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Man works 14 hr days. Wife at home w/kids and does no cleaning or anything. What gives?

He is a semi truck driver, and they have 3 children, 4, 3, & 9 months. She says she works 24/7, but does no housework, no dishes, no laundry, change diapers, sweep, mop, or anything. He comes home exhausted, and she says she needs help and expects him to do these things. She says "F--- you" to him and complains constantly that she needs him to help more. She has depression, but does not want to go to a dr or take pills. What should he do?


I thank you all for all the suggestions, and have looked over what I wrote to check for errors. It seems right to me. She "says" she works 24/7, but that is how one can feel when being at home with the kids.Working up to 14 hours per day truely IS exhausting. (I am not the Dad.) They cannot afford anything but basic expenses. Lettiing her get the job sounds like a good idea. :-). I wll suggest that.

Update 2:

She did not graduate high school, and had a mom who also kept a filthy house. She could not possibly make enough to support them all. I will suggest her getting a job, and them sharing the childcare.

Update 3:

She does not want someone coming in to clean the house. If she got a job, too, then who would be able to clean the house? She tells him "F--- you" in front of the kids. She is at an all time low.

Update 4:

Thanks again for all the help. It's great to have so many views to help. I think I'll go over there today and give her the day off to sleep. I'll take care of the kids and clean up and do some laundry. Her job today will be to relax. She is sick, as you have pointed out and needs a break, and to feel the love. I'll get back to you on here if anyone is interested.

8 Answers

  • Kate
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Having 3 kids that age is going to drive her nuts and will keep her busy the whole time they are awake. I work with pre-school kids and 1 adults to 3 kids is the ratio we keep. We have janitors that clean the school after we are done. Things will get a lot better when the 4 year old is in school full days. If they can afford it, having the three and four year old go to part time daycare will help their socialization and will give the mom a chance to be an adult and not just a mommy machine all the time. If she's happier with her life, she'll be nicer to him. If they can also afford it, having someone come in the to clean once a week or once a month might help. If he isn't willing to pay for some of these things to give her a moment of down time, maybe he should cut down his work hours and help more at home. Alternatively, she could get a job outside the home and he can arrange childcare and they can split all childcare and chores evenly.

    Source(s): If you are the dad, you aren't "babysitting" they are your children too.
  • 9 years ago

    First - get a vasectomy. Seriously. Stop having kids with this woman. If she's too depressed now - having another child isn't going to help...

    Second - ask her to do an exercise...track both of your time for two weeks. Note every day, everything you do and how long it takes...then compare notes at the end of two weeks. Maybe then you'll see why she isn't getting things done and maybe she'll see areas where she can work to get more done. Then - when you are home...find some areas where you can help. Even a load of laundry or two can be very helpful - and you can get your younger ones to help fold it.

    Also, the 3 and 4 year old can help with basic clean up...start them young - start them early on chores. They can help get stuff done.

  • 9 years ago

    I think he should suggest some kind of employment and look into daycare options. She can get out of the house and have more of an independent social life to help with the depression. She is obviously unhappy and a change might be good. A lot of new mothers get depressed and postpartum depression can develop at anytime within a year after childbirth. If she refuses, and he is seriously thinking of divorce, he should really look into compiling evidence so that he gets full custody and she pays the child support.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Tell her that if you can see that she has made an effort to tidy up then you will help but otherwise she can be the one to work and he will do all of the housework. Make her go see the doctor as it is for her own good.

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  • 9 years ago

    Your wife has a serious mental problem. Maybe she is depressed. You would need to get intervention to get her some medical help. It is not normal for her to neglect the children all day or neglect her responsibilities and expect you to do them.

    I pray that you act quickly.

    Source(s): Experience is a good teacher!
  • fizixx
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's impossible to work 24/7

    So...that is just BS ------ understand?

    The rest makes no sense.....I think you need to re-check what you wrote and submit an edit.

  • Ali
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Let me tell you, with serious depression, getting housework done is very very very difficult. Maybe he should offer her an incentive.

  • 9 years ago

    if she realy needs help hire a maid

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