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If Bush screwed things up so bad that Obama can't fix it, shouldn't we elect someone who can?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Despite the rhetoric being gobbled up by the useful idiots on BOTH sides, things really haven't changed.

    THIS is why I can't fathom why ANYBODY (who supposedly hated Bush) would vote for Obama AGAIN:

    Obama signed two extensions of the Patriot Act, signed NDAA into law (allows for indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without charges), assassinated an American citizen (Bush didn't even do this), kept Guantanamo open (after promising to close it in his first year), kept Monsanto people high up in the FDA (Christine Escobar), still raids legal medical marijuana facilities (after saying he would stop this practice), tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan (morphed it from an anti-terror campaign to a nation building campaign), kept Bush's guy running the federal reserve (Seriously...Bush's guy?), helped arm Mexican drug cartels (Operation Fast and Furious), extended the Bush tax cuts, opposed any effort to re-institute Glass-Steagall (which separates commercial from investment banking), mandated all citizens make a purchase from a for-profit company (rehashed REPUB. idea from the early 90s)....

    And then of course there's the kill lists, the PhRMA deal, the drone strikes, the refusal to enforce immigration laws (I mean it's not like Obama is the top law enforcement officer......oh wait), the unwillingness to replace a corrupt and/or inept Attorney General etc. etc


    THIS is why I can't fathom why ANYBODY (who supposedly wants solutions) would vote for Romney and HOPE it works out AGAIN:

    Romney doesn't have an immigration plan, a health care plan, a plan to deal with the fact the global drug war (spearheaded by U.S.) is exacerbating global AIDS/HIV pandemic, he doesn't have a view on monetary policy, he doesn't get specific about what spending he wants to cut, he can't explain how tax cuts across the board will work without those illusive spending cuts, he doesn't have a plan to end the war in Afghanistan, he can't explain exactly what he did at Bain (apparently we're all too stupid to understand), he has trouble differentiating his health care mandate in MA with Obama's (considering his own people helped Obama craft it).

    Source(s): Thinking people should protest this false choice the MSM calls an "election" by "wasting" their vote on a nice 3rd party candidate of their choice.
  • Yes Obama maybe a nice guy and all but he admits he has not been able to fix things it is time to try someone new.

    In baseball when a pitcher can't get the job done they bring in a new pitcher. Nothing against the first pitcher just for what every the reason on that particular day under those particular circumstances he is just not getting it done.

    Time to bring in the reliever

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    He took an economy shrinking at 6% a year and got 13 straight quarters of growth.

    That is fixing the economy. We are on the right track. The only thing wrong is that it is not going fast enough.

  • 9 years ago

    Obama would never make it as a reliever in baseball .. of course things are screwed up .. that is why you were hired !! When the Starter falters .. you are supposed to pick us up.

    @Just me for President 2012 .. great minds think alike, I agree.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No. Let's just listen to 4 more years of Bush's fault, Europe's fault, Congress's fault.

  • 9 years ago

    its really incredible that we have been recovering at all considering these republicans have been doing all they can to keep the economy in the toilet. republicans would have no chance at getting elected if the economy gets better so of course they'll sabotage any efforts to improve anything. these people are total scoundrels.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, we should. Our "saviour" Obama is a horrible reliever.

    As for YOU, September, he's had four years, not six months. So you shut up.

  • 9 years ago

    I haven't seen anyone from the GOP who fits your ideals.

    I'm really surprised we haven't fallen further into Bush's bottomless pit of waste. I'll take this over another wishy-washy career politician and greedy monster like Romney.

  • 9 years ago

    Two things: a) the time frame needed to fix the failures of Republican social, economic, and foreign policy is the issue, b) it is illogical to reelect the party (the Republican party) whose failed ideas lead us into the disaster we face today.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Obama fix anything,ha what a laugh.He needs help getting himself out of a wet paper bag.Good thing he has Michele there to help him.Oh and I forgot they now have Jesus.

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