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theory of religion? a debate topic?

im agnostic, dad is too , mom is pagan, granparents on one side christion and the other are catholic, i have had plenty of religios experience, and i know that we as humans probably need religion because it gives us meaning and purpose, which is how we live our daily lives i also know that religion can be a great tool to assist people in doeing the morally right thing most of the time


im going to pick on christianity because they seem to be the most vocal about religion

bible-written by man, science book-written by man, hmmmmm

spirit-maybe?, gravity - oops there it is,

look im starting an argument and im not sure i want to, but if god made one apperance, just one, he could change everyone in the world, done i feel that to believe in someone is to see their ability, i dont go to a car shop without talking to the man doing the work and seeing previous works done

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All Catholics are Christians.

    Muslims are way more vocal then Christians are concerning religion.

    Science and religion go hand in hand. I'm failing to see the argument here.

    Pax Tecum,


    Source(s): Catholic Christian Pray the Rosary
  • Daver
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    <<Theory of religion? a debate topic?>>

    What "theory of religion", specifically?

    <<im agnostic, dad <snip> vocal about religion>>

    This isn't about you, though. . . and why "pick on" Christianity, simply because they happen to be the most vocal? So what if Christians are the most vocal? Why does that "have to" mean Christianity should be "picked on"?

    I'm not sure if you're fit to partake in this debate because you seem to be taking the subject matter a little too. . . . . . personally? Do you bare some sort of "grudge" against Christianity?

    <<bible-written by <snip> there it is,>>

    SO, you're saying that 'gravity' is the "god" of the science world?

    Your "gravity-god" is merely a force of nature that was created by God.

    <<look im starting an argument and im not sure i want to,>>

    Well, why don't you make up your mind FIRST?

    <<but if god made one apperance, just one, he could change everyone in the world, done i feel that to believe in someone is to see their ability, i dont go to a car shop without talking to the man doing the work and seeing previous works done>>

    Live under a rock, do you? How can you not possibly know God has already made His appearance. Thousands saw, bore witness - and believed. We have their testimony. And this appearance HAS changed the world!

    Still, obstinate people, like yourself for example, will still choose not to believe even in spite of all the witness testimony that has been passed down through the ages. Ironically, you think you know what you're in control of the situation when you're at the shop, talking to the mechanic about your car. Problem is, if you really were in control, you wouldn't even need the mechanic because you would be able to fix the car yourself.

    Regardless of whatever the mechanic says and whatever he shows you, you STILL have to take HIS WORD on FAITH that he is telling you the TRUTH. And you must freely choose to believe him, strictly on Faith.

    You're no scientist. You didn't make ANY discoveries for yourself. You're simply taking the scientific community ON FAITH that it knows what it's doing. . . and hoping they're right.

    You depend on Faith a lot more than you realize, and yet you chide others for doing just that, simply because they've chosen to invest some of that Faith in God.

  • 9 years ago

    You said"granparents on one side christion and the other are catholic,"

    Your grandparents are Protestant Christians and your other grandparents are Catholic Christians. Catholics are Christians. In fact we were the very first Christians and belong to Jesus Christ's Catholic Church

    God did make an apperance. God came to earth as a baby born of the Virgin Mary,she named Him Jesus. God walked the earth for 33 years and was Crucified and died to save us from going to the depths of hell.

    Catholic Christian †

  • 9 years ago

    But if the bible were written by God would you believe it? People have books and historical artifacts all over the place with inscriptions of names, places and dates and we all take it at face value, but stick Jesus on it and it's never believable. Why?

    So even though there are writings of Jesus being on earth, you still don't believe it. And how many appearances does God have to make? Does he HAVE to appear to everyone in the world once? But then wouldn't people be mad at a God that only shows himself once or even twice? But then if Jesus were on earth all the time for people to see then he wouldn't have been able to die for our sins. So really, God, Jesus, just can't win:(

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  • 9 years ago

    In my opinion a deistic is more probable than the judeo Christian God that many people beleive in. So many contradictions in the Bible historical inconsistency, and characters that hold very similar characteristucs with other religious figures from other theologies (Jesus, horus, Krishna, Buddha,, etc.) But there is also no evidence that supports the existance of any god. Although science doesnt have All the anwers it does have many and renders the existance of a supreme being unnessecary. when I look for evidence of a God, which I have find, there needs to be concrete proof no "accept Jesus in your heart and you will see" bullcrap. Btw there are ten figures that I know of that predate Jesus and hold very similar characteristics. Especially horus. Im atheist in the sense that I dint beleive nor worship anh God but agnostic in the sense that I cannot firmly say there is none. Its just that there is no reason to beleive in one.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm having the religion problem too. But there are some religions where you can believe what you want to believe such as 'Unitarian Universalism'. But honestly i wouldn't choose Christianity, to me a giant man in the sky making a virgin pregnant to have this magical baby just seems like a myth.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    nicely 'dumb' is a undesirable notice yet you may desire to truly be 'ignorant' . even with the undeniable fact that it is mean to remark on your hair. you have been doing a sprint Trolling around ( I don't have something extra effective to accomplish that i've got been on all nighttime and have considered your questions) , and the R&S is a foul place, so don't be shocked. maximum folk are ignorant besides, myself secure, yet take their words as no longer hate yet suggestion. according to probability you may open up and hear somebody different than your pastor or your dad and mom. no could use Latin the two, all of us be attentive to your no longer stupid, verbal abuse isn't 'advert hominem' besides. do no longer concern, human beings don't have something say.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    In my opinion I disagree with religion. I don't believe in god, and if god did exist, it wouldn't be the one described in religious texts. But its not my place to tell someone what to believe, each to their own.

    “We cannot know with certainty if God or Christ exists. They COULD. Then again There COULD be a giant reptilian bird in charge of everything. Can we be CERTAIN there isn’t? NO, so it’s pointless to talk about.”

    Source(s): that last quote was southpark haha
  • 9 years ago

    If God proved Himself to you, would you come to love Him or resent Him?

  • Misty
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    <<but if god made one apperance, just one, he could change everyone in the world>>

    He did. Jesus Christ.

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