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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 9 years ago

So what do you think of my story.?

Ok, so im writing a book (i know how cliched lol)

So, im really quite excited about it. Im about 5 chapters in and i want some feedback. Btw the setting is like a mediaeval england. The plot: caleb kensly, a 19 yr old soldier serving in the army is sick of killing. his king, verlion, killed his own father for the throne and everythng went downhill from there. So recently he sent his army overseas to an arabian/persian sort of country and has raided them and brought this girl called leela. Caleb feels like hes seen this girl, maybe in another life time......all of a sudden, six 'men' clad in black kill the king and everyone near him and the majority of people there. Caleb and leela escape, only for caleb to be framed for the kings murder. So they go on the run.....

Heres a little taster for you: His bloodied sword fell from his shaking hand. The deed had been done, they had conquered yet another innocent city. His eyes strayed to the scene infront of him. Lifeless corpes littered the battlefield, their warm blood seeping into the cold earth. Men lay mutiliated in a undignafied fashion, some missing arms and legs, others half their bodies. He noted that among the slain  lay little more than boys whom until recently had been enjoying their youths, now they were a pile of flesh and bone, unrecognisable and deformed. 

The scent of death assaulted his nostrils and he gagged, bringing up nothing more than bile. But he knew it wasnt the reason he had been sick. He hadnt joined the army to massacre children, to pillage their home, to rape their women, to kill their men and enslave their offsring. He had wanted honour and glory, to be praised and hailed a hero by everyone, to loyaly serve his king, to risk his life doing only good. Sir caleb kensly, a beloved knight, that is whom he had wanted to be.  Yet here he was, drenched in the innocents' blood. A murderer. They werent even prepared for the attack, an instant disadvantage. They were cut down in less than three hours. He heard women screaming, traumatised by what had happened and what would happen. He had played his part in their doom, and for that he would never forgive himself. 

It was the guilt that had caused him to be sick.

He picked up his sword, his hands still shaking. His body was exhausted, agony searing throughout him. His left shoulder had suffered the the most damage, a huge slash that would undoubtedly leave him a scar as reminder of his actions. 

He tried to not think of himself as a murderer, but as somone who only followed orders, but somehow that made him feel worse. Had he no say in what he did?

A hand appeared infront of him. He looked up and saw bright green eyes and a mop of brown hair that belonged to his comrade and close companion jarrod gurthers. They had been cousins and best friends; growing up together, planning to become heroes together, getting into trouble together and most importantly, they had joined the army together. He would risk his life for him, and he had no doubt that jarrod would do the same. 

Jarrod smiled slightly, not a happy one, but an empathetic one. He felt the same way caleb did, only he wasnt as quick to show his emotions. Caleb took his hand, giving a weak smile in return.

"you might want to have that seen to" jarrod said, indicating to his shoulder. Caleb nodded, his throat too coarse and dry to answer. Jarrod wasnt seriously injured, nothing a good rest wouldnt fix. Caleb inwardly let out a sigh of relief. If jarrod died, he wouldnt know what to do. They depended on each other, caleb more so than jarrod. They were brothers in blood. 

They made their way towards the medical camp that had been set up. As they did so, caleb couldnt help but notice the second battalion was moving in. The first one, the one caleb and jarrod had been in, were to kill any opposing force, to clear the way for the second battalion. The pillagers, as caleb called them, came in and pillaged the city, imprisoned the women, more often than not using them before they were enslaved and any child under the age of five were killed as they werent of any use being a slave. 

caleb didnt like his job, but he'd be damned if he raped a woman or killed an innocent. He preferred to be well away from the city before they arrived, so as to avoid the pleas of mothers and the screams of children.

 He forced back tears. To show tears to his fellow comrades would instantly doom him. They would beat him till they saw fit, and then ridicule him for being a spineless bastard. He didnt want that. He had seen a poor man object to the killing of a child. The child had been killed regardless, then later he had been taken somewhere. Now-a-days he killed without hesitation

I know there are alot of mistakes there, but just look past it. Anyways, any constructive criticism and feedback would be appreciated. Thank you :D

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i really do enjoy it, yes lots of mistakes but none that distracts froma fairly good writing skill devolping, the begining was so gripping, it would be a perfect start to a movie. Kepp going and have fun with it :) if it gets publihsed one day let me know k?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    properly, for my maximum recent tale, i grew to become into stimulated by potential of television. in many cases television evokes me anyhow. yet this one is diverse. i grew to become into watching Terra Nova on television, or maybe regardless of the indisputable fact that it wasn't that large of a instruct, I nonetheless observed the aptitude in it. and then i desperate that writing a diverse with dinosaurs would be so cool, and something so in assessment to something i've got ever completed earlier. So then I embarked on all this making plans with those style of diverse characters, and it grew to become into going to ensue in the jungle with dinosaurs. Then I persevered the making plans technique and rewrote outlines. Then i began, and wrote a adverse commencing up i ended up scrapping. And now i've got have been given the assumption down. And the humorous ingredient is, dinosaurs are not even a factor of it anymore. So the ingredient that relatively stimulated this novel, does not even exist in the radical anymore. It does nonetheless, even regardless of the indisputable fact that, ensue in the jungle, however the assumption is very nearly thoroughly diverse from the unique stimulated thought.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Wow! I loved it! I hope you continue to write this story. Happy writing and the best of luck to you!

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