for my survivsl. Then again, my aspregers is almost non-existent, duet o being an aged survivalist. most people have ot yet seen the things i have alreeady survived. However, i kneww a young man with aspergers, he was hard tto deal with, it made learning to work , difficult for him. he really wanted to learn, so he tried hjust too hard, and w as therefore always overpowering his efforts and screwing things up,as a result. Once he thre a large tire on the hood of the vehicle we were using to haul stuff. ( THE HOOD HAD A PLACE BUILT O HAUL STUFF. he threw the tire through the windshield.

    Source(s): Life experience.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    With me...people have heard of Asperger's but they know nothing about it or even make an effort to find out about it.

    I get the feeling that they expect me to adapt to them...........which of course us Aspies are great at as we have to do it all our lives in order to fit in.

  • 9 years ago

    Blessings to all. i agree with Glow wings, i don't know to much about this medical condition, and i'm wiling to learn , so I may know how to get along with people, that suffers from this condition. I always accept people the way, they are. I have been around people who as autism and I cannot tell the difference , most of them act normal just like me, thanks for posting and for all of the information on here. peace out.

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