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Why is she so jealous?

So I'm only 16, and I don't have a job. But I still stay pretty busy. It's summer, and I'm out with friends, or running errands, shooting, hunting. I try to stay in touch with her when I can, texting throughout the day, and I call her once or twice daily.

o when I get home from the 95 degree weather with the air literally steaming, I want to get on Skype and talk to some of my other friends I haven't talked to. On Skype, I talk to them from 11pm to around 3 in the morning. My girlfriend is jealous and angry and says I have a problem. I only chat with them at night when nobody else is talking with me or them. Most of them are girls, but they're friends at most.

Why is my girlfriend so jealous? Should I not talk to my Skype buddies anymore? I love my girlfriend and everything, but I think she's overreacting very impudently.


I know if this was in the reverse, she was staying up with guys on Skype, how would I feel? But honestly, I wouldn't mind that one bit. I know that they might possibly try to hit on her, most definitely actually. But I would trust her enough to love me without cheating. I trust her. I've told her that time and time again.

She just wont trust me. I'm asking her specifically what about this bothers her and she won't answer that part.

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are her babe, heart, an love an she doesnt want to lose yu , thats why ! An she is doesnt wanna c yu get attracted to one of ur girl-friends u knw an well no yu dont gott a problem yu jus like hanging/talkin to friends an ppl an well yes yu should talk to them but idk bout the "till 3am timing" lol but hey thatss a normal female reaction , it shows that she cares / love you alot ! In a way men will nnvr understand !

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You have the right to talk to your friends on skype.

    Since I am a girl, I'm going to tell you how I feel about it.

    I don't care if my boyfriend talks to other girls as friends. But if he said that he wanted to skype with them from 11pm to 3am, that would be a big no no for me. For me, that's just weird and uncomfortable for my boyfriend to be up till three in the morning talking to other females but not me.

    I just don't think my boyfriend should be skyping with other girls. I think thats something more intimant that kind of says "I really can't wait to see you but we can't see each other right now so let's skype". I feel that if you were hanging out with your chick friends in person, then it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

    I think maybe your girlfriend feels the same way. I think she just might feel left out. I don't know why she told you that you have a problem though. I think what you should try doing is skyping with her for a couple hours at night and then skype with your other friends the other couple of hours, to try and balance it out so that she will feel that you really want to talk and see her on skype too.

    I think something else that is good to do in situations like this, is to put yourself in their shoes.

    If your girlfriend was up all night with three or four other guys, skyping, how would you feel? When even though you trust her and know that she wouldn't flirt with them or do whatever, doesn't mean that they won't hit on her and try to flirt with her. OR she could be up all night with them and flirting with them and talking about the things that she dislikes about you or what you did that day to **** her off and you wouldn't even know it.

    These are just some things that could be running through her head when she thinks about you being up all night skyping with your chick friends. Maybe you should just try asking her why she has a problem with you doing it and tell her to give you an honest answer. if you guys love each other and are close, then you guys should be able to talk seriously about these things.

  • 9 years ago

    if she doesn't understand she cannot be your girlfriend

    your partner has to understand your sitatation and not blame you

    break up with her or compromise!!!

    answer mine?

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