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Why would anyone get health insurance now?

The best idea would be (especially for the self employed or those who by their own insurance)

1) Pay the fines, it will never rise above $2500 and it is pegged to a small percentage of your income

2) If you get sick or injured just sign up for insurance that day, the companies cannot deny you coverage (no pre-existing condition denials) and cannot charge you more than if you paid all along (community rating).

Save all of your money you would have spent on health care in a Roth IRA so it is tax free at retirement.

I do not see any downside to working the system like this.


EDIT: I think they increase to around that by 2020. They start off much lower which makes it better.

Update 2:

scott b: I am just betting an accident will not happen, kind of like self insuring. Most large medical bills are from sickness and end of life care.

Update 3:

EDIT: Again most large medical expenditures come from illness (cancer, heart failure, end of life care) and not accidents. I will take the risk, and if a bus hits me the bus line insurance will cover me.

Update 4:

Scott: I know how insurance works, and not allowing different rates for different people destroys insurance. That is why community rating is a terrible idea. I guess you like paying more so people who make all bad decisions can pay less.

Update 5:

abitleftofcenter: Not lucky just playing the odds. I bet 80% or more of the population never have any of that happen to them.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because you could run up tens of thousands of dollars in medical debt before you got your insurance policy. This fear is why people have insurance in the first place.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Apparently you don't understand how insurance works than. Aside from being unethical, doing this raises the rates for other people and if everyone did this there would be no more health insurance. Insurance works because money is pooled. Most people pay into their health insurance every month (or whatever your payment schedule is) but don't use it often for anything more than preventative care. Because of this the money that isn't used gets pooled and becomes available when someone has something more dire than a checkup. That's why you pay much less for health insurance than for paying for medical care out of pocket. If everyone did what you suggest money would not be pooled and the pool would dry up. Bye bye insurance, good luck paying out of pocket. Even with some doing it since you aren't paying your part there is less money in the pool. Also, if the insurance companies figure out what you're doing they can deny you so don't delude yourself.

  • 9 years ago

    The fines are no where near 2500. You would get insurance so you don't have to pay out of pocket when you are in an ER. You can't get insurance over night and it doesn't cover injuries that happened before you signed up for the policy. Your premium will still be rated based on your health conditions, like age..

    Edit: The fine will be about $650 or so by 2016, then it stops rising.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Because I am a responsible adult, so I purchase health insurance because it's the right thing to do. You think you can just call up the day you're sick or injured, but most likely there will be a waiting period for coverage. Do you really want to sit around your house for 30 days with a broken leg?

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  • jxt299
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    We don't need health care insurance companies. We need tax funded national health care like Canada, England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Japan...loads of other developed economies have. What do the insurance companies really do? Shuffle paper. Thats all. They shuffle paper for a big fee. They are not doctors, nurses, lab techs, pharmacists, they are paper shufflers; overpaid paper shufflers. They are the death panels, "oh, you got sick, we will drop your policy, we will not cover what you happen to have wrong with you". I have the funny feeling that if that happened to you or someone you actually cared about you would understand the need for national health care very clearly. Maybe thats what it takes.

  • Tootoy
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Be very careful with your wish on especially # 2.

    Yes, you can get insurance on the day you get sick, but your insurance would not take effect until a year later, buddy. Think again.

  • 9 years ago

    Yep . . . as I lie brain-injured from that motorcycle accident and in a coma, I can sure get insurance then, right. My bills won't devastate my family, right.

    Yep, as I lie incapacitated by a stroke, I can sure sign up, right? My care costs won't affect my family, right?

    Yep, after I die from that sudden massive heart attack, I can sign right up, right. The bills won;t devastate my family, right.

    Yep, while my wife is giving sudden severely premature birth, I can run right out and get that insurance so I won't be responsible for the delivery and immediate care costs, right.

    Yep, none of those things will happen to me . . . I'm lucky, right?

    Source(s): Common sense. However, I would be for amending the law so that your initial premium is equal to the cost of the policy from the time you refused to buy.
  • Tyrant
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Actually it's $650 all the way up to 2.5% of your income.

  • 9 years ago

    You can't get health insurance in a day. It has to be underwritten. And your plan works great...until you get in an accident or something like an appendicitis, and DON'T HAVE INSURANCE.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    So don't.

    See how that works out for ya.

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